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A vid on cell division that should make Darwinians wince


To the extent that they can wreck careers, all they need do is wince:

But the day may come that they can’t wreck careers any more.

These are the molecular machines inside your body that make cell division possible. Animation by Drew Berry at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

Every day in an adult human roughly 50-70 billion of your cells die. They may be damaged, stressed, or just plain old – this is normal, in fact it’s called programmed cell death.

To make up for that loss, right now, inside your body, billions of cells are dividing, creating new cells.

And cell division, also called mitosis, requires an army of tiny molecular machines.DNA is a good place to start – the double helix molecule that we always talk about.

This is a scientifically accurate depiction of DNA. If you unwind the two strands you can see that each has a sugar phosphate backbone connected to the sequence of nucleic acid base pairs, known by the letters A,T,G, and C.

Your Body’s Molecular Machines” at Veristasium

A reader comments: Veritasium says reasonable things until the last 10 seconds when we hear “We will create nanobots able to work better than the natural ones to make molecular repairs to your body.” Honestly, how likely is that? Would anyone prefer an artificial leg to a real one?

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Martin_r, You asked: So my question again, what do 21st-century-OOL-researchers actually expect to figure out ? Maybe they want to figure out how to get the Evo2.0 OOL $10M prize? Our buddies Cronin and Szostak seem to be heading the group, but other scientists are not too far behind them. If they figure out how to convince Dr Noble and Dr Church that they got it right, they might have to split the money. But still that's worth trying. BTW, Szostak's demonstration is behind schedule, grossly overdue, as you pointed before, that he predicted by 2019 to have it all figured out. Cronin's approach is more cautious. He hasn't dated his predictions and has not been forced to retract any paper like his colleague. :) Off topic: Check this out: The cecal appendix is correlated with greater maximal longevity in mammals https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/joa.13501 The appendix orchestrates T-cell mediated immunosurveillance in colitis-associated cancer https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.05.25.21257681v1 Impact of Appendectomy on Gut Microbiota https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/sur.2020.422 jawa
Doubter @10 i never understood what OOL-researches actually expect to figure out ... By now they know, that even in the simplest cell, there are thousands of parts working in concert for a purpose. (Darwin did not know, neither did Urey/Miller) So my question again, what do 21st-century-OOL-researchers actually expect to figure out ? Do they really expect, when they pour one chemical into another, then shaking the whole thing a little, then heating it a little, then cooling it down a little, and then what ? Do they really expect that suddenly thousands of parts/molecules start working in concert for a purpose ? How absurd are these experiments ? This is like in some mental hospital .... How can any mentally healthy person fund such experiments ? Do these Darwinian jokers really think this is the way how life emerged ? Do they seriously dare to call us creationists/ID proponents stupid ? So my question is, how stupid are these guys ? From an engineering standpoint (i am an engineer), i have no doubts, that whoever created the cell, he was not mixing/shaking/heating/cooling some chemicals ... From the engineering standpoint, I am 100% sure, that OOL-researchers take the wrong approach ... PS: in 2014 there was an interview with a very self-confident Nobel laureate Harvard professor Jack Szostak... he is a famous OOL-researchers. In 2014, he said, that "Life in lab in 3-5 years, more likely in 3 years". It is 2021 and he got nothing ... zero progress... Here is the interview : https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/HL1406/S00007/jack-szostak-life-in-lab-in-3-5-years.htm martin_r
Martin_r@5 "....the biggest issue with the origin of life is the right concentration of chemicals at one place. Otherwise, the chemical reactions needed won’t happen unless you have the right concentration." The OOL researchers have shown that abiogenic chemical reactions can theoretically produce some precursor amino acids, though under very unrealistic conditions. If the conditions of concentrations and environment, etc. are made realistic for the early Earth even this "natural" chemical reaction production of amino acid life precursors becomes very improbable. But this is just the tip of the iceberg of the overall improbability of undirected abiogenic OOL. I thought that the biggest issue is the extreme unlikelihood for "natural" undirected chemical reactions with any possible concentrations of precursors yielding the hundreds of particular molecular chains needed for the many specialized folded proteins essential for the molecular machines of even the simplest living cell. And increasing this unlikelihood many times is the fact that it's not only proteins, it's RNA that has to be abiogenically produced at the same time. This massive problem for OOL boils down to the vanishingly tiny probability of happening on the needed particular target molecular chains, out of the countless quintillions of possible chain sequences. It's the unsolvable problem (for undirected processes) of there being a vast combinatorial explosion of possible molecular sequences. The entire molecular resources of all the planets in the Universe over the entire age of the Universe don't even make a dent in this improbability. If the only problem for the OOL researchers was in choosing the right concentrations of precursor chemicals (and presumably all the other environmental conditions), then you would think they would already be producing ribosomes and flagella and other biological molecular machines in the lab. Instead they are light years from even that (to say nothing of complete primitive cells); more likely it is simply impossible using their methods and assumptions. doubter
