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The challenges that materialist atheism cannot face effectively


Our own Gil Dodgen has written some interesting posts on how he ceased to be an atheist, and now I see that columnist Frank Pastore weighs in on the same theme. He lists four challenges to atheism, as follows:

1. Origin of the universe

2. Origin of life

3. Origin of the mind

4. Origin of morality

What I found while researching By Design or by Chance? and The Spiritual Brain is not that materialists have no answers but that their answers are based mainly on promissory materialism (hey folks, we’re still working on it. Give us another few centuries …), when they are not based on merely suppressing dissent or promoting foolish ideas to the popular science media.

Anyway, Pastore advises,

Since the pre-Socratics, atheists have been intellectual parasites living off the host of Western Civilization. Able to con-struct so very little of their own that is either true, good, or beautiful, they live on the borrowed capital of their believing intellectual parents. Atheists have been asserting the same basic mechanistic worldview, and with roughly the same suc-cess, for centuries. They sell books and win converts from time to time, sure, especially among those gullible enough to buy the “just popped” thesis. Don’t be gullible.

 I’d be interested to hear Gil’s reaction.

The thing to keep in mind though, it seems to me, is that the materialist/Darwinist will always come up with an explanation within his system – in the same way and for the same reasons as the Marxist could always come up with an explanation within his system for any given fact.

For example, according to evolutionary psychologists, religion is and is not adaptive – both points of view can be maintained within evolutionary psychology quite comfortably, even though they cancel each other out and imply that the discipline - if discipline it is - is not capable of discovering basic, definite information about the origin of religion.

The only point of view that cannot be maintained within standard evolutionary psychology is that religion is evidence of transcendence – that is, it arose because, at one time or another, people really did contact a reality behind the universe.

I am hardly surprised to learn that dying de-spiritualized religious denominations have been flirting with evolutionary psychology; it’s only useful function, so far as I can see, is as a sort of humane lethal injection that puts such institutions out of their collective misery before they mislead anyone else about the nature of spiritual experience. The would-be remaining congregants would invariably be better off somewhere else anyway.

 UPDATE: I can’t bring myself to make this a regular post, so I have simply added it to this post. Go here to get some idea of what Darwinian biology, pursued seriously, can lead to. (Thanks to John A. Davison, a sometimes-banned commenter here at Uncommon Descent, for letting us know.) – Denyse

Here are some of my recent posts on related subjects at the Post-Darwinist and the Mindful Hack :

Denyse O’ Leary’s take on the Economist’s recent relatively reasonable piece on the growing globalization of intelligent design advocacy: I know no reason to think that the elite Economistas are particularly happy with the grassroots uprising against radical materialism, but one really remarkable thing about both this article and Patricia Cohen’s account of a recent debate between conservatives in The New York Times is the slow decline in language bias. Has it begun to dawn on some newsrooms that Darwinism really is a problem and that intelligent design is not going away?

Denyse O’Leary’s take on the media significance of the fact that Michael Behe was asked to write the entry for Richard Dawkins in Time 100.

Pope Benedict vs. a chance origin of the universe – lines from an early lecture.

Why there is no compatibility between traditional communities of any kind and accounts of spiritual beliefs derived from Darwinism.

A most interesting survey of views in evolutionary psychology on religious belief makes quite clear that there is NO room in the evo psycho paradigm for the view that spirituality relates to any fact about the universe. Hence the folly of trying to get traditional communities to support Darwinian evolution. .

On language and mystical experience: can language tell us what is real?

A Washington Post article reveals that 53 percent of university profs have unfavorable feelings toward evangelicals. Is that partly because so many doubt Darwin? (This one is at Access Research Network.)

