Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

Wikipedians diminish another high achiever sympathetic to ID

Creative Commons

From David Klinghoffer at Evolution News & Views:

We reported here the other day that distinguished German paleontologist Günter Bechly was erased by Wikipedia. The editors, claiming it had nothing to do with his having come out for intelligent design, explained that they decided he wasn’t “notable” enough.

Now along comes another ID proponent, Walter Bradley of Baylor University. Dr. Bradley is of interest to us as a Fellow with the Center for Science & Culture and as co-author of a pioneering book that helped to set the course of the future ID movement, The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories (1984). But apart from that, he also has an extremely impressive history of research, publishing, teaching, and related decorations and other recognitions of his work. You can read a brief and appropriate biography on his CSC page.

Much of that was captured by his Wiki entry – until, if I’m reading this correctly, April 5, 2017. That day, an editor identified as Luis150902 proposed Bradley for deletion. More.

They settled on nearly two paragraphs of sneering.

Klinghoffer adds, “So it goes with Wikipedia, which your kids are probably consulting right now for their latest school assignment.”

Oh? Why are your kids consulting Wikipedia? Do they need to know what the world looks like to a freak show of the mediocre misfits Klinghoffer provides notes from?

Yes, there is sometimes useful information in Wikipedia. But one can say that of the supermarket tabloids as well. It’s a question of how likely that is, relative to stuff we can’t evaluate or should avoid, averaged against the value of one’s time sorting it out.

The basic idea behind Wikipedia is wrong for a number of reasons. One is that the model assumes that the people most likely to have the needed perspective are the ones who care most. Anyone familiar with the behaviour of trolls knows that trolls care more than anyone and usually have the least to offer the public.

“Wikipedia is my library” is the new diagnostic for laziness.

See also: When you disappear from Wikipedia is when you matter, apparently. Klinghoffer also provides a sample of people who, according to Wikipedia, are supposed to be notable compared to paleontologist Bechly (show showed sympathy for ID). Judge for yourself.

Whackapedia whacks a civil liberties group

Is social media killing Wikipedia?

Wikipedia founder wades into fake war on fake news

Larry Sanger, Co-founder of Wikipedia, Agrees That it Does not Follow its Own Neutrality Policy

How Wikipedia can turn fiction into fact (Sourced enough times, the fiction becomes “troo”)

Wikipedia: The world of heavily edited unfacts

Wikipedia as astroturf

Wikipedia’s declining stats

Wikipedia hacked by elite sources now (The main problem is that the people who use Wikipedia do not care whether it is false or true. “Wikipedia is my library” is the new diagnostic for irresponsible laziness.)


Mathematician complains Wikipedia is promoting “pseudo-science” of multiverse (Then there were the minor revelations that core articles “don’t earn even Wikipedia’s own middle-ranking quality scores” and that some “editors” are paid by outside sources.)

Axel, as I said to News several times, Wikipedia is 'crowd sourced', and not held hostage by government or private companies, or the Church. In many ways this makes it one of the most legitimate sources of information on the net. You see, it's not beholding to polaticians, businessmen, or any church. Sounds pretty independent to me. However Huff Po, this site, Evolution News, AIG, and various religious sites all have an agenda: Power, Capitalism, or God. Wikipedia escues all of these power bases. Quite radical really, as 'Jimbo Wales', intended. As such it annoys the heck out of, 'Power!' Be that 'power' sourced in Congress, Wall Street, or The Southern Baptist Convention. It also has a tendency to get up the noses of conspiracy theorists, and very fringe science ideas.rvb8
October 23, 2017
03:30 PM
Haters gonna hate - imbeciles gonna stay that way, if they possibly can. It's not OCD, it's CD... 'compulsive disorder', plain and simple. "If you don't play the way I want, I'm gonna take my bat and ball and go home."Axel
October 23, 2017
02:58 PM
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