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Why Were So Many Darwin Defenders No-Shows at the World’s Premier Evolutionary Conference?


I have often wondered whether the loudness and aggressiveness of many culture-war defenders of neo-Darwinian evolution bears any relationship at all to the actual scientific contributions of those defenders to the field of evolutionary biology.  As it happens, we have at hand some evidence, albeit of a rough and ready kind, relevant to that question.

From June 17 to June 21, 2011, at the University of Oklahoma (Norman) campus, the conference “Evolution 2011” was in session.  It was co-sponsored by three scientific societies – The Society for the Study of Evolution, The Society of Systematic Biologists, and the American Society of Naturalists.  It was billed by its promoters as “the premier annual international conference of evolutionary biologists on the planet.”

That billing may be somewhat hyperbolic, yet two things are clear:  the conference was huge, with an expected turnout of 1400-1500 people; and many of the big names of evolutionary biology were to be there.  Jerry Coyne was to give an address; H. Allen Orr was to chair a session; and Gunter Wagner and Sergey Gavrilets, cutting-edge biologists from the famed 2008 Altenberg conference, were to be there as well.  Hundreds of papers were scheduled, and the research contributors to the various papers and presentations, according to the index for the conference, numbered something like 2,000.

It is interesting to make a mental list of the Darwin-defenders who have been most active in the culture wars, whether by publishing popular books defending Darwin, by appearing as witnesses against school boards in court cases, by working for the NCSE, by running pro-Darwinian blog sites, or by attacking Darwin critics throughout cyberspace, and to see which of them either read papers or at least contributed to the research and writing of papers for this premier conference.

Let’s start with those Darwin defenders who are actively anti-religious or show contempt for religion in their writings and internet remarks.  Conspicuously absent from the list of conference contributors were evolutionary champions Richard Dawkins, P. Z. Myers, Larry Moran, and Eugenie Scott.

Among those who have not attacked religious belief, but have violently bashed ID and/or passionately upheld neo-Darwinian theory, Paul Gross (co-author of Creationism’s Trojan Horse) and plant scientist Arthur Hunt (who has debated ID people live and on the internet) were not listed as contributors to any of the papers.

Among those who were active in the Dover ID trial, as witnesses for the plaintiffs, the no-shows include Kevin Padian, Robert Pennock, and Brian Alters.

Among the prominent Christian Darwinists, i.e., theistic evolutionists/evolutionary creationists, only Ken Miller was going to be there, and not to read a scientific paper, but to issue a cultural manifesto on why evolution matters in America today.  The leading figures of Biologos – Darrel Falk, Dennis Venema, Kathryn Applegate, David Ussery, David Kerk, Denis Lamoureux – who have so often been presented, explicitly or implicitly, as experts on evolutionary biology – produced no papers for this conference.    British scientists Oliver Barclay and Denis Alexander, who have posted several guest columns on Biologos, are not mentioned.  The frequent UD commenter and Quaker TE Allan MacNeill, who has penned hundreds of thousands of words on UD and on his own blogs, apparently couldn’t manage 5,000 or so words for an original research paper for the conference, nor could the belligerent Calvinist TE and almost as prolific anti-ID blogger Steve Matheson.

Now of course statistics of this sort don’t prove anything about the competence or incompetence of any particular individual.  There are all kinds of good reasons why a competent evolutionary theorist might not contribute to a particular evolutionary conference.  Maybe some of these people elected to attend another evolutionary conference later this year, or early next year, or maybe their travel budget was exhausted.  Maybe personal matters prevented them from going.  Maybe some of them attended the conference, to keep up with the field, even though they contributed no paper.  But one wonders why such a large number of rabid pro-Darwinists would be non-contributors at the premier evolution conference in the world, if they are as competent in the field of evolutionary biology as they make out.  Could it be that most of these people, though possessing degrees in the life sciences, are in fact not trained specifically in evolutionary biology, and therefore had no original work to contribute?

I would be interested in hearing from readers about this.  Of the people I’ve named, how many have read a paper at, or at least co-written a technical paper for, any secular conference on evolutionary biology in the past ten years?  Or published a peer-reviewed paper specifically on evolutionary biology  in a secular scientific journal in the past ten years?   Are many of the loudest defenders of neo-Darwinian orthodoxy in fact unqualified to talk at an expert level about the latest theoretical and experimental work in evolutionary biology?  And if so, why do they set themselves up as the world’s teachers when it comes to evolution?  Why do they write so many blogs, post so many comments, put up so many nasty book reviews on Amazon, participate in so many anti-ID debates on the Darwinist side, if they aren’t experts in the field?  Why don’t they let the real experts in evolutionary biology – the Coynes and Orrs and Sean Carrolls – do the public cheerleading and debating for evolutionary biology, and stick quietly to their own specialties of cell biology, genetics, developmental biology, etc.?

In most scientific areas, non-experts don’t pretend to stand in for experts.  You don’t see solid-state physicists rushing onto the blogosphere to defend the latest  view on black holes from Stephen Hawking.  They leave the defense of cosmology to the cosmologists.  But for some reason every medical geneticist, soil scientist, biochemist, developmental biologist, cell biologist, anthropologist, part-time first-year biology instructor, undergrad biology teacher at a Christian college, etc., thinks himself or herself an expert on evolutionary theory, and competent to debate it with anyone, any time.  Normal professional humility goes out the window when defending Darwinian theory is concerned.  That’s why I think it’s important to ask the question:  how many of the self-appointed defenders of Darwinian evolution have demonstrated competence, proved by research and publication, in the field of evolutionary biology?

