But how different is that from being closer than ever to squaring the circle?
So says Peter Woit at Not Even Wrong, here:
This week’s string theory hype comes to us from USC physicists Clifford Johnson and Nick Warner, courtesy of the USC press office (see here and here). It’s garden variety hype of this kind, exactly the same claims about strings and extra dimensions that were being made thirty years ago. There’s no acknowledgement these haven’t gone anywhere, instead we’re “closer than ever to an answer”.
When the question of testability comes up, the multiverse is not invoked as an excuse. Instead, it seems that dark matter is going to provide the test: …
Well, dark matter could provide a lot of answers perhaps, if we can find any.
But getting the multiverse out of the picture is a step forward, perhaps? The multiverse isn’t testable, let alone falsifiable.
There is reason to believe we might detect dark matter. And if we do but it doesn’t support string theory, well so much the worse for string theory.
Note to staff: Give those Boltzmann brains to the Thrift, next time the fellow is by.
See also: Assuming that evidence still matters, what does it say?
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