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The immune cells, it turns out, have secret police

structure of an animal cell/royroydeb (CC BY-SA 4.0)

“Natural killer cells” roam the body, demanding that other cells produce evidence of good faith—otherwise, they kill them:

In general, two things must happen before an NK cell attacks a target cell: (1) It must receive an activating signal from a body cell that says, “Kill me!” (2) It must not receive an inhibitory signal that says, “Wait, don’t kill me!” This inhibitory signal is essentially a proper “ID card” known as a major histocompatibility complex I (MHC I) protein. When a body cell shows the NK cell this identification, the NK cell is temporarily satisfied and moves on to the next cell. If the next cell is not able to provide an MHC I molecule (or provides one that is otherwise “incorrect,”), it is assumed to be cancerous or virus-infected and is killed.

Demonstrating just how important NK cells are, epidemiological studies have shown that people who lack them are more susceptible to certain types of cancer. Furthermore, when a cell becomes cancerous, it develops ways to avoid the immune system, and evasion of NK cells is one mechanism by which they accomplish this.Alex Berezow, “Natural Killer Cells: Fighting Cancer With The ‘Secret Police’” at American Council on Science and Health

Intelligence is everywhere in nature yet somehow it doesn’t exist, right?

Intelligence was here from the beginning but it somehow also evolved over billions of years by Darwinian means (natural selection acting on random mutations)

And we are to “trust science” despite what we see and hear! Maybe that’s the take-home point.

Would an ID perspective do better against cancer? Could the lack of it be slowing cancer research? Maybe cancer needs to be outsmarted rather than outgunned.

Before you go: DNA uses “climbers’ ropes method” to keep tangles at bay It all just swished into place among unthinking cells billions of yours ago. Otherwise we wouldn’t be here. Go tell it on the mountain.

DNA as a laster of resource recycling

The amazing energy efficiency of cells: A science writer compares the cell to human inventions and finds that it is indeed amazingly energy-efficient.

In addition to DNA, our cells have an instruction language written in sugar Of course it all just tumbled into existence and “natural selection” somehow organized everything. As if.

Cells find optimal solutions. Not just good ones.

Researchers build “public library” to help understand photosynthesis

Wait. “The part of the plant responsible for photosynthesis is like a complex machine made up of many parts, … ” And machines just happen all by themselves, right? There is no information load to account for; it just evolved by natural selection acting on random mutation the way your Android did!

In Nature: Cells have “secret conversations” We say this a lot: That’s a lot of information to have simply come into being by natural selection acting on random mutation (Darwinism). It’s getting not only ridiculous but obviously ridiculous.

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Researchers: Helpful gut microbes send messages to their hosts If the strategy is clearly identified, they should look for non-helpful microbes that have found a way to copy it (horizontal gene transfer?)

Cells and proteins use sugars to talk to one another Cells are like Neanderthal man. They get smarter every time we run into them. And just think, it all just tumbled into existence by natural selection acting on random mutations (Darwinism) too…

Researchers: First animal cell was not simple; it could “transdifferentiate” From the paper: “… these analyses offer no support for the homology of sponge choanocytes and choanoflagellates, nor for the view that the first multicellular animals were simple balls of cells with limited capacity to differentiate.”

“Interspecies communication” strategy between gut bacteria and mammalian hosts’ genes described

Researchers: Cells Have A Repair Crew That Fixes Local Leaks

Researchers: How The Immune System “Thinks”

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Researcher: Mathematics Sheds Light On “Unfathomably Complex” Cellular Thinking

How do cells in the body know where they are supposed to be?

Researchers A Kill Cancer Code Is Embedded in Every Cell

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Jawa, Don’t hold your breath. That may not happen. Those objectors mainly whine about OP titles or specific words, but rarely engage in serious discussions on real scientific topics. This OP doesn’t seem to be attractive to them, because it’s an obvious evidential support for complex functional specified information in biology. They’d rather stay away from this kind of stuff. They can’t take so much heat in a discussion. Their arguments are usually repetitive and irrelevant, ie. lack substance. They dwell in the Norwegian fjords and go out in the darkness As Professor John Lennox said, they’re afraid of the light.PeterA
May 23, 2019
12:07 PM
Maybe some of the objectors in KF’s latest discussion would come to whine here too? :)jawa
May 23, 2019
04:58 AM

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