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Design inference in the Hugo sci-fi awards?


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The “Hugos” are widely called the most prestigious awards in the world of science fiction and fantasy publishing. They are awarded every year by a vote of the membership of the World Science Fiction Convention, which SF fans have called “Worldcon” since time immemorial.

Starting three years ago, Larry Correia, successful science fiction writer, decided to test his suspicion that the Hugo Awards of the World Science Fiction Society were increasingly being awarded through the action of a small group, and increasingly reflect the tastes of that small group rather than a more general population of science fiction readers.

Correia’s experimental method was to publish a list of suggested nominees for the Hugo Awards that he thought wouldn’t otherwise get serious consideration. He repeated the exercise a year ago, and then this year Brad Torgersen continued with a new list of suggested nominees.

Only, this year, a lot of those suggested nominees were actually nominated. At which point all hell broke loose.

Including predictable claims about a “misogynistic, racist voting campaign.”

Very very similar articles came out in many different places, all of them nearly simultaneously.

It would seem someone hit a nerve. More.

Or stumbled on the Design Inference

This is as good as the lottery stories. Also, this one.

Buy lottery tickets. Unless you are a math genius, pay extra tax. Help fund more bureaucrats, more regulations. 😉

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Journalism is a dead job walking now. I've written about that in a few places. Legacy media is now largely popular fiction. But a fiction writing contest is not supposed to be itself fiction. News
Very very similar articles came out in many different places, all of them nearly simultaneously.
Journalists have private e-mail lists where they discuss how to cover stories to have the effect they want. One mailing list used to be called "JournoList" but after it was exposed they changed the name. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JournoList Jim Smith

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