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Do We Have an Evolutionary Theory?


This is a preview of a paper by John A. Davison that will be appearing in Rivista di Biologia and ISCID Brainstorms.

Do We Have an Evolutionary Theory?

Dear Editors,

The word theory has several definitions. To facilitate discussion I am going to define theory as follows. A theory sensu strictu is an hypothesis which, having been tested, has achieved a degree of support, thereby enabling it to make certain predictions. When this definition is applied to evolution some curious conclusions emerge.

I will present these conclusions first with respect to the two major hypotheses which have dominated evolutionary science for over a century. These are the Lamarckian hypothesis of the inheritance of changes produced during the life of the individual and the Darwinian hypothesis that Nature selects random changes in genetic composition resulting from undirected mutations. I will then consider the possibility that evolutionary mechanisms are not amenable to experimental analysis, a suggestion presented by Schindewolf. (1993). Having done so, I will then apply the same criteria to the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis which I have recently offered and which was anticipated independently by William Bateson, Leo Berg , Robert Broom and Otto Schindewolf (Davison, 2005).

Are all hypotheses testable? This fundamental question has significance because it implies something that may not be amenable to realization. That is to say that if a result cannot be anticipated, the hypothesis simply does not exist. It is interesting to compare Lamarckism and Darwinism in this respect. Lamarckism is eminently testable because it makes highly specific predictions. As such it is a fine hypothesis. The classic example of the giraffe stretching its neck is an example and one considered by Lamarck. Of course we know now from certain African tribes that engage in this practice that the effects are not transmitted to the next generation. The failure of mutilations to be transmitted has been known since antiquity. Darwin’s own Pangenesis hypothesis was tested by August Weismann in Darwin’s own day with negative results. There is still no convincing demonstration that such factors have played a major role in organic evolution. However, let me say that since macroevolution is not demonstrable today, it remains conceivable that Lamarckian devices could have been of importance, perhaps even of great significance, in the past.

It is when we come to Darwinism that things become both interesting and revealing. Central to the Darwinian hypothesis is the notion that Nature does the selecting of that which is essential for evolutionary progress. Of course Nature is not subject to experimental control and so we have had to substitute artificial means of selection to simulate that which has been assumed to have been the mechanism. While there is no question that varieties can be produced through artificial selection, to the best of my knowledge such attempts have as yet never successfully exceeded the species barrier. This experience includes centuries of efforts on the part of animal and plant breeders to alter all kinds of domesticated organisms. Furthermore, since Nature is at the very least unpredictable, we are left with the conclusion that the Darwinian model does not qualify even as an hypothesis, a curious status for a view still widely accepted by the evolutionary establishment.

There is another reason to question the validity of the Darwinian hypothesis. Since Nature was somehow created, the question arises as to exactly when in the creative process did the Creator transfer the reins of the creative process over to Nature, that which had been previously created? My answer to that question is never.

Now we come to the hypothesis that evolution resulted from the expression of endogenous forces not directly subject to experimental analysis. This idea may be traced back first to William Bateson, then to Leo Berg and Robert Broom, next to Otto Schindewolf and finally to myself in the form of the Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis (PEH). I have recently reviewed the history of this idea and the evidence in support of it (Davison 2005). On the face of it such an hypothesis would seem to be untestable and as such would not seem to be of scientific significance. Yet, having dispensed with major alternatives, is it even necessary to apply an experimental criterion to evaluate its validity? Is it necessary to test the validity of Mendeleef’s Periodic Table of the Elements or Galileo’s Law of Falling Bodies just to pick a couple of examples? I answer no as such phenomena demonstrate themselves. When it can be shown that the simple rearrangement of chromosomal information can produce profound heritable phenotypic effects, in other words evolution, does that in itself not constitute a proof that the information was always there and required only to be unmasked? When there is no demonstration that allelic substitutions have ever played a role in macroevolution, does that not require the abandonment of the entire Darwinian paradigm?

I further propose that while such a predetermined evolution may not be amenable to experimental analysis as Schindewolf claimed, the fact remains that it has never been subjected to experiment. In other words whether or not Schindewolf was correct has yet to be ascertained. I first proposed such a test (Davison 1984) with the paper “Semi-meiosis as an Evolutionary Mechanism.“ To my knowledge the Semi-meiotic Hypothesis (SMH) has yet to be tested employing material bearing chromosomal rearrangements in heterozygous form. That hypothesis predicts that a female heterozygous for a chromosomal rearrangement will, following the first meiotic division of her oocytes, have gynogenetically produced normal diploid offspring half of which will be homozygous for the original karyotype and half homozygous for the new rearrangement. Until those experiments have been carried out, the PEH must be considered viable. Moreover, since the Darwinian establishment no longer tests its own hypothesis, it is understandable why it might not wish to test the SMH. Nevertheless, it cannot be dismissed without laboratory inquiry into its validity. The PEH and the SMH are two faces of the same coin and experimental support for either will be support for both.

