An interesting thing is happening at under the reviews for THE DESIGN OF LIFE (go here). As of this writing, there are nine 5-star reviews and only one 1-star review (from the inimitable John Kwok).
Essentially what’s happening is that the Darwinists aren’t even bothering to read the book. If they actually did, then there might be more actual reviews from them. But there just aren’t any. The one review from Kwok is from a man who gives no evidence of having read the book.
The kicker is this, however: The Darwinian sympathizers are simply logging in and voting up the 1-star review and voting down the 5-star reviews (in answer to the yes|no question “was this review helpful to you”). That of course takes much less effort than writing a review. What we are witnessing here is lazy Darwinists co-opting the system.
Let me encourage readers of this blog to go to THE DESIGN OF LIFE page at Amazon (go here) and read the reviews, honestly answering whether a review was or was not helpful.
[By the way, if you actually want to buy the book, you’ll get a slightly better deal at]