Atheists in this post seem to misunderstand the point. These 4 points are not (in this form) the evidence for God, actually this is a challenge to atheism. What does that mean? Atheists always claim to be reasonable and scientific, yet on what basis are they so SURE that there is no God when such great gaps in our knowledge exist? On what basis do they rule out the existence of a god? Couldn't it be that a god(s) really exist and are really the causes of these points? One can dismiss that as "God-of-the-gaps" argument, but how can you know that a god doesn't exist in these gaps? No way to know. Thus even if somebody doesn't want to believe in God, he shouldn't be Dawkins/Harris/Dennet-type, claiming that he KNOWS that God doesn't exist. Being agnostic seems more honest to me. Now regarding these 4 points, they are IMO strong positive evidence for God, but they need to be re-formulated. For example, it's not enough to say that "we don't know the origin of the universe". This needs to be formulated in terms of the Kalam Cosmological Argument (Dr. William Lane Craig comes to mind :)) And regarding the origin of life, also it's not enough to say "we don't know how life originated". We need to say that life is very complex, actually Irreducibly Complex and needs many many parts and systems to be there at once. Also the DNA is "far, far more complex" than any software we have ever made. We have never seen such systems originate without Intelligent causes, and we have never seen life comes out from no-life. And so on.IDist
May 7, 2007
05:29 AM
“What findings in the 19th and 20th century have removed God as the cause for natural phenomena?” Only “wishful” thinking by atheists.shaner74
May 7, 2007
04:24 AM
I think one of the best responses to Materialism I have read is in the opening of William James' "Varieties of Religious Experience." He argues essentially that if there is a physical substrate for all our thoughts/experiences then this applies to materialism as well. Is materialism a result of a liver producing too much of a particular enzyme or the influx of a certain neurotransmitter? Given the materialist's starting point the answer must be something like one of the former. But, of course, then materialism would not be a set of propositions explaining the nature of reality. It is this sort of dilemma that seems to effectively halt materialism as a reflective explanation of the way things are.JT75
May 7, 2007
03:35 AM
"It seems, unfortunately, little evidence exists for the “Ghost in the Machine” notion. Remove the human brain from its casing, and it appears that the Holy Ghost or whatnot is not found floating from the skull case to the Heavens." This is just ridicule dressed up in smarmy sarcasm dripping with contempt. Truth is if there is a Creator, you would not know fully even now how the Creator would communicate with us in unseen ways or in how our entire lives might be captured into a process that allows for full review. If one truly wants to look to the future, then one accepts that future robots can have all actions and processes stored, transferred and reviewed. In fact, all the data can even be "mirrowed" at storage sites already half way around the globe. The problem with athiest sometimes is they think to small, not that they think grand enough. An intelligent being capable of creating earth and all we see including us, is capable of fully recording, influencing and watching all that we are. Before the radio, etc., people would be freaked out to know thousands of voices, data, etc., are carried thru unseen waves all around us. Our brain is nothing but a continuous flux of electrical synapses exchaning information. Information like this can be manipulated via forces as we know. As humanity grows in scientific prowess it will learn how to retrieve the data and thought patterns, pictures from our brains. If in fact, we can retreive this information in the future, then certainly so can a Creator. And if we can eventually retreive it, we can "subliminally" coerce it, change it, and direct it. I honestly don't see how this is a big a deal to think of regarding a supremely intelligent being. Considering how fact information transfer is exponentially arising around the world. Images stored in our brain are certainly retrievable in the future. So is every single thought we had since childhood. Everyone think back to when you were 5 or 6, learning ABCs. Anyone not remember something in your childhood? Is there any doubt that such memories cannot be accessed in the future? What of traumatic experiences? What if we could erase them?Michaels7
May 7, 2007
02:18 AM
Borne said: "Atheists want something physical view or proof of God. They want something they will not get." Exactly. If atheists cannot see, hear, taste, smell or touch God, God cannot and doesn't exist. That's the problem with atheists. They demand a tangible God or they equate tangibility with existence. If X is not tangible (can be seen, smelled, tasted, touched or heard) it cannot exist. Hence, even if nature is screaming of an Intelligent Source, that Intelligent Source still doesn't exist because he cannot be tasted, smelled, touched, seen or heard.skwayred
