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Could doubts about the recent Big Bang find kill cosmic inflation theory?


In the wake of the deflation of the big gravitational waves find (it was cosmic dust), New Scientist advises us, based on an interview with Stanford cosmologist Andrei Linde, that “ Doubts about big bang breakthrough won’t kill inflation”:

Would the detection of gravitational waves from just after the big bang finally prove your theory of cosmic inflation?

If primordial gravitational waves were indeed detected by the BICEP2 telescope, they almost certainly would have been generated just after the big bang. But the media hyped this as the first evidence for inflation. That just isn’t true: there has been a lot of independent support. I don’t like the way gravitational waves are being treated as a smoking gun.

If we found no gravitational waves, it wouldn’t mean inflation is wrong. In many versions of the theory, the amplitude of the gravitational waves is miserably small, so they would not be detectable.

Most likely nothing will kill cosmic inflation theory. Nothing will kill multiverse theory.

And nothing will kill the vampire.

Creatures of the imagination are immortal as long as human minds retain them as ideas.

Evidence is actually a disadvantage because it is constrained, assessable, and imagination is not.

For a brief look at why lack of evidence makes no difference whatever to multiverse theory, see The Science Fictions series at your fingertips (cosmology).

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,,,Yet, even though light has this higher dimensional ‘eternal’ attribute in regards to our temporal framework of time, for us to hypothetically travel at the speed of light, in this universe, will still only get us to first base as far as quantum entanglement, or teleportation, are concerned.
Special Relativity and Quantum Entanglement https://vimeo.com/93104676 Science vs God: Bryan Enderle at TEDxUCDavis – video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sn7YQOzNuSc
That is to say, traveling at the speed of light will only get us to the place where time, as we understand it, comes to complete stop for light, i.e. gets us to the eternal, ‘past and future folding into now’, framework of time. To make this more clear, hypothetically traveling at the speed of light in this universe would be instantaneous travel for the person going at the speed of light. This is because time does not pass for them, yet, and this is a very big ‘yet’ to take note of; this ‘timeless’ travel is still not instantaneous and transcendent to our temporal framework of time (as quantum entanglement is), i.e. Speed of light travel, to our temporal frame of reference, is still not completely transcendent of our framework since light appears to take time to travel from our temporal perspective. Yet, in quantum entanglement, the ‘time not passing’, i.e. ‘eternal’, framework is not only achieved in the speed of light framework/dimension, but is also ‘instantaneously’ achieved in our temporal framework. That is to say, the instantaneous entanglement of quantum information is instantaneous to both the temporal and speed of light frameworks, not just the speed of light framework.
Looking beyond space and time to cope with quantum theory – 29 October 2012 Excerpt: “Our result gives weight to the idea that quantum correlations somehow arise from outside spacetime, in the sense that no story in space and time can describe them,” http://www.quantumlah.org/highlight/121029_hidden_influences.php
Quantum 'information' entanglement is not limited by time, nor space, in any way, shape or form, in any frame of reference, as light is seemingly limited to us in this temporal framework. Thus ‘pure transcendent information’ (in quantum entanglement experiments) is shown to be timeless (eternal) and completely transcendent of all material frameworks. Moreover, concluding from all lines of evidence we now have (many of which I have not specifically listed here); transcendent, eternal, infinite information is indeed real and the framework in which ‘It’ resides is the primary reality (highest dimension) that can exist.
“An illusion can never go faster than the speed limit of reality” Akiane Kramarik – Child Prodigy – John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Moreover, as with time dilation and tunnel curvature, we have observational evidence from a Near Death Experience for even this ‘highest’ dimension. This following video interview of a Harvard Neurosurgeon, who had a Near Death Experience (NDE), is very interesting. His NDE was rather unique from typical NDEs in that he had completely lost brain wave function for 7 days while the rest of his body was on life support. As such he had what can be termed a ‘pure consciousness’ NDE that was dramatically different from the ‘typical’ Judeo-Christian NDEs of going through a tunnel to a higher heavenly dimension, seeing departed relatives, and having a life review. His NDE featured his ‘consciousness’ going outside the confines of space/time, matter/energy altogether to experience ‘non-locally’ what he termed ‘the Core’, i.e to experience God. It is also interesting to note that he retained a ‘finite sense of self-identity’, as Theism would hold, and did not blend into the infinite consciousness/omniscience of God, as pantheism would hold.