So it would seem that we still do not have a working theory of evolution. What has been firmly established however is the total failure of the gradualist Darwinian model to survive the test of experimental selection and the undeniable realities of the fossil record. Until that paradigm is formally discarded, I see little hope for progress in evolutionary science.

John A. Davison

Professor Emeritus of Biology, University of Vermont
Mailing address: L4 Grandview Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403
E-mail: nosivadaj@msn.com


Davison, J.A. [1984], Semi-meiosis as an Evolutionary Mechanism. J Theor. Biol. 111: 725-735.

Davison, J.A. [2005], A Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis. Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum 98: 155-166.

Schindewolf, O. [1993]. Basic Questions in Paleontology. University of Chicago Press, Chicago (original German edition, 1950).

Near half the genome is composed of transposons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transposon By definition any changes they make, and they appear to make a lot given the percentage of the genome that is transposable, are Lamarckian and happen in germ cells as well as any other cell with DNA in it which I guess only rules out red blood cells. Seems to me that if position effect is of real significance, and with transposons causing a lot of genetic material to be repositioned, that might be something worth further consideration.DaveScot
January 22, 2006
03:07 AM
I am unimpressed with the YEC perspective or any other kind of fundamentalism. I also see no evidence for Lamarckian effects of any real significance. If others do that is fine with me. Whatever floats your boat.John Davison
January 22, 2006
02:43 AM
"For multicellular organisms, how could genetic modification of the germ line occur post hoc?" Transposons and epigenetics. Read just about anything by Scott F. Gilbert. I don't have the reference on me, but he mentions a paper which shows an organism that develops a hardened neck if it is conceived in an environment where it predator has been. If several successive generations are conceived in such an environment, then the change becomes a fixed feature. Likewise, look at the complex adaptations of the orchid family for symbiosis. These are likely the results of predefined genetic modifications in response to nearby insects. Also, look at these papers by YEC Todd Wood: http://www.grisda.org/origins/52007.pdf http://www.grisda.org/origins/54005.pdfjohnnyb
January 21, 2006
09:01 PM
I am no longer concerned with whether anyone agrees with me or not or with the views of my many distinguished sources. If someone disagrees they have the responsibility to explain what it is they find unacceptable. I am happy to defend anything I have ever published but I have no intention of responding favorably to comments which indicate my correspondent has no convictions himself. I have already been through that many many times, most recently when I demonstrated that no one was willing to offer HIS version of the MECHANISM of organic evolution. Well I have offered MINE and I stand by it. Got that? Write that down. Now ask and I will try to answer.John Davison
January 21, 2006
04:47 PM
Feederbottom, whoever that really is. Why not Bottomfeeder? You don't eat with your bottom do you? I certainly I hope not. Why must people use aliases? That such a policy was ever begun escapes me. I have a good long term but a lousy short time memory. I do have pearls of wisdom scattered about and can usually find them. Perhaps you would be willing to tell me exactly what cannot agree with and why. Just to say so means nothing to me, absolutley nothing. You may write that down.John Davison
January 21, 2006
04:08 PM
I must say, John, I rarely aggree with what you say, but I love how you pepper your discourse with quotes. Are you pulling these from a quote book on your desk?Feederbottom
January 21, 2006
02:05 PM
Xavier Heavens no you certainly can't make any such assumption. I believe in reproductive continuity throughout the history of life. The only reservation I have relates to the number of times life originated. Nobody knows and don't ever let anybody tell you otherwise. All we know is THAT life originated and I personally regard it as inconceivable that could ever have occurred by chance. Evolution did not occur through the mechanisms we now see operating in contemporary foms which are of two basic types, either through asexual reproduction which tends to be clonal or through sexual means which I do not believe had anything to do with creative evolution. Quite the contrary, I believe sexual reproduction like Natural Selection is entirely anti-evolutionary. I have repeatedly asked for examples of sexually mediated evolution and been greeted with silence. In 1984 I offered the Semi-meiotic Hypothesis as a potential explanation and it remains untested or even unacknowledged for that matter. I recommend that you read my unpublished "An Evolutionary Manifesto: A New Hypothesis For Organic Change." You will find it at ISCID's forum where it was presented for a lengthy discussion a long time ago. I am not prepared to recount all that here when it is available elsewhere. After you have read and digested it I will be happy to respond to any questions. Let me say that I am a convinced creationist but not of the sectarian variety. I do not require that a personal God be involved in any aspect of science and in fact regard such as a hindrance to our understanding. I also regard Intelligent Design as self-evident and a mandatory assumption for our understanding of both ontogeny and phylogeny. For all practical purposes, yes, I do assume that contemporary species are immutable except for the