Why do Silicon Valley parents send their kids to low-tech schools?
Keep this fact in mind when someone claims that a local school performs poorly because not enough funds have been made available for ultra high tech equipment.
There are meaningful jobs that pay well. Other Forbes lists to ponder include, Deadliest Jobs, Best and Worst Masters’ Degrees for Jobs and, wait for it, Happiest Jobs.
Athletic association removes ball from soccer so students do not experience feelings of failure?
Missing the point about disruptive kids in the classroom
One problem with all the psychologizing and valorizing around the “non-conformist” kid is something that seems obvious to me, though your mileage may vary: People who are distracting others are usually not distracting themselves. They are doing what they wish to do at the expense of the opportunity for others to learn without distraction. In other words, they are being unjust and uncharitable to other students and to the teacher.
For those financing an education on their own tab …, what will your major earn?