His title:
Which Scientific Idea Should Be Retired?
Believe it or not, some people’s answer is “evolution”
Yuh. So?
Oh wait, those Edgers are being very bad kitties indeed. Why are people allowed to say that at The Edge?
Here’s Darwin’s defender Coyne:
There is no “peer review” of the answers to Edge questions, and I guess I’m the first question-answerer who has decided to criticize the answers of other respondents. But, as always, the laws of physics have determined that I must be a pain in the tuchus by criticizing folks who spread misconceptions about evolution.
Wonder if The Edge will continue to allow criticism of Darwin.
If so, as Canadian blogger Blazing Cat Fur would say: Bad cat. Bad.
See also: Retire this science idea, Edge: That there is a common toolkit of conserved genes
Who would have expected Darwinian evolution to come up in The Edge’s list of …