potential for the production of subspecies and varieties. Many life forms are incapapble even of that. I will remain skeptical until it is demonstrated, under controlled conditions, that sexual reproduction can sustain a creative evolutionary event. That has never been done and quite frankly I regard it as impossible. We do not see evolution in action to day. We see only the terminal products of a past evolution which ended long ago, rwo million years ago at the genus level and somewhat more recently at the species level. The changes we now observe are trivial and have nothing to do with creative evolution. If a new life form appears I am confident it will prove not to have been produced through the agency of sexual reproduction. Sexual reproduction is much to anti-evolutionary and conservative to be involved in creative evolution, a phenomenon no longer taking place. Imcidentaly I am not the only one who believes evolution is finished. Robert Broom, Pierre Grasse and, of all people. Julian Huxley thought the same and said as much. So "don't blame me" as the old ballad proclaims. Blame my sources as well, some of the finest evolutionary scholars of all time. All I have added is what brought it to a standstill, the independent invention many times of sexual reproduction. Thank you for your interest. "It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for believing it to be true." Bertrand Russell So much for Darwinism.John Davison
January 21, 2006
01:32 PM
Thanks for your response, Dr Davison. I see practical (and ethical should anyone wish to consider homo sapiens) problems with your definition of species. How could, say the African and Indian elephant (to take an extreme example) be tested, if it requires two generations to test? Is not the Ernst Mayr definition (species are "groups of actually or potentially interbreeding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups") a more workable definition? (Though both will only work for organisms that reproduce sexually.) Can I assume, that, for you, speciation never occurred, and species are immutable, having been pre-programmed in some way?Xavier
January 21, 2006
10:02 AM
In my first paragraph it should be ambiguous not unambiguous. Sorry about that.John Davison
January 21, 2006
09:45 AM
Kavier The only acceptable criterion for species difference is the physiological one that tests to see if the hybrid is fertile or not. If the hybrid is sterile like the mule for example it establishes that the horse and the donkey are separate species. This criterion was proposed by a Darwinian by the way, Theodosius Dobzhansky, and I agree with it entirely. If two forms choose not to interbreed it must be tested by sperm transfer by the experimentalist. I don't believe this criterion has ever yielded unambiguous results. Fertile hybrids indicate subspecies or varieties and nothing more. That seems to be already established for Darwin's precious finches. I do not subscribe to Margulis' explanation for the origin of the metazoa. it is not necessary to do so. I still predict that the cross between a Chihuahua and a Great Dane will prove to produce a fertile product in either direction and probably would not even require assistance at delivery. I would further predict that if the bitch were the Dane she would deliver a great many pups while if the bitch were the Chihuahua, there would probably be a single pup. Winge, in his book "Inheritance in Dogs" described the result of a spontaneous cross between a St Bernard sire and Dachshund bitch who delivered a fertile single pup. This "hybrid" had only one problem. She had inherited the large size from the sire and the short legs from the bitch so her belly dragged on the ground during her pregnancy and had to be protected by towels. her name was "Rollmops." One must never underestimate the power of regulation in embryonic development. Why don't the Darwinians perform this experiment. Surely there is a Darwinian veterinarian somewhere willing to do the necessary sperm transfer assumning that might even be necessary. I am willing to bet that a Great Dane bitch could be successfully impregnated by a properly aroused Chihuahua son of a bitch with very little if any assistance. The reverse might prove to be problematical but it wasn't for the cross I earlier mentioned. Let's get cracking folks and start doing experiments. The Darwinians aren't going to do it. They are afraid to. As for Lynn Margulis, I do not accept her notion of prokaryote fusions either. It has never been demonstrated and, in accord with the PEH, it is not required either. The mitochondrion and the bacterium may simply be reading the same or very similar "blueprints," that were already there long before eukaryotes even appeared. I was amazed when, in a private email, William Provine trotted out dog varieties as an example of evolution in progress. That put a screeching halt to any further correspondence. I hope you can understand why.John Davison
January 21, 2006
08:07 AM
it remains conceivable that Lamarckian devices could have been of importance, perhaps even of great significance, in the past. Are you suggesting something other than horizontal gene transfer, or endosymbiosis (after Margulis), and if so, could you give more details? For multicellular organisms, how could genetic modification of the germ line occur post hoc? While there is no question that varieties can be produced through artificial selection, to the best of my knowledge such attempts have as yet never successfully exceeded the species barrier. What would be acceptable to you as a definition for "species"? There does not seem to be a universally agreed one among scientists.Xavier
January 21, 2006
06:08 AM
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