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Someone has noticed the progressive war on science


Columnist Margaret Wente at the Globe and Mail:

Nearly 9,000 people in California have come down with whooping cough this year, and a handful have died. Repeated pleas from public health officials have gone unheeded. “Children are the victims of our ignorance,” vaccination expert Paul Offit wrote in The Wall Street Journal. “An ignorance that, ironically, is cloaked in education, wealth and privilege.”

Yet it’s conservatives – religious, less educated, less wealthy and certainly less liberal – who are generally condemned for dogmatically refusing to embrace science. After all, they’re the knuckle-draggers who believe that evolution is just a story and that global warming is a crock. In Canada, a week is not complete without another denunciation of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s so-called war on science.

But what about the progressives’ war on science? That war actually kills people. As Hank Campbell, co-author of the book Science Left Behind, writes, “If some crank school district tries to deny evolution, no one is going to die and it just makes them look backward and stupid. Denying food, medicine and energy science, like progressives do, is costing lives.” More.

Now there’s a unique and refreshing perspective.

Journalist wonders, why Creation Museum inspires rage, whole foods scams don’t (sky fell last night too, by the way)

Hank Campbell on the corruption of peer review

Hank Campbell on Cosmos: Multiverse is just postmodernism with some math

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In fact, actual evidence (rather than anecdote) suggests political ideology has very little to do with people's perception of a vaccine saftey. Much less so than positions on global warming or evolution. wd400
There is no war on science. People disagree with conclusions that demand compliance by saying they are based on a superior methodology of truth finding CALLED SCIENCE. its all about accuracy and methodology relative to accuracy. Evolutionism is inaccurate and poor methodology. Real medical science stuff is accurate and refusing treatments is the fault of the refusnik. it all shows how authority interferes with plain evidence gathering. Robert Byers
It seems to me that the war on science is waged by anyone who wants to discredit it because it fails to endorse or directly contradicts their most cherished beliefs. that can mean wealthy and progressive as much as poor and regressive. Seversky
It seems to me that the war on science is waged by anyone who wants to discredit it because it fails to endorse or directly contradicts their most cherished beliefs. that can mean wealthy and progressive as much as poor and regressive. Seversky

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