Here’s a Discovery Institute podcast:
On this episode of ID The Future, CSC’s Casey Luskin interviews Rodney LeVake, the plaintiff in the Academic Freedom court case LeVake vs. Independent School District #656. LeVake, a former high school biology teacher, informally expressed doubts about evolution to a colleague who then reported him to the principal. LeVake ended up losing his biology position, not because he taught creationism or intelligent design, but merely because he expressed reservations about evolution to a colleague. Listen as he tells his story of clear academic persecution.
Huh? Why isn’t this happening in Canada? I thought we had cornered the Western world market on suppression of thought and speech.
Oh but wait! Here in Canada we actually have a government department, the Canadian Human Rights Commission, whose employees post racist and homophobic garbage on Web sites and then get anyone who responds charged.
So relax, Canucks,we’re still ahead of the Yanks in the “tax-supported goofs + goons” department. Sigh. Guess traditional Canadians like me should continue to check out the latest fashions in bags to wear over one’s head …. or else get serious about fixing the problem (which I am, believe me).
Meanwhile, here are the latest posts at Colliding Universes, my blog about competing theories of our universe:
Origin of life: But is being greedy enough?
Large Hadron Collider: Experiments underway
Podcast: The argument from design in cosmology
The truth hurts … and it can leave you seeing stars, too …
The nothingness of nothing … as seen by scientists, philosophers, and others
Physics: No escape from philosophy through equations?
Does our solar system occupy a unique position in the universe, or just an ordinary one?
Extraterrestrials: Several million UFO reports later … the state of the question
More demolition teams trying to blow up the Big Bang
Do you have time to hear about some new theories … of time?
Now, if the butterflies would just appear out of nowhere …
Chaos theorists stumped by butterfly effect?
Solar system: Ours is special, researchers say
Aussie PM: Cosmic order proves God exists
Origin of life: Ah, that “just so happens” series of intermediate chemical steps ..
Physicist realizes that there is more to nature than materialist atheism can explain
Rehabilitating the idea of creation – Big Bang cosmology