Once again: The pygmy marmoset is two “species”
But the giraffe turned out to be four species. From ScienceDaily: Evolutionary biologists have now discovered that the Pygmy Marmoset — the world’s smallest monkey — is not one species but two. Weighing in at just 100 grams — roughly the size of a large tomato — the insect-eating primate was first described scientifically in 1823 by German naturalist Johann Spix as Cebuella pygmaea, with a sub-species subsequently found. Now a team led by the University of Salford, using the latest techniques in genomics and phylogenetics, have established proof of two clades or branches of pygmy marmosets, that have diverged from one another around 2 — 3 million years ago. The study was restricted to monkeys in the Brazilian Amazon, Read More ›