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When universities no longer think intellectual freedom is important


It must thrive somewhere else:

The conference featured one compelling presentation after another, all of which are now posted online. It was a rich opportunity for students to hear viewpoints outside of the academic mainstream so dominated by the groupthink Left. Scott Atlas, Jeffrey Tucker, Wilfred Reilly, and I all gave presentations on the ill-advised response to Covid, during which scientific knowledge and centuries of Western norms were often abandoned in favor of costly and coercive lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine requirements. Allison Stanger talked about Big Tech and the threat it poses to our republic. David Azerrad discussed the tension between racial preferences and colorblind justice. Keith Whitaker gave an interesting and nuanced account of the history of financial panics and what they tell us about human nature. Johnny Burtka offered students helpful advice gleaned from great books. And Jacob Howland capped things off by talking about how our “crisis of logos”—our decreasing willingness, or ability, to engage in meaningful discussions about the great questions of our day, or any day—requires our full attention and commitment to reverse.

As if on cue, St. Vincent’s administration promptly confirmed this crisis of logos. After a few of the many students who had attended Azerrad’s talk complained about it, President Taylor and his administration initially censored the publication not only of the video of Azerrad’s presentation but also of the videos of the other eight conference presentations as well, as Howland recounted for City Journal. After being pressured by national organizations that fight for freedom of speech, the administration subsequently relented on posting the videos. But then it promptly took aim at the Center that Watson has built, giving every indication that the administration is determined to make this the final such free-flowing Culture and Policy Conference that St. Vincent College will ever allow.

Jeffrey H. Anderson, “A Tyranny of the Minority” at City Journal (May 2, 2022)

It always thrives somewhere. Universities are securing their own demise as important cultural institutions.

You may also wish to read: We are not your lab rats any more.

After a few of the many students who had attended Azerrad’s talk complained about it, President Taylor and his administration initially censored the publication not only of the video of Azerrad’s presentation but also of the videos of the other eight conference presentations as well, as Howland recounted for City Journal.
The plan for university administrators since the Berkeley Free Speech movement in 1964 is "never be on the wrong side of student interests". Always identify with "the youth" and you will get the praise and acceptance that you've been looking for in a lifetime of academia. So, in this case, "the youth" don't like the ideas that are contrary to their own and they complain. Universities, at one time, were meant to give a foundation in the truth of things. Then postmodernism came along and all truths had to be deconstructed to make way for new truths. Now that everything has been leveled by deconstruction, the only meaning to anything is to "foster emotional health" - and that means, protecting kids from anything that might make them uncomfortable. There are some newer Catholic colleges (Christendom, Ave Maria, St. Thomas Aquinas and others) that are fighting the secularizing trends that places like St. Vincent's has fallen into.Silver Asiatic
May 4, 2022
07:17 AM
Goto my comment on a recent Jordan Peterson presentation. There Is a YouTube link. I recommend all of it but just look at the last 3 minutes to see what Peterson’s recommends for all incoming students. https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/jordan-petersons-reflections-on-twitter-on-reading-steve-meyers-return-of-the-god-hypothesis/#comment-753294 Here’s the YouTube link. See how long it remains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcA5TotAkhsjerry
May 4, 2022
05:52 AM

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