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Access Research Network’s top ten media-related intelligent design stories for 2009 #6

6. California Science Center Sued over Cancellation of Darwin’s Dilemma Film Showing. Amid allegations that they were pressured by colleagues at the Smithsonian Institution, the University of Southern California, the Huntington Library and elsewhere, California Science Center cancelled the October 25th IMAX showing of Darwin’s Dilemma, then refused to disclose public documents in the matter. In November 2009 the American Freedom Alliance, a non-profit group, filed a lawsuit in Los Angeles against a state science museum for cancelling the event exploring topics of evolution and intelligent design. The group says its free speech rights were violated when the CSC abruptly reversed its decision to allow the showing of the pro-intelligent design documentary, Darwin’s Dilemma: The Mystery of the Cambrian Fossil Read More ›

How to Read Darwin

The first two chapters of Origin are on the topic of biological variation. In the first chapter Darwin discusses what breeders had learned (Variation Under Domestication) and the second chapter discusses biological variability in the wild (Variation Under Nature). The two chapters serve as a good summary of what was known at the time, but it’s slow going as the material does not seem to advance Darwin’s thesis very well. In these chapters Darwin is, among other things, introducing the reader to the idea that what we observe today as distinct species, and the labels we give them, are rather arbitrary. What we are seeing is a snapshot at a particular point in time, but over eons of time the Read More ›

Access Research Network’s top ten media-related intelligent design stories for 2009 #7

7. Michael Behe Expelled from Bloggingheads. On August 26, 2009, an interview between John McWhorter and Michael Behe about Behe’s recent book Edge of Evolution [- which discussed limits to Darwinian evolution -] appeared on bloggingheads.tv. Within hours the interview disappeared with this message “from” McWhorter posted by the administrator: “John McWhorter feels, with regret, that this interview represents neither himself, Professor Behe, nor Bloggingheads usefully, takes full responsibility for same, and has asked that it be taken down from the site. He apologizes to all who found it’s airing objectionable.” A public outcry resulted, due to the seemingly open-minded editorial policy of the organization (“We pride ourselves on having a diversity of views in our diavlogs and an accordingly Read More ›

Access Research Network’s top ten media-related intelligent design stories for 2009 #8

8. Federal Court Dismisses Evolutionist Lawsuit in Texas. A federal judge dismissed a lawsuit on March 31, 2009 by a former Texas state science curriculum director, Chris Comer, who alleged that she was illegally fired for sending out an e-mail about a lecture criticizing those who want to teach alternatives to evolution in science classes. While National Center for Science Education and national media saw the matter as evidence of discrimination against evolutionists, Internal Texas Education Agency (TEA) documents obtained by Texans for Better Science Education (TBSE) under the Texas public information act reveal that Comer had a long history of “insubordination” and “misconduct.” Comer had been disciplined for at least eight separate incidents, seven of which had nothing to Read More ›

Access Research Network’s top ten media-related intelligent design stories for 2009 #9

9. Ben Stein Expelled from the University of Vermont. Actor, TV host, and economist Ben Stein, who hosted the 2008 film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, learned firsthand in February 2009 what it feels like to be “expelled.” Apologizing for inviting gifted actor and writer Ben Stein to be commencement speaker at the University of Vermont, President Daniel Fogel has highlighted what he called Stein’s “highly controversial views” about “evolutionary theory, intelligent design, and the role of science in the Holocaust.” Fogel attempted to make penance for inviting Stein by claiming that “Commencement should be a time when our community gathers inclusively, not divisively.” Some critics have noted that inclusivity must have a special meaning because in 2007 Fogel chose as Read More ›

Coyne: Evolutionary Arguments Not Theological

Evolutionists agree that their theory is a fact, every bit as much as gravity is a fact. It is not difficult to find proofs for this claim in the evolution literature. On the Internet, in magazine articles, in popular books, and in textbooks, proofs of the fact of evolution are common. In fact they date back to the beginning of modern science (or even to antiquity if one cares to take it that far). And these proofs are perfectly logical—there is nothing wrong with their reasoning. But a proof contains going in assumptions, or axioms, and evolution’s axioms are metaphysical. That is, evolution incorporates axioms that do not come from science; rather, they drive the science.  Read more

Scientists (Do Not) Find a Fingerprint of Evolution

Did you know that most of the evidence claimed for evolution is actually not evidence for evolution? That’s right, remember the mountain of evidence that evolutionists say is supposed to make evolution a fact? Well most of it consists of biological findings that merely have been interpreted according to evolution.  Read more