May 7, 2007
12:23 AM
"But that the universe is not eternal has already been scientifically proven." And even if the universe were eternal, that would in no way negate that its existence could only be explained in terms of something commonly referred to as God. If the material universe is uncaused, eternal, self-existing then it has properties far stranger than we normally attribute to matter, and we may as well revise our materialism to accommodate it. The very fact of existence is surely the deepest mystery of God's nature and the strongest argument for theism. So if we decide that matter is eternal, we have essentially called it divine, and then we can begin to ask, so what properties does this divine matter have? Maybe consciousness? Sooner or later we will come full circle - existence itself is a divine mystery pure materialism cannot answer or satisfy.avocationist
May 7, 2007
12:02 AM
Pastore has missed the point. Atheists face these challenges by saying "we don't know". There will always be questions that we have not yet answered and there may be questions that we are incapable of answering, just as my dog will never do calculus. Atheism is just as honest and effective way of facing the challenge as calling upon one of the many divinities that people have believed in over the ages.markf
May 6, 2007
11:04 PM
BrianG, I think the contempt for atheists here is for the likes of Dawkins and Dennett and a few others who are particularly obnoxious. Personally, I find atheism a stupid position but I do not have contempt for those who claim they espouse it. I know several people who say they are atheists and many are nice people. I just think they are ignorant and careless in their thinking. The four things that Pastore discusses is part of that irrationality. The incredibly low improbability of each of the four is what strikes me. I have seen no answer from an atheist or scientist as to how any of them could have arisen naturally. Until that time a likely and maybe the best inference for their origin is an intelligence. Whether we call that intelligence God or what is the nature of that intelligence is certainly debatable. The resort to the "God of the gaps" statement is an example of the usual ignorance that is displayed. When was the last time that a large number of learned people invoked God as having an active role in natural world for some phenomena and later had to retract it. It is a silly argument to use since it doesn't apply to anything of recent science. But like robots people keep bringing it up. It is one of the cliché answers that people are fed to try and refute ID. It is nearly 200 years since it has had any meaning. What findings in the 19th and 20th century have removed God as the cause for natural phenomena? By the way there is nothing in science that has removed God as the potential creator of the universe, life, consciousness and morality. Science may be able to explain how each works but it hasn't a clue as to how each originated. ID is more focused on the first two but the last two are interesting issues also.jerry
May 6, 2007
10:08 PM
Atheism is a system of denials of reality. It is tantamount to intellectual suicide. Nothing in atheism can be proven. Atheists are always claiming, in their defense, "you can't prove a negative" - i.e. you can't prove, in their case, there is no god. Fine. Stop right there and then realize that if you can't prove prove atheism's base statement, then atheism is based upon nothing logical. The are zero proofs available for "no god" claims. But everything that exists can be used as a foundation for inferring the existence of a supreme intelligence behind nature. A hard line atheist says, "there is no god." Yet knows he has no evidence for this - therefore he believes without evidence. It's called blind faith. Of course they always come back with idiocies like, "can't prove there are no invisible pink unicorns either so they must exist too?" Well 1st, it is easy to prove there are no invisible pink unicorns (or flying SMs). The point is not "prove a negative" the point is that if one can't prove a negative then one has no grounds for claiming the negative in a positive way - that's all. So real atheism cannot logically exist in a well reasoning mind. Sooner or later the inherent contradictions become conscious. Plato said, "Atheism is a disease of the soul before it becomes an error of understanding....." Even Voltaire stated, "The atheists are for the most part imprudent and misguided scholars who reason badly who, not being able to understand the Creation, the origin of evil, and other difficulties, have recourse to the hypothesis the eternity