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From The First Gene: Chapter 8: “Redundant, low-informational selfordering is not organization.”

The First Gene: The Birth of Programming, Messaging and Formal Control

David L. Abel, editor of The First Gene, writes in Chapter 8, “The Birth of Protocells”:

Abstract: Could a composome, chemoton, or RNA vesicular protocell come to life in the absence of formal instructions, controls and regulation? Redundant, low-informational selfordering is not organization. Organization must be programmed. Intertwined circular constraints (e.g. complex hypercylces), even with negative and positive feedback, do not steer physicochemical reactions toward formal function or metabolic success. Complex hypercycles quickly and selfishly exhaust sequence and other phase spaces of potential metabolic resources.

Unwanted cross-reactions are invariably ignored in these celebrated models. Formal rules pertain to uncoerced (physiodynamically indeterminate) voluntary behavior. Laws describe and predict invariant physicodynamic interactions. Constraints and laws cannot program or steer physicality towards conceptual organization, computational success, pragmatic benefit, the goal of integrated holistic metabolism, or life. The formal controls and regulation observed in molecular biology are unique. Only constraints, not controls, are found in the inanimate physical world. Cybernetics should be the corner stone of any definition of life. All known life utilizes a mutable linear digital material symbol system (MSS) to represent and record programming decisions made in advance of any selectable phenotypic fitness. This fact is not undone by additional epigenetic formal controls and multi-layered Prescriptive Information (PI) instantiated into diverse molecular devices and machines.

Well, we do have the Tunnel of Babel at Cerne, don't we? Axel
Could this have begun the confusion of languages at the building of the Tower of Babel? paragwinn
My favourite is the story of the little girl on her father's shoulders - they had just returned from a rugby match. When her mother asked, "Who won?" The little girl, misinterpreting what her eyes had witnessed, bellowed, "Nobody! because they kept falling over!" Yet, incredible though it seems, prima facie, that was a less radically foolish misunderstanding than that of the highly-educated, adult materialists' misunderstanding of the difference between processes and their underlying dynamism. Axel
'.... laws cannot program or steer physicality towards conceptual organization.' Shades of Hawkins' Creation conjecture.... This failure to understand the very basics of language makes it impossible for them to begin even an approach to a metaphysical understanding. Similar intellectual goobledegook is evident in the materialists' failure to understand that, notional or real, evolution and natural selection are processes. 'Evolution' is a synonym for 'development', and does not signify the the source of the underlying dynamism. Sometimes, I wonder if I'm readng the Mail's 'Out of the mouths of babes', in which readers send in remarks usually based on a misunderstanding of words, due to a literal interpretation of a word or phrase. Or even due to the child mishearing a word, e.g. "Frank sent this' for 'frankincense' in a school Nativity play. Axel
This sentence is a sentence that Dr. Shapiro, of 'Natural Genetic Engineering' fame, would do well to contemplate the gravity of:
This fact is not undone by additional epigenetic formal controls and multi-layered Prescriptive Information (PI) instantiated into diverse molecular devices and machines.

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