Apparently, Nick, careful reading is not a skill covered in Ph.D. programs in biology. I clearly mentioned the scheduled talks of both Coyne and Miller. As for Eugenie Scott, I didn't ask if she ever received any awards for her political lobbying; I asked if she has written any scientific papers in the past ten years. Happily for me, you are well positioned to know the answer to that question. And while you are here, Nick, since you know about all the other meetings, tell me at which meetings in the past ten years I would have heard scientific papers (not popular addresses) on evolutionary mechanisms by P.Z. Myers, Larry Moran, Allan MacNeill, Darrel Falk, Kathryn Applegate, Dennis Venema, Steve Matheson, or the others I've mentioned? Do let us know what makes these people competent to pronounce on evolutionary biology, as they so frequently have. The public needs to know whether these people have been certified by the community of experts in evolutionary biology, or whether they are just self-appointed champions of Darwin who have biology degrees but no special expertise in evolutionary theory at all.Thomas Cudworth
July 10, 2011
03:54 AM
Nick,,, Do you still believe that the T3SS is precursor to the Bacterial Flagellum, or have you modified your view, in the face of the new evidence that indicates the Flagellum was precursor to the T3SS??? i.e. that the T#SS 'devolved' from the flagellum??? notes: Bacterial Flagellum - A Sheer Wonder Of Intelligent Design - video http://www.metacafe.com/watch/3994630 Bacterial Flagellum: Visualizing the Complete Machine In Situ Excerpt: Electron tomography of frozen-hydrated bacteria, combined with single particle averaging, has produced stunning images of the intact bacterial flagellum, revealing features of the rotor, stator and export apparatus. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6VRT-4M8WTCF-K&_user=10&_coverDate=11%2F07%2F2006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=full&_orig=search&_cdi=6243&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=8d7e0ad266148c9d917cf0c2a9d12e82&artImgPref=F Electron Microscope Photograph of Flagellum Hook-Basal Body http://www.skeptic.com/eskeptic/08-08-20images/figure03.jpg Biologist Howard Berg at Harvard calls the Bacterial Flagellum “the most efficient machine in the universe." The flagellum has steadfastly resisted all attempts to elucidate its plausible origination by Darwinian processes, much less has anyone ever actually evolved a flagellum from scratch in the laboratory; Genetic Entropy Refutation of Nick Matzke's TTSS (type III secretion system) to Flagellum Evolutionary Narrative: Excerpt: Comparative genomic analysis show that flagellar genes have been differentially lost in endosymbiotic bacteria of insects. Only proteins involved in protein export within the flagella assembly pathway (type III secretion system and the basal-body) have been kept... http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/msn153v1 Stephen Meyer - T3SS Derived From Bacterial Flagellum (Successful ID Prediction) - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c-EAzJ8_4U Phylogenetic Analyses of the Constituents of Type III Protein Secretion Systems Excerpt: We suggest that the flagellar apparatus was the evolutionary precursor of Type III protein secretion systems. http://www.horizonpress.com/jmmb/v2/v2n2/02.pdf "One fact in favour of the flagellum-first view is that bacteria would have needed propulsion before they needed T3SSs, which are used to attack cells that evolved later than bacteria. Also, flagella are found in a more diverse range of bacterial species than T3SSs. ‘The most parsimonious explanation is that the T3SS arose later," Howard Ochman - Biochemist - New Scientist (Feb 16, 2008) Michael Behe on Falsifying Intelligent Design - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8jXXJN4o_A Michael Behe Hasn't Been Refuted on the Flagellum - March 2011 http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/03/michael_behe_hasnt_been_refute044801.html The Bacterial Flagellum – Truly An Engineering Marvel! - December 2010 https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/the-bacterial-flagellum-truly-an-engineering-marvel/bornagain77
July 10, 2011
03:12 AM
Good Morning Nick, Nice to meet you. Would you be so kind as to stick around for a while to teach other evolutionists the art of "arguing effectively against creationist/ID silliness"? First of all, have you read Stephen Meyer's "Signature in the Cell" yet?Chris Doyle
July 10, 2011
02:02 AM
Anything good? Toss us Neanderthals a bone.junkdnaforlife
July 10, 2011
01:47 AM
"Lots and lots of data and analysis and science."junkdnaforlife
July 10, 2011
01:43 AM
You mean except for Kenneth Miller and Jerry Coyne, who both gave keynote addresses? You also missed the attendance of: Joel Cracraft David Hillis Joe Felsenstein Carl Zimmer Louise Mead (until recently an NCSE employee) little ol' me, and many of these people: http://www.oklascience.org/ People who spoke at last year's Evolution meeting included: Doug Theobald Robert Pennock (past president of SSE) John Harshman 2 years ago Eugenie Scott got the award that Kenneth Miller got this time (the Stephen Jay Gould Award -- hey, there's another guy who was a DarwinDefender at the top of his field). All that said, evolution is everywhere in biology. Paleontologists like Kevin Padian do evo at paleontology meetings. Molecular evolution people go to the SMBE (Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution) meeting. Organismal biologists go to the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB) meeting. Nematode people do evolution at the nematode meeting. The Evolution meeting for various historical reasons tends to get population geneticists and fields descended from that -- phylogenetics, computational biology, phylogeography, mathematical theory, genomics, etc. And, anyway, arguing effectively against creationist/ID silliness doesn't necessarily take an advanced degree, just an ability to double-check creationist statements against the facts. I did this for years as a hobby before I started doing evolution as a job. Nice try, though. You might try attending one of these meetings sometime, you might learn something. It's pretty much like any other science meeting, actually. Lots and lots of data and analysis and science. It is surprisingly unlike a dark cabal plotting to overthrow God, morality, mom and apple pie. Creationism/ID are a running joke at the meeting, not something many people even bother to rebut most of the time.NickMatzke_UD
July 10, 2011
01:31 AM
Hey now, if you're goona use my term, spell it right ;) DarwinDefenderIlion
July 9, 2011
11:11 PM
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