Uncommon Descent Serving The Intelligent Design Community


Science is a verb

The biggest problem with the new British science standards is that they would allow for all types of naturalist nonsense—and create barriers to critiquing it. Read More ›

No-one Knows the Mind of God . . . Except the Committed Atheist

Fair warning to the regular readership. Typically I like to cover intelligent design and evolution-related issues, but I trust I may be permitted a bit of a detour.  There have been a couple of interesting posts recently by Sal, vjtorley and Barry about issues of a more philosophical bent.  vjtorley’s OP, in particular, quoted parts of an essay from Professor Jerry Coyne.  I would like today to share some thoughts on point. With apologies to those not of the Judeo-Christian tradition, my comments will focus in part on the Bible, given that the Bible and the God of the Bible have been the brunt of many new atheist attacks recently, including Coyne’s.  Similar points, no doubt, could be made with Read More ›

Oxford profs respond to and refute new atheist claims

Said to be an excellent discussion of faith, blind faith, certainty, proof, persuasion: Philosophy, Science and the God Debate: ‘Science disproves the existence of God’. Scientists and philosophers interviewed: Alister McGrath (The Dawkins Delusion), Keith Ward (Why There Almost Certainly Is a God) and John Lennox (Gunning for God). This documentary shows Oxford professors responding and refuting the New Atheists, like Richard Dawkins (The God Delusion), Christopher Hitchens (God is not Great), Sam Harris (Letter to a Christian Nation) and Daniel Dennett (Breaking the Spell). Follow UD News at Twitter!