of things and of inevitability....." Atheism is founded upon nothing more than a wish that there be no God. (crucify Him! it says, but in milder terms.) "He must pull out his own eyes, and see no creature, before he can say, he sees no God; He must be no man, and quench his reasonable soul, before he can say to himself, there is no God." John Donne Indeed, atheism is a pretense of a universe uncreated. But that the universe is not eternal has already been scientifically proven. To sustain the belief that there is no God, atheism has to demonstrate infinite knowledge, which is tantamount to saying, "I have infinite knowledge that there is no being in existence with infinite knowledge" Atheism is living without ultimate purpose, without moral foundations and with nothing by which to define oneself. So where is the logic behind atheism? The religious (or metaphysical) implications of the Big Bang theory are so obvious that the editor of Science magazine, a few years back, called for scientists to come up with a better theory, stating he didn't like the religious implications of the Big Bang! Some atheists of course may indeed be merely deceived or confused by the false logic they were led to accept under the influence of other atheistic institutions (public school system), persons, philosophies etc.. But in fact, nothing is more reasonable or universally witnessed as the perpetual world wide, ages old, belief in a deity. In fact this belief is so prevalent that it itself is evidence of the fact - thus transferring the burden of proof on the atheists shoulders! Atheism, contrary to popular atheist beliefs, has no reasonable grounds other than mere denial. Someone said, "A disbelief in God does not result in a belief in nothing; disbelief in God usually results in a belief in anything." They were right. "Anything" being a universe with no cause (thus events with no causes), life came of few unknown chemical reactions in an unknown atmosphere through unknown means, reproduced itself and changed itself by unknown processes, the order of the universe is uncanny but just a coincidence, alien life can be discovered through artificial, intelligently designed radio signals but design can't be detected in biological systems.... The list is long and pathetic to a reasoning mind. Relativism is atheisms only recourse. Yet relativism itself, by it's own premise, must be relative! Meaning, "If it's true, it cannot be true". Pure nonsense. This is the post-modern mind's intrinsic stupidity. The best that can be done is agnosticism. Kant argued that we had to postulate the existence of God because, otherwise, it wasn't possible to make any sense out of science or morality. "You think you are too intelligent to believe in God. I am not like you." -- Napoleon Bonaparte Atheists want something physical view or proof of God. They want something they will not get. It's like demanding the author of a book to show you where he is in his book. Think about it. Atheism thus, as a concept, should not even exist, given the data and the existence of logical absolutes. All well reasoning atheists end up theists sooner or later.Borne
May 6, 2007
09:55 PM
“And finally, why the contempt for atheists?” For me personally, I wouldn’t call it contempt, but more of a feeling of utter disbelief when I witness atheists scream and yell as though they have the right to believe that anything in this universe matters, which runs contrary to their own philosophy. I sometimes wonder if atheists/materialists have ever bothered to think their own beliefs through.shaner74
May 6, 2007
09:00 PM
BrianG said: “What I see here is a group of people glorifying ignorance and unknowns as support for their religious beliefs (best embodied in Shaner’s comment “They haven’t addressed the big questions. They never will. Time to move on.”). I wouldn’t be surprised if most of you wouldn’t want scientists to find definitive, undeniable, natural explanations for any of these things as it would shrink the ignorance on which your faith apparently thrives.” I want scientists working on the big questions. What I do not want is a promise these answers will be found, and “rest assured” the answer will be in step with materialist dogma. It’s a good thing atheists/materialists do not glorify “unknowns” to support their religious beliefs. Instead they provide tangibles such as m-theory! The hypocrisy is appalling.shaner74
May 6, 2007
08:52 PM
I’d be interested to hear Gil’s reaction.