A Conversation with Near Death Experiencer Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander III, M.D. with Steve Paulson (Interviewer) – video http://www.btci.org/bioethics/2012/videos2012/vid3.html
There are many more nuances that can be drawn out, (such as the hellish nature of eternity at blackholes and Christ reconciliation of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics) but what I have listed so far should be more than sufficient for getting the point across that the Theist has far more going for him/her, in terms of empirical, and observational, evidence, to verify his belief in higher dimensions above this one, than the atheists has for infinite multiverses parallel to this one. Verse and music:
2 Corinthians 12:2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know–God knows. Evanescence – The Other Side (Lyric Video) http://www.vevo.com/watch/evanescence/the-other-side-lyric-video/USWV41200024?source=instantsearch
Although atheists like to say that they are doing 'science' and that theists are living in a fantasy land, the truth is in fact the exact opposite of what they claim. As many readers on UD know, Darwinian atheists have no evidence whatsoever that unguided material processes can generate any non-trivial levels of functional information/complexity. And with this 'deflation of inflation' :) the same situation is becoming apparent with the multiverse, and inflation, which were both postulated to 'explain away' the fine tuning of the universe. And where the atheist can produce no empirical, or observational, evidence for parallel universes (or Darwinian evolution), on the other hand the Theist does have solid evidence for higher 'eternal/timeless' dimensions above this one. i.e. That there actually is ‘higher dimensions’ above this one, as the Theist holds, is verified by Special Relativity, General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics. And these higher dimensions are even verified by direct observation evidence in Near Death Experience testimonies. Which is a claim, i.e. observational evidence, that atheists are no where near making for multiverses (or even for Darwinian evolution). To lay this evidence out, ‘if’ a hypothetical observer were to accelerate to the speed of light, time, as we understand it, would come to a complete stop for the hypothetical observer. To grasp the whole ‘time coming to a complete stop at the speed of light’ concept a little more easily, imagine moving away from the face of a clock at the speed of light. Would not the hands on the clock stay stationary as you moved away from the face of the clock at the speed of light? Moving away from the face of a clock at the speed of light happens to be the same ‘thought experiment’ that gave Einstein his breakthrough insight into e=mc2.
Albert Einstein - Special Relativity - Insight Into Eternity - video https://vimeo.com/93101738 “I’ve just developed a new theory of eternity.” Albert Einstein – The Einstein Factor – Reader’s Digest – 2005
Some may think that time, as we understand it, coming to a complete stop at the speed of light is pure science fiction, but, as incredible as it sounds, Einstein’s infamous thought experiment has many lines of evidence now supporting it.
Velocity time dilation tests http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_dilation#Velocity_time_dilation_tests
This following confirmation of time dilation is my favorite since they have actually caught time dilation on film (of note: light travels approx. 1 foot in a nanosecond (billionth of a second) whilst the camera used in the experiment takes a trillion pictures a second):
Amazing — light filmed at 1,000,000,000,000 Frames/Second! – video (so fast that at 9:00 Minute mark of video the time dilation effect of relativity is caught on film) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_9vd4HWlVA
This higher dimension, ‘eternal’, inference for the time framework of light is not only warranted by empirical evidence but is also warranted by logic. This is because light is not ‘frozen within time’ yet it is shown that time, as we understand it, does not pass for light. Thus, the only way this is possible is if light is indeed of a higher dimensional value of time than our temporal time is. Otherwise, if light were governed by the rules of temporal time, light would simply be ‘frozen within time’ to our temporal point of observation.
“The laws of relativity have changed timeless existence from a theological claim to a physical reality. Light, you see, is outside of time, a fact of nature proven in thousands of experiments at hundreds of universities. I don’t pretend to know how tomorrow can exist simultaneously with today and yesterday. But at the speed of light they actually and rigorously do. Time does not pass.” Richard Swenson – More Than Meets The Eye, Chpt. 12
