We’ve written a lot lately about the problems with peer review. So has Nature.
The good news is that a number of innovative approaches are being tried. There is doubtless a winner or two entering the field; best clock ’em all.
PeerJ offers peer reviewer matching. Its aims & scope:
1 PeerJ is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal. It considers articles in the Biological Sciences, Medical Sciences, and Health Sciences.
2 PeerJ does not publish in the Physical Sciences, the Mathematical Sciences, the Social Sciences, or the Humanities (except where articles in those areas have clear applicability to the core areas of Biological, Medical or Health sciences).3 PeerJ only considers Research Articles. It does not accept Literature Review Articles, Hypothesis Papers, Commentaries, Opinion Pieces, Case Studies, Case Reports etc. which may instead be submitted to PeerJ Preprints.4 PeerJ evaluates articles based only on an objective determination of scientific and methodological soundness, not on subjective determinations of ‘impact,’ ‘novelty’ or ‘interest’.5 PeerJ applies the highest standards to everything it does – specifically, the publication places an emphasis on research integrity; high ethical standards; constructive peer-review; exemplary production quality; and leading edge online functionality.
6 PeerJ does not accept pre-submission enquiries; however, if you are unsure whether or not your article fits our Scope then please email us at: editorial.support@peerj.com.
They also offer a social science survey on current attitudes to peer reviewing here.
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Hat tip: Pos-Darwinista