I'll be happy to write on this subject in the near future, but I'm currently very busy with work, tasked with translating and modifying a computer program written in Pascal which will (hopefully) enable our company to simulate parachute deployments and develop parachute systems that can rescue aircraft from catastrophic failures, and thus save lives. In the meantime you might like to check out one of my early mentors, yet another person who was instrumental in my conversion from atheism. His name is Dennis Prager, and I used to listen to him frequently on the radio back in my atheist days. Dennis is a religious Jew, and one of the best apologists for the Judeo-Christian tradition I have ever met. Dennis once commented that Judeo-Christian values, that underpinned Western civilization for centuries, were like a flower that had been uprooted in the 20th century from the soil that nurtured it. Once uprooted from that soil it began to wither, and it will eventually die without that nourishment. Thus, I agree with Pastore: Atheists in our Western culture are parasites on thousands of years of Judaism and Christianity. The sad part is, they don't have a clue that this is the case.GilDodgen
May 6, 2007
08:44 PM
"3. Origin of the mind" I would put it as the "Origin of the cognitive-ego" for a much more full description. If you are nothing more than the result of an impersonal universe, then 'you' are nothing more than a cog in the machine of that impersonal universe, and thus, 'you' are in fact, an illusion. However, that would also mean that 'your' thoughts are also illusions (being the results of hard determinism), and thus, the very belief that 'you' are an illusion is also an illusion and so on and so forth. Reductio ad absurdum. This can't be solved by simply doing more science. If everything is made of matter, then quite simply, everything is materially caused. "Emergence" is deductively impossible. As Victor Reppert noted, it would be like trying to create a 3-dimensional object by drawing 2-dimensional lines on a flat piece of paper. In fact, this problem not only necessitates mind/body dualism. It also necessitates full-blown Theism. All other religious systems, whether it is pantheism, materialism, polytheism, dualism, Plato's Platonism, Pantheism, Panpsychism, etc. believe that the universe is at base impersonal and that everything else originated through its purposeless happenings. All of these result in the above mentioned dialectical tension between the cognitive ego and the impersonal happenings of an impersonal universe. The only way to get rid of the dialectical tension is to presuppose a personal beginning to the universe with the Person having no beginning from impersonality (otherwise the problem would start all over again). Theism must be the case from the impossibility of the contrary.Ryan
May 6, 2007
07:56 PM
To the atheists complaining about the harsh treatment in the OP: The criticism is strongest against atheist materialism, not atheism. Materialism just doesn't seem to have all the answers - you can be an atheist and not a materialist, after all. As for Babinski, the idea that there is no correspondence between the material and the immaterial is not part of any dualism I've read; They'd hardly be surprised to find such. You don't need to be a materialist to be aware of, and give credit to, the material. I think this post shows a lot of misunderstanding, but mostly in the tweaked responses rather than in what Denyse has said.nullasalus
May 6, 2007
06:55 PM
For what it's worth, I try very hard to keep the discussions on the threads I moderate at the Panda's Thumb civil and constructive.Jack Krebs
May 6, 2007
06:36 PM
Brian G. writes "...why the contempt for atheists? THe comments about them here are seething with hatred." I agree with you that contempt for the opinions of others is not helpful or productive. On the other hand, you are clearly more intimate with hyperbole than with hatred. If you would like to experience hatred seething out of nearly every comment, I would invite you to join the "discussions" over at Panda's Thumb. Fun stuff.tinabrewer
May 6, 2007
06:12 PM
Just occurred to me: atheism is like "Waiting for Godot". Always arriving, never arrived.geoffrobinson
May 6, 2007
05:38 PM
How about immaterial laws of logic and universals? Concepts and abstractions are crucial to rationality and they are IMMATERIAL. That's a problem for the materialist. The law of non-contradiction isn't orbiting Jupiter. Furthermore, if nothing is sustaining the universe, why don't the laws of nature change?geoffrobinson
May 6, 2007
05:20 PM
I fail to see how this list is a challenge to atheism. Challenges to science, yes, but atheism? To be an atheist isn't to say that you have all the answers. Rather, it is saying that based on the knowledge one has available to them, the existence of a divine being seems more unlikely than likely. I don't know of an atheist who claims their position doesn't take any faith, but rather less faith than believing there is a divine being. What I see here is a group of people glorifying ignorance and unknowns as support for their religious beliefs (best embodied in Shaner's comment "They haven’t addressed the big questions. They never will. Time to move on."). I wouldn't be surprised if most of you wouldn't want scientists to find definitive, undeniable, natural explanations for any of these things as it would shrink the ignorance on which your faith apparently thrives. Also, this post is just one big "god is in the gaps" yelp which has, historically, proven to be a very, very poor argument as these gaps continue to become smaller and smaller. At one time the sun rising, the earth shaking, and sickness were all inexplicable without referring to the gods. Now we know better... right? There are many things for you to base your faith on. Relying on blank spots in our knowledge of how the world works seems a particularly backward and weak foundation. And finally, why the contempt for atheists? The comments about them here are seething with hatred.BrianG