Another line of evidence that supports the inference that ‘tomorrow can exist simultaneously with today and yesterday’, at the ‘eternal’ speed of light, is visualizing what would happen if a hypothetical observer were to approach the speed of light. Please note, at the 3:22 minute mark of the following video, when the 3-Dimensional world ‘folds and collapses’ into a tunnel shape as a ‘hypothetical’ observer moves towards the ‘higher dimension’ of the speed of light, (Of note: This following video was made by two Australian University Physics Professors with a supercomputer.).
Approaching The Speed Of Light – Optical Effects – video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQnHTKZBTI4
The reason why we cannot physically see this higher dimensions above this one is best explained by 'Flatland':
Dr Quantum – Flatland – video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWyTxCsIXE4
And, we have ‘observational’ evidence for both time dilation and tunnel curvature from Near Death Experience testimonies. Here are a few quotes for time dilation:
‘In the ‘spirit world,,, instantly, there was no sense of time. See, everything on earth is related to time. You got up this morning, you are going to go to bed tonight. Something is new, it will get old. Something is born, it’s going to die. Everything on the physical plane is relative to time, but everything in the spiritual plane is relative to eternity. Instantly I was in total consciousness and awareness of eternity, and you and I as we live in this earth cannot even comprehend it, because everything that we have here is filled within the veil of the temporal life. In the spirit life that is more real than anything else and it is awesome. Eternity as a concept is awesome. There is no such thing as time. I knew that whatever happened was going to go on and on.’ In The Presence Of Almighty God – The NDE of Mickey Robinson – video https://vimeo.com/92172680 ‘When you die, you enter eternity. It feels like you were always there, and you will always be there. You realize that existence on Earth is only just a brief instant.’ Dr. Ken Ring – has extensively studied Near Death Experiences ‘Earthly time has no meaning in the spirit realm. There is no concept of before or after. Everything – past, present, future – exists simultaneously.’ - Kimberly Clark Sharp – NDE Experiencer ‘There is no way to tell whether minutes, hours or years go by. Existence is the only reality and it is inseparable from the eternal now.’ - John Star – NDE Experiencer
And here are a few quotes, from near death experience, for tunnel curvature to a higher dimension:
“Very often as they’re moving through the tunnel, there’s a very bright mystical light … not like a light we’re used to in our earthly lives. People call this mystical light, brilliant like a million times a million suns…” - Jeffrey Long M.D. – has studied NDE’s extensively “I started to move toward the light. The way I moved, the physics, was completely different than it is here on Earth. It was something I had never felt before and never felt since. It was a whole different sensation of motion. I obviously wasn’t walking or skipping or crawling. I was not floating. I was flowing. I was flowing toward the light. I was accelerating and I knew I was accelerating, but then again, I didn’t really feel the acceleration. I just knew I was accelerating toward the light. Again, the physics was different – the physics of motion of time, space, travel. It was completely different in that tunnel, than it is here on Earth. I came out into the light and when I came out into the light, I realized that I was in heaven.” Barbara Springer – Near Death Experience – The Tunnel – video https://vimeo.com/79072924 “I was in a body, and the only way that I can describe it was a body of energy, or of light. And this body had a form. It had a head, it had arms and it had legs. And it was like it was made out of light. And it was everything that was me. All of my memories, my consciousness, everything.”,,, “And then this vehicle formed itself around me. Vehicle is the only thing, or tube, or something, but it was a mode of transportation that’s for sure! And it formed around me. And there was no one in it with me. I was in it alone. But I knew there were other people ahead of me and behind me. What they were doing I don’t know, but there were people ahead of me and people behind me, but I was alone in my particular conveyance. And I could see out of it. And it went at a tremendously, horrifically, rapid rate of speed. But it wasn’t unpleasant. It was beautiful in fact. I was reclining in this thing, I wasn’t sitting straight up, but I wasn’t lying down either. I was sitting back. And it was just so fast!” – Vicki’s NDE – Blind since birth – Near Death Experience Tunnel – Speed Of Light – Turin Shroud – video http://www.vimeo.com/18371644

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