From Nathan Muse at Apologetics 315, a review of Theistic Evolution: A Scientific, Philosophical, and Theological Critique,
It should be noted that the scientific critiques in this volume are not new. The beauty of this project is distilling them into one volume. Even if some readers will not be completely convinced by the scientific critique in these chapters, the reader is given much food for thought.
At the very least, a byproduct of this section is showing that the scientific position of TE suffers from being ill-defined and nebulous. There is no agreed upon scope of the evolutionary process and no clear definition of the term itself. Indeed, some have criticized this volume’s definition of TE as not being accurate. But since the definition in the book is based on referenced quotes and statement by major proponents of the position, it would seem the bigger issue is with TE itself. More.
Theistic evolution is best seen as a way of maintaining non-naturalist traditions, including Western religions, whie accepting naturalism (nature is all there is). Theistic evolutionists would be the last to notice the problems that are currently engulfing naturalism. Which is a ty because that is the real story today.
See also: William Lane Craig takes on Adam and Eve
Theistic evolutionist tilts at the God of the Gaps (again)
Mock at your peril! Naturalism is a jealous fraud
Can the rot of naturalism be stopped? Relating information to matter and energy might help