He's almost at 10M subscribers. What kind of income is that a year? Hmmm. AnimatedDust
Doubter & Martin - agreed. I'm looking forward to more in that series. Silver Asiatic
I can't believe I watched that. But Dubu is a big star. A living transitional. Silver Asiatic
Guys, would this be an example of cat evolution into a bipedal form? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0NKBJsAXWc JoeinCT
Silver Asiatic, i watched the OOL-video yesterday, nice job. Very professional. My take home lesson was (i have not realize that before), that the biggest issue with the origin of life is the right concentration of chemicals at one place. Otherwise, the chemical reactions needed won't happen unless you have the right concentration. And, from what i could understand (despite i am only a mechanical engineer and not a chemist), there is no place on Earth with such a concentration ... and of course, we are not talking about the right concentration of one chemical, but many life chemicals need the right concentration for life to emerge. PS: and, the video also explains, how Darwinian origin-of-life researchers solve the issue with the right concentration - they just buy pre-made products from chemical suppliers (with the right concentration) ... in other words ...they cheat ... martin_r
I was curious. The creator of Veritasium is Derek Muller
Dr. Derek Muller is the creator of Veritasium, a YouTube channel about science with over 8 million subscribers and almost a billion views, winner of the Streamy award for Science or Education in 2017. He has hosted award-winning documentaries: Uranium: Twisting the Dragon's Tail, Digits, and Vitamania for international broadcast networks. He was also a correspondent on Netflix's Bill Nye Saves the World and a host of the Australian science program, Catalyst. He has appeared live on stage with Neil deGrasse Tyson, Michio Kaku, Space station commander Chris Hadfield, and he co-hosted the 2017 March for Science on the Washington Mall. He kickstarted a magnetic molecule making kit called Snatoms, which exceeded its funding goal in the first hour, sold 10,000 units and is now available on Amazon. Muller completed a degree in Engineering Physics from Queen's University in Canada, and a PhD in physics education research at the University of Sydney. The topic of his thesis was 'Designing Effective Multimedia for Physics Education'.
https://www.veritasium.com/about Also I believe part of Brilliant. jerry
SA @ 2 "The Basic Building Blocks & the Origin of Life (Long Story Short, Ep. 4)" - this is a positively brilliant exposition, all animated and instantly comprehensible to the layperson. I especially liked the analogy drawn between phony abiogenic OOL claims and walking or jumping to the moon because of being able to take one step. doubter
This a DI production just released a couple of days ago. I watched it twice already just for the little subtle visuals and commentary - it's a work of art. Dr. Luskin and I think Rob Stadler (don't know who the narrator is) and others - congratulations. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFtnwriQRi8 Some of many favorite parts (spoilers): The nasal whiny little guy who says "with so many planets and billions of years anything can happen". That voice sounds exactly like what I hear in those comments - brilliant. Also, the eye movement on the text book when he says "somehow the text books didn't tell us that". Ha ha - exactly. Then the squinty eyed scientist who cheats by grabbing success out of the garbage pile and starting over with just the successful result, purified. There's so much more. "No, it's like walking from here to the moon" ... the little guy tries to jump. Sound effect. 146 comments - All positive. Not one atheist yet - no ridicule or opposition. Silver Asiatic
the video starts with DNA replication. Anybody heard of Okazaki fragments ? There are 2 DNA strands - leading and lagging strand... now, both strands get replicated (as shown in the video) "Okazaki fragments are short sequences of DNA nucleotides (approximately 150 to 200 base pairs long in eukaryotes) which are synthesized discontinuously and later linked together by the enzyme DNA ligase to create the lagging strand during DNA replication." "The leading strand is continuously synthesized and is elongated during this process to expose the template that is used for the lagging strand (Okazaki fragments). During the process of DNA replication, DNA and RNA primers are removed from the lagging strand of DNA to allow Okazaki fragments to bind to." Another ultimate proof of designed DNA replication, because: When you would be a blind unguided natural process, why would you replicate the lagging strand as complicated as possible (via short segments and then bind it together) when the leading strand is replicated as simple as possible (what i would eventually expect from an blind unguided natural process where no mind is involved) martin_r

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