May 6, 2007
04:11 PM
6) the origin of the laws of logic. How is it that in a materialistic universe, not subject to a Personal Mind, can we have abstract absolute laws of logic? (The Law of non-contradiction, etc, etc) Where do these laws come from?Mats
May 6, 2007
03:40 PM
I think you are missing something crucial in your list. 5) Origin of rational laws As I understand it, we cannot simply state that the revelaed universe to us will continue to be rational. This takes faith, or "promisary materialism". However, faith doesn't make it true as many point out. However, there are many dedicated to revealing these rational laws- and yet it seems like there is no basis for it- other than that there are rational laws. I am not sure what point I am trying to make here, but I think you all understand. I once heard a Buddhist posit the problem like this: "The problem theists have with pain and suffering is akin to the problem [materialist] atheists have with the origin of the universe."bork
May 6, 2007
03:19 PM
Devils' Advocate Soapbox time again: Points 1) and 2) are likely physically impossible to know completely. Points 3) and 4) are being worked on. And yes, it might take a while. But some are closing in rapidly. It seems, unfortunately, little evidence exists for the "Ghost in the Machine" notion. Remove the human brain from its casing, and it appears that the Holy Ghost or whatnot is not found floating from the skull case to the Heavens. Is human thought/choice/morality--- all just a brain chemicals, then? Well, Michael Shermer for one has written extensively on this, and he's more pleasant than some due to his avuncular, congenial style in explaining materialist science on the evolution of both mind and morals. Edward Babinski is a nice enough chap if you care to query him. His critique of C.S. Lewis' notions about Induction(Lewis' idea that in humans decision making coming from materialist evolution is self-contradictory--since this would allegedly mean certain conclusions are predetermined, and thus no proposition could rest on its OWN truthfulness, qua truth, but rather an evolutionary statement) are devastating, to say the least. Call it, if you will, the Babinski Reflex? Ed asks all manner of nasty, embarrassing questions for the Induction Dualist thinkers. For example, do animals have some kind of "in between" induction process that allows THEM to escape predetermined ideas and "make proposition statements"? Of course not. Absurd. Now, Induction is only indirectly an argument for the existence of Intelligent Design. Only via default, as supposedly it was the death knell for materialist notions of mind, since the argument goes that only via "Induction" can we make decisions about the world around us and test if certain notions hold fast, and Induction is not something the mind COULD be programmed to do via mechanistic processes that are blind to "end purposes. But see also below links that point to some disturbing new research on the brain. Is faith merely a cascade of chemicals that evolved to make us feel good? What about morality? What about simply human consciousness? Is that fiction also? Seems that at least morals and conscious decision-making are not just genetically based, but (further insulting to all Christians--not just conservative ones) it seems traditional "choice" arenas (like sexual orientation)are pre-determined in the womb (and can be tested for!)thoughts/morals/actions/desires/faith/understanding/insight---all are altered for those with certain kinds of brain injuries. Conclusion? So simple as to confound. Almost Zen-like: If morals/decision-making can be altered from a structural change, then clearly the origin of these notions is grounded materially, and has little to do with "free will" (at least, as we know the term), but rather PREset. Said one researcher in an interview, "free choice" is something that is real only in the sense that it is experienced, but has no true conscious reality other than what the brain decides at an unconscious level for you to hash over. It is mere illusion and sleight of hand evolved to help us survive rough spots and maintain composure in stressful times, but for most of us choices are actually preset in life. Thus for example in one experiment researchers at one lab were able to determine a test participant's next choice even before he/she made it by using a device that watches for changes in patterns in the brain. Patterns that were all too predictable, it seems. Morality and thought are STRUCTURAL in the brain, not a "notion" or mystical-based ethereal quality that is taught so much as it is experienced from the physical mind itself. Also check out evidences the neurological basis of religious belief, or just spirituality. Neurological input on this.....anyone? First in Fun, --Wakefield Tolbert Atlanta, GeorgiaS Wakefield Tolbert
