Non-materialist neuroscience: “You can’t fire your brain but you can retrain it.”
Here’s an interview with a non-materialist neuroscientist, Jeffrey Schwartz, who is friendly to ID covers what’s wrong with materialism in neuroscience, and introduces a non-materialist approach to the treatment of phobias, compulsions, and addictions, as used in his new book, You arenot your brain.:
For the past six years, Schwartz has worked with psychiatrist Rebecca Gladding to refine a program that successfully explains how the brain works and why we often feel besieged by bad brain wiring. Just like with the compulsions of OCD patients, they discovered that bad habits, social anxieties, self-deprecating thoughts, and compulsive overindulgence are all rooted in overactive brain circuits. The key to making life changes that you want-to make your brain work for you-is to consciously choose to “starve” these circuits of focused attention, thereby decreasing their influence and strength.
Note: To get some idea of the difference between a materialist approach to neuroscience, contrast materialist neuroscientists David Eagleman on neurolaw (“pre-crime punishment”) and Sam Harris on neuromorality (“science” decides values). How much does each side give you credit for?
Hat tip: Stephanie West Allen at Brains on Purpose
See also The Spiritual Brain.