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Here is a Completely Different Way of Doing Science


That new UCSF paper is yet another example of the intricacies of DNA and gives us a teaching moment on how science can be done in a completely different way. Consider the blood protein hemoglobin found throughout the vertebrate species, illustrated here to show its four protein chains and their many helices. Each of the four chains has about 140 amino acids which are glued together in a long line, and then fold up into a glob. Those 140 amino acids are encoded by the corresponding DNA gene. In the gene, there are three DNA nucleotides for each amino acid. For instance, the figure below shows a short segment of a human and a horse gene, both of which code for a hemoglobin chain. The letters, “ACGCT …” represent the nucleotides—small molecules that make up the DNA strand. The letters A, C, G and T stand for adenine, cysteine, guanine and thymine, respectfully.  Read more

Yeah, the "neutral mutations" idea isn't really very helpful for evolutionary theory, despite its popularity. Just to be clear, it doesn't help with the awful probabilities of coming up with a genetic sequence that will actually yield a useful function. The only thing the "neutral" idea does is provide some temporary relief against natural selection's tendency to cull deleterious mutations. So if we have a neutral mutation (rather than a deleterious one) it gets to hang around without being discarded. But it still doesn't help build a new function. For that you have to rely on our old friend dumb luck, or some kind of guided or channeled mutation process. Eric Anderson
These densely technical texts soon leave me reaching for comments, such as: 'I couldn't have put it better myself'. or 'You have a wonderful way with words'. However, yesterday, I saw for the second time, one of materialism's finest's actually seeking to mock the author of the article they were, respectively, referring to, on the grounds - I kid you not - that he couldn't understand what the latter had written; he'd even used a lot of big words! Yesterday, there were two of them, having the time of their life, scoffing and sneering at another poster, because they couldn't understand what he was saying! One was called Scott, I think. Very funny. I mean, that has to be the most surreally comical thing, even from guys who think the world is an endless simulation of design effected by random chance! Axel

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