May 6, 2007
03:15 PM
"1. Origin of the universe 2. Origin of life 3. Origin of the mind 4. Origin of morality" I'm really so sick of atheists claiming theirs is not a "faith" That position is really so full of cr*p it stinks. They haven't addressed the big questions. They never will. Time to move on. They've kidnapped science and forced it to do their bidding long enough.shaner74
May 6, 2007
02:46 PM
Don't want to go too far more off topic, but in addition to Evolution, Design and Guitars, there's: Faith, Evolution, and Programming Languages From Google no less.EndoplasmicMessenger
May 6, 2007
02:06 PM
These 4 points hit like a sledge hammer. It just shows that the atheist faith really is a faith of monumental proportions! 1. Origin of the universe 2. Origin of life 3. Origin of the mind 4. Origin of moralityRobo
May 6, 2007
01:00 PM
Sort of OFF TOPIC: Didn't know where else to put this. ---------------------------------- Interestingly, premier electric guitar innovator "Parker Guitars" (of luthier Ken Parker) has launched an ad campaign for their guitars using the ID vs evolution paradigm. A debate forum was set up to discuss the design/evolution of the electric guitar. Not surprisingly the forum tends to spiral into the biological world and the Darwinist guitarists are faithfully spouting, according to their media brainwashing that ID is just religion in disguise. Yes the controversy has influenced even the American the musical instrument industry (luthiers are instrument design engineers). Somehow I get the feeling that someone at Parker, whose innovations in guitar design have been intelligently thought out, has a leaning towards ID, since their guitars are indeed intelligently designed. See: Parker Guitars (put on your reading glasses - the print is soooo small)Borne
May 6, 2007
10:28 AM
How the consciousness relates to the body has two prevailing schools of thought challenging each other for the right to be called the truth. The first school of thought is Theistic in its philosophy; consciousness is a independent and separable entity from the brain. This school of thought implies it is possible to live beyond the of our brains. The second school of thought is Materialistic in its philosophy; consciousness is an dependent and inseparable product of the brain. This school of thought implies we die when the brain dies. Knowledge has recently come to light, establishing the first school of thought as the truth. Neuro-physiological (brain/body) research is now being performed, using a new scientific tool, trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). This tool allows scientists to study the brain non-invasively. TMS can excite or inhibit normal electrical activity in specific parts of the brain, depending on the amount of energy administered by TMS. This tool allows scientists to pinpoint what is happening in different regions of the brain (functional mapping of the brain). TMS is wide-ranging in its usefulness; allowing the study of brain/muscle connections, the five senses, language, the patho-physiology of brain disorders, as well as mood disorders, such as depression. TMS may even prove to be useful for therapy for such brain disorders. TMS also allows the study of how memories are stored. The ability of TMS for inhibiting (turning off) specific portions of the brain is the very ability which reveals things that are very illuminating to the topic we are investigating. When the electromagnetic activity of a specific portion of the brain is inhibited by the higher energies of TMS, it impairs the functioning of the particular portion of the body associated with the particular portion of the brain being inhibited. For example; when the visual cortex (a portion of the brain) is inhibited by higher energies of TMS, the person undergoing the procedure will temporarily become blind while it is inhibited. One notable exception to this "becoming impaired rule" is a person's memory. When the elusive "memory" portion of the brain is inhibited, a person will have a vivid flashback of a past part of their life. This very odd "amplification" of a memory indicates this fact; memories are stored in the “spiritual” consciousness independent of the brain. All of the bodies other physical functions which have physical connections in the brain are