Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community

ID as ‘Science of God’ (aka Theology)

A piece of mine has been just published in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC’s) excellent Religion and Ethics website. It provides a larger context for my own theologically positive approach to ID, which I realize is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, like Gregory Sandstrom, I welcome johnnyb’s intervention, which raises the issue of which companies an ID supporter would invest in (or not). I personally find the choices a bit on the Rorschach side of plausibility — i.e. it tells us more about the beliefs of the proposer. So Eric Holloway is happy to regard ‘gamers’ as ‘human’ in a way that has not been contaminated by the AI ideology of Kurzweil et al., so he doesn’t see their Read More ›

A Man/Woman-On-Street Survey I Would Love to See

Do you believe in evolution? If so, or if not, what does “evolution” mean, and what are the claims made by those who promote evolution? Do you believe in creation? If so, or if not, what does “creation” mean, and what are the claims made by those who promote creation? Do you believe in intelligent design? If so, or if not, what does “intelligent design” mean, and what are the claims made by those who promote intelligent design? I’m pretty sure that the average person would respond with: I have no idea what are you talking about — I don’t even know what those words mean. Those of us who are involved in this entire discussion (whether ID proponents or Read More ›

If You Were to Play the Stock Market based on ID, What Would You Pick?

ID researcher Eric Holloway has posted an interesting question – if ID is true, how would that affect how you judge companies in the stock market? That is, which companies are basing their futures on things that ID would consider to be bad ideas vs ones that ID would consider to be good ideas? Eric gives some examples of things which would be bad investments: Companies whose futures are based on the assumption that Strong AI is possible Companies whose futures are predicated on the manipulation of biological form solely through DNA Then Eric gives an example of a good investment: Companies who make use of the distinction between human and artificial intelligences to maximize each one Anyway, I’m curious Read More ›