SSDD is an acronym for “Same Stuff Different Day”. In debate with Darwinists, it’s always the same stuff, different day. SSDD can be also an acronym for Space Shuttle Denying Darwinists — that is to say Darwinists that are so against ID that they will even deny that Space Shuttles are intelligently designed. Such people suffer from SSDD syndrome. There is no remedy for their philosophical malady.
Over at ARN the following exchange happened which I summarize:
Sal: Is a man-made design an example of intelligent design?
Alan Fox: NO!!!
Sal: Given what you said, is the Space Shuttle an example of intelligent design? How about GMOs?
Alan Fox: Nothing is an example of intelligent design unless you want to tell me what “intelligent design” is other than the creationist ploy we both know it to be.
I was tempted to call SSDD syndrome Alan Fox syndrome, but he’s too nice a guy for me to impale him in this way. Nevertheless, this exchange is symbolic of what it is like to debate a critic of ID — Same Silliness, Different Darwinist (SSDD).