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Summer Seminar on Intelligent Design at the Discovery Institute


The Discovery Institute is having their annual Summer Seminar on Intelligent Design in Seattle Washington this summer from July 9 – 17th, 2010:

The Center for Science and Culture at Discovery Institute announces an extraordinary opportunity for college students in the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities to participate in an intensive nine-day seminar that will prepare them to make research contributions advancing the growing science of intelligent design (ID).

Intelligent Design in the Natural Sciences is designed for college-level juniors, seniors, and first-year graduate students who intend to pursue graduate studies in the natural sciences or the philosophy of science.

Intelligent Design in the Social Sciences and Humanities is designed for college-level juniors, seniors, and first-year graduate students who intend to pursue graduate studies in the social sciences (including law) or the humanities (including theology).

I would sincerely encourage anyone who is interested in an informative, educational, edifying and gratifying experience in Intelligent Design to apply for this course. Your travel, lodging  and meal expenses are covered. It’s an insightful, enriching, all-inclusive learning vacation.

Both seminars will run concurrently and explore cutting-edge ID work in molecular biology, biochemistry, embryology, developmental biology, zoology, paleontology, computational biology, ID-theoretic mathematics, cosmology, physics, philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, evolutionary ethics, bioethics, criminology, law, education, and economics. Each seminar will also include frank treatment of the academic realities that ID researchers confront in graduate school and beyond, and strategies for dealing with them.

The seminar focusing on ID in the natural sciences will explore the scientific issues in greater technical detail, including presentations on the application of intelligent design to laboratory research in molecular biology. The seminar on ID in the social sciences and humanities will give more in-depth attention to the social impact of science, the moral implications of science, and legal issues surrounding the debate between neo-Darwinism and intelligent design. Participants in both seminars will benefit from classroom instruction and interaction with prominent ID researchers and scholars. Past seminars have included such speakers as William Dembski, Charles Thaxton, Jonathan Wells, Stephen Meyer, Paul Nelson, Douglas Axe, Ann Gauger, Robert Marks, Scott Minnich, Bruce Gordon, John West, Jonathan Witt, and Casey Luskin.

Do you have a commitment to truth and to following the evidence where it leads? Do you have the desire, the vision and the determination necessary to breathe new purpose into the scientific enterprise and influence its self-understanding in ways that will benefit both science and humanity? Apply to become one of a select group of students participating in these exciting workshops.

Apply now, and if you get accepted, pack your bags for an immensely fulfilling and gratifying experience.

Is there a seminar for those who already hold advanced degrees in social sciences? ~BJ olsonbj
off topic: Why Didn't Early Earth Freeze? The Mystery Deepens: Excerpt: A team led by earth scientist Minik Rosing of the University of Copenhagen analyzed iron-bearing rocks in southwestern Greenland that were 3.8 billion years old. They focused on two minerals, magnetite and siderite, that can provide a bellwether of the CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Too much CO2, and magnetite can't form, whereas the opposite is true for siderite. Based on the ratio of the minerals, the team reports in tomorrow's issue of Nature that CO2 levels during the Archean could have been no higher than about 1000 parts per million—about three times the current level of 387 ppm and not high enough to compensate for the weak sun. The results were "very surprising," Rosing says. As to the question of what kept the planet warm instead of CO2, he says his research points to two possibilities. First, Earth's land masses were much smaller billions of years ago, meaning that the oceans, which generally are darker than continents, could absorb more of the sun's heat. Second, because life was brand new, organisms were manufacturing little of the gases that help clouds form. So, more sunlight reached the surface. http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/2010/03/why-didnt-early-earth-freeze-the.html bornagain77

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