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The phony war of science vs. religion pales in the face of the “social justice” assault on Darwin


You’d expect Darwinian evolutionary biologist Jerry Coyne to be among the first to notice what’s changed but he seems not to get it:

” What is not disputable is that today science is practiced as an atheistic discipline – and largely by atheists. There’s a huge disparity in religiosity between American scientists and Americans as a whole: 64 percent of our elite scientists are atheists or agnostics, compared to only 6 percent of the general population – more than a tenfold difference. Whether this reflects differential attraction of nonbelievers to science or science eroding belief – I suspect both factors operate – the figures are prima facie evidence for a science-religion conflict.” Jerry Coyne, “Yes, There Is a War Between Science and Religion” at RealClearScience

Coyne is right. Atheists got hold of science. But the atheists’ opponents have traditionally been theists who are scientists who believe that truth is important. And much that is claimed to be “science” in Coyne’s own field is questionable but is defended because it supports atheism.

Now, along come the social justice warriors and, guess what, they don’t care what’s true or false; they just want power to impose their ideologies of the moment on whatever they want, based on whatever they feel like. And Coyne’s crowd is buckling because they have no idea how to deal with people who genuinely don’t care whether it’s true or not; they don’t even think that way. They just want everyone to be forced to submit to their demands the way they submit to their own feelings.

The perfect storm.

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See also: If the social justice warriors got rid of Darwinian racism, they might do some good after all In recent months, the heirs of Darwin have come up against the social justice warriors and turned into enraged spaghetti. They are not set up to sustain a long siege. They have always expected to win just by declaring Darwin’s Truth, ridiculing all contrary data, and getting opponents fired. And they have always been allowed to do so. Will that change?

Social justice warriors ( SJWs) turn their sights on another evo psych prof It actually doesn’t matter what he concludes. You can’t reason with a pack. Having been taught form childhood that humans are animals, the SJWs have become a pack. For technical reasons, that is easier than becoming a hive.

The perfect storm: Darwinists meet the progressive “evolution deniers” — and cringe…


About the facts of life, Darwinian Jerry Coyne is still being stubborn … Darwinian evolutionary biologist Jerry “Why Evolution Is True” Coyne continues to refuse to follow Nature down the primrose path of political correctness and is doubling down on what people used to be allowed to accept as biological fact (Coyne was president of an evolution society which has started to wobble on whether sexes are real divisions.)

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It's also a case of those who lived by the sword dying by the sword. Darwinism owes its predominance in academia to politics just as much as to scientific merit: People who refuse to toe the Darwinist line are hounded out of the system via political means, often without even a token effort to disprove their heretical ideas. Social "justice" is gaining in academia for the exact same reason. As an ideology it not only fails every intellectual test, to seems to tout this failure as a proof of success. But hounding sensible intellectuals out of institutions that are run by spineless wonders requires no such test. The Darwinists should not be surprised to find that they are the new heretics.EvilSnack
December 31, 2018
09:18 AM
"Coyne is right. Atheists got hold of science. But the atheists’ opponents have traditionally been theists who are scientists who believe that truth is important. And much that is claimed to be “science” in Coyne’s own field is questionable but is defended because it supports atheism. Now, along come the social justice warriors and, guess what, they don’t care what’s true or false; they just want power to impose their ideologies of the moment on whatever they want, based on whatever they feel like. And Coyne’s crowd is buckling because they have no idea how to deal with people who genuinely don’t care whether it’s true or not; they don’t even think that way. They just want everyone to be forced to submit to their demands the way they submit to their own feelings." This is overly sensitive. The atheists captured the institutions of science and used it as a political weapon to widen their influence, garnish increasing amounts of money from the general populace, and defend their amoral fetishes. They have no defence against the SJWs, and nor will any third parties have any sympathy for them, because the SJWs are simply more determined to establish their preferred narrative and less concerned about intellectual respectability. But make no mistake, they are only doing what the atheists did to science, just moreso.ScuzzaMan
December 30, 2018
12:21 PM

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