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Christianity Today

Is Christianity Today twisting the Bible to fit Darwinian evolution?

Gilson: Christianity Today is supposed to be the voice of evangelical Christianity. Here, though, it has totally capitulated to a naturalized view of human origins. It’s giving in to a view that many evangelicals reject for good scientific reasons. Note: Gilson ends by recommending skeptic Neil Thomas’s Taking Leave of Darwin (2021) instead. Read More ›

Why did the evangelical Christian world go nuts for Christian Darwinism a decade ago?

Contra Trendy Christians: It makes sense that all humans would descend from a single couple. If you had to account for something like, say, human consciousness, isn’t it easier to address that if we all belong to the same family of origin? Would you prefer to explain the development of human consciousness assuming that we come from multiple different ones? Darn good thing if someone can prove its true genetically. Read More ›