Or else … You haven’t read The Design of Life.
But first …
A friend draws my attention to “Judgment Day,” an upcoming American Public Broadcasting Service special on the Dover Trial.
In this press release, we learn that Vulcan Productions – which produced the program for PBS –
has long been committed to the subject of evolution and its teaching,” remarked Vulcan Productions Executive Producer, Richard Hutton. “When we co-produced the Evolution series with the WGBH Science Unit in 2001, we set out to bring the richness of Darwin’s theory to life.”
Well, sure, believers have been recruited to front Darwin.
The part that intrigued me was NOVA Senior Executive Producer Paula S. Apsell’s comment: “Evolution is one of the most essential and least understood of all scientific theories, the foundation of biological science.”
What on earth does she mean?
Darwin’s theory (the one she fronts) says that life goes from goo to zoo to you in a zillion easy steps.
Mind? Nada. Purpose? Nada. Direction? Nada.
Your ancestors won the war against lesser apes. Period.
Why is Darwin’s theory supposed to be “least understood”? Is it really less understood than relativity? Than quantum mechanics ? Than Maxwell’s equations ?
I submit that Darwin’s theory is quite well understood. By billions of people. It just isn’t believed.
And that’s for good reasons. Many of the reasons will be set out in a book about to be released – The Design of Life by Bill Dembski and Jonathan Wells.
About that, ID theorist and biochemist Michael Behe has said,
When future intellectual historians list the books that toppled Darwin’s theory, Design of Life will be at the top.
Briefly, for now: The universe does show detectible evidence of meaning, purpose, and design. Lots of it.
But most people who are reading this post are forced to pay taxes to jurisdictions where it would be illegal to discuss that fact in a public school system. And money is given to public broadcasting systems that promote the opposite view.
I guess PBS is hoping that, if it fronts Darwinism energetically enough, the universe will come around to its view.
Finnish school shooter was convinced social Darwinist
Scientists terrified that people don’t trust them?
Update!: O’Leary responds to those who claim to be “offended” by mention of social Darwinism’s role in Finnish school shootings.