impaired when their corresponding portion of the brain loses its ability for normal electromagnetic activity. One would very well expect memories to be irretrievable from the brain if they were physically stored. Yet memories are vividly brought forth into consciousness when their corresponding locations in the brain are temporarily inhibited. This indicates that memories are somehow stored on a non-physical basis, separate from the brain in the "spiritual" consciousness. Memory happens to be a crucially integrated part of any thinking consciousness. This is true, whether or not consciousness is physically or spiritually-based. Where memory is actually located is a sure sign of where the consciousness is actually located. It provides a compelling clue as to whether consciousness is physically or spiritually-based. Vivid memory recall, upon inhibition of a portion of brain where memory is being communicated from consciousness, is exactly what one would expect to find if consciousness is ultimately self-sufficient of brain function and spiritually-based. The opposite result, a ening of memories, is what one would expect to find if consciousness is ultimately physically-based. According to this insight, a large portion, if not all, of the one quadrillion synapses that have developed in the brain as we became s, are primarily developed as pathways for information to be transmitted to, and memories to be transmitted from, our consciousness. The synapses of the brain are not, in and of themselves, our primary source for memories. Indeed, decades of extensive research by brilliant, Nobel prize-winning, minds have failed to reveal where memory is stored in the brain. Though Alzheimer’s and other disorders affect the brain’s overall ability to recover memories, this is only an indication that the overall ability of the brain to recover memory from the consciousness has been affected, and does not in any way conclusively establish that memory is actually stored in the brain. In other evidence, many children who have had hemispherectomies (half their brains removed due to life threatening epileptic conditions) at Johns Hopkins Medical Center, are in high school; and one, a college student, is on the dean’s list. The families of these children can barely believe the transformation; and not so long ago, neurologists and neuro-surgeons found it hard to believe as well. What is surprising for these people is that they are having their overriding materialistic view of brain correlation to consciousness overturned. In other words; since, it is presumed by Materialism that the brain is the primary generator of consciousness; then, it is totally expected for a person having half their brain removed to be severely affected when it comes to memory and personality. This is clearly a contradiction between the Materialistic and Theistic philosophies. According to Materialistic dogma, memory and personality should be affected, just as badly, or at least somewhat as badly, as any of the other parts of the body, by removal of half the brain. Yet, as a team of neuro-surgeons that have done extensive research on the after effects of hemispherectomy at John Hopkins Medical Center comment: "We are awed by the apparent retention of the child’s memory after removal of half of the brain, either half; and by the retention of the child's personality and sense of humor." Though a patients physical capacities are impaired, just as they were expected to be immediately following surgery; and have to have time to be "rewired" to the consciousness in the brain, the memory and personality of the patient comes out unscathed in the aftermath of such radical surgery. This is exactly the result one would expect, if the consciousness is ultimately independent of brain function and is spiritually-based. This is totally contrary to the results one would expect if the consciousness were actually physically-based, as the materialistic theory had presumed. In further comment from the neuro-surgeons in the John Hopkins study: "Despite removal of one hemisphere, the intellect of all but one of the children seems either unchanged or improved. Intellect was only affected in the one child who had remained in a coma, vigil-like state, attributable to peri-operative complications." This is stunning proof of consciousness being independent of brain function. The only child not to have normal or improved intellect is the child who remained in a coma due to complications during surgery. It is also heartening to find that many of the patients regain full use, or almost full use, of their bodies after a varying period of recuperation in which the brain is “rewired” to the consciousness. II Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if our earthly house, this tent (Our Body), is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.bornagain77
May 6, 2007
10:03 AM
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