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Reptile’s skull changed little in 22 million years

At ScienceDaily: ""Basically, in anything except living fossils, you don't go 22 million years without evolving," said [Louis] Jacobs, professor emeritus of Earth Sciences at SMU and president of ISEM at SMU." (Well, first, if that’s true, maybe they were the “living fossils” of their day. Maybe it is not even that unusual. Any chance there is a pattern here that devotion to Darwinism prevents people from seeing?) Read More ›

Why frogs have such weird skulls

Food for thought: "Weirdly, it's easier for us to generate beautiful images of skulls than it is to know what these frogs eat," Blackburn said. "Natural history remains quite hard. Just because we know things exist doesn't mean we know anything about them." Read More ›