There are two and only two options with respect to the origin of the universe.
1. An infinite regress of dependent existence.
2. The universe was caused by “that beyond which nothing can be reduced,” to use Dr. Roy Clouser’s definition of God.
More familiar terms for these categories are (1) an infinite regress of contingent causes; and (2) one necessary cause.
Science demonstrates that option 1 is false. The universe had a discrete beginning at the event popularly known as the “big bang.”
Since option 1 is false, it follows that option 2 is true.
All scientific conclusions are provisional. Therefore, this proof does not work to demonstrate the existence of God as a logical certainty. It does demonstrate, however, that if the standard model of cosmology is true, it follows from that truth that God exists.
What about Stephen Hawking’s recent proclamation that we can do without God, you might ask. To which I respond that I can imagine a conversation between God and Dr. Hawking that goes something like this:
Hawking: “I can demonstrate that the big bang happened without you.
God: OK; take your best shot.
Hawking: “Because we have gravity . . .
God: Wait!
Hawking: What?
God: Get your own gravity.