From James Delingpole at Breitbart:
Professor Garth Paltridge, formerly a chief scientist with Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Division of Atmospheric Research, says that the behavior of certain members of the climate science establishment is “seriously threatening the public’s perception of the professionalism of scientists in general.”
Many climate scientists are much less sure about man-made global warming than they will admit in public, he says. But rather than reach out to skeptics in order to open up the debate and explore the uncertainties, they have instead closed ranks and rubbished anyone who disagrees with themMore.
Many people are perceptive enough to see when a given position signals virtue well beyond the evidence that undergirds it. That fact, unfortunately, plays games with stakeholders’ minds. They feel entitled to the halo and they use it to thwack people and bodies of fact that they should confront.
See also: “Burning” climate change dissenters
Can Climate Scientists Do Climate Science? (PaV)