He offers two reasons:
Science has been so successful explaining other phenomena in terms of purely unintelligent natural forces, why should evolution be so different? However implausible Darwinism is, and however inconsistent with the evidence, it must be true because it is the best materialists have to offer, and the only alternative anyone can imagine to the “unscientific” theory of intelligent design.
Most non-scientists intuitively understand that explaining how plants and animals, and intelligent, conscious humans, could have arisen from a lifeless, barren planet is a very different and much more difficult problem than others solved by science. But most scientists are still confident that nothing could possibly be beyond the reach of their science. In the last decades, an increasing minority of scientists are finally recognizing that the layman is right, that evolution is different. The video attempts to make clear, in terms that even scientists can understand, why evolution really is different, and requires a very different type of explanation, involving intelligent design.
Granville Sewell, “Two Reasons Why a Bad Theory Remains Popular” at Evolution News and Science Today:
The second reason is the “God wouldn’t have done it that way” argument.
Then there’s convergence…
See also: Evolution appears to converge on goals—but in Darwinian terms, is that possible?