Reverend Jerry Coyne: Lanugo and Epistemology

You probably have never seen the words lanugo and epistemology in the same sentence. But to understand the power of evolutionary thinking we need to understand both words. Lanugo is a fine hair we grow about six months after conception and then lose before birth. Epistemology, on the other hand, is the theory of knowledge. How do we know what we know? How can we know that what we know is true? It’s a complicated subject and science avoids many of the quandaries by simply positing hypotheses that make predictions. Think of the process as an IF-THEN statement. IF the planets circle the sun, THEN we should observe retrograde motion. Epistemologically speaking, the IF-THEN statement is very safe. It makes Read More ›

Modular Evolution: All of The Benefits, None of the Risk

You have probably heard that evolution has difficulty explaining the origin of amazingly complex designs. It turns out that evolutionists have quietly solved the problem while we weren’t paying attention. With little fanfare, they have rolled out modular evolution. This new kind of evolution is truly astonishing. What it does is, well, it creates complexity just like that. Evolutionists once thought that biology’s miracles evolved more or less one step at a time. But such staid ideas about evolution have long since become, as J. D. Hooker probably would say if he were around today, “old stick-in-the-mud doctrines.” If bankers can liven things up then why not evolutionists?  Read more

An Oracle of the Reverend Jerry Coyne

The Reverend Jerry Coyne has condescended to reveal a treasure of timeless truths in his little revelation entitled Why Evolution is True. That these truths are metaphysical–they cannot be deduced from science–make them especially precious. In his revelation Reverend Coyne illuminates a wide range of truths for us to revere. Here is an oracle of Coyne on bad design:  Read more

An Eye For An ‘I’: Fighting The Twisted Fables Of The Anti-ID Lobby

Review Of Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain The Key Issues
ISBN 978-0-8254-2781-7

The debate over whether or not our universe was designed with a purpose is one that centers not around philosophical questions but over “competing scientific explanations of the data”. That is the central argument expounded by Phillip Johnson in Intelligent Design 101, a book that aims to bring into sharp focus the central tenets of the intelligent design (ID) movement. Contrary to a popular misconception, the modern day controversy over design in biology is not one that arose from some push to force Judeo-Christian beliefs into the science classroom. It is instead one that extends back thousands of years to the time of Plato and Xenophon in ancient Greece.

Today the educational literature defines all aspects of biology in purely naturalistic terms. What is more, evolution has become the “monolithic fact” that we must all embrace. Even though there is incontrovertible evidence that defies such a factual status, evolutionists have bent over backwards to make naturalism fill in the glaring inconsistencies in the data. As a vociferous opponent of the macro-evolutionary aspects of Darwinism, Johnson has attempted a “divide and conquer” approach to break such a stronghold. By separating philosophical naturalists such as Richard Dawkins from scientists with a sound objective outlook, Johnson’s much-publicized Wedge Strategy has sought to prize neo-Darwinism away from its “pedestal of philosophical naturalism”. Attacks on Johnson’s initiative have focused on the religious backgrounds of its supporters rather than on the sound scientific arguments that they put forward. Still, as Johnson remarks those who today maintain that ID is all about religion ignore the counter claim that the theory of evolution is not exactly all about science. Read More ›

Another Day, Another Embarrassment for the IPCC

The United Nations’ expert panel on climate change based claims about ice disappearing from the world’s mountain tops on a student’s dissertation and an article in a mountaineering magazine. The revelation will cause fresh embarrassment for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which had to issue a humiliating apology earlier this month over inaccurate statements about global warming. The IPCC’s remit is to provide an authoritative assessment of scientific evidence on climate change. In its most recent report, it stated that observed reductions in mountain ice in the Andes, Alps and Africa was being caused by global warming, citing two papers as the source of the information. However, it can be revealed that one of the sources quoted was Read More ›

New book “In the Beginning…”

My new book, “In the Beginning and Other Essays on Intelligent Design” has just been released by Discovery Institute Press and is available here. The book is described as “wide-ranging” on the back cover, because it has chapters on the big bang, the fine-tuning of the laws of physics, and quantum mechanics, as well as the evolution-design debate, and it does outline most of the usual arguments for design. However, no doubt my most “original” contribution to the origins debate—perhaps my only original contribution—is outlined in a video here. Well, this material is not new to anyone who has followed my posts here, but it will be new to most everyone else. The video has improved somewhat since the last Read More ›