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Tribute to information theorist Bob Marks


Further to ASA actually asking him to explain information theory issues about evolution, even though Baylor took down his Web site (because a Baptist U can’t be seen to support any project that suggests God could exist (as former lifetime atheist Antony Flew thought?):

Group captain Ramsay explains what an officer is:

No, really. It’s nice that an organization of Christians in science is willing to entertain the possibility of actual, concrete, detectible design in the universe (as opposed to some gas about a woo woo circle that doesn’t mix up the rock of ages with the age of the rocks.) Hey, that train left station days back.

Bone up on information theory.

PS: My father escaped and was not captured.  No, it is true. He was not captured. He not only wasn’t “re-captured,” he was never captured. He is still alive. I visit him every day at an old age home in Canada. – O’Leary for News.

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'(because a Baptist U can’t be seen to support any project that suggests God could exist (as former lifetime atheist Antony Flew thought?)' What a vicious blow, O'Leary.... Proverbially the deadlier of the species, indeed, you don't 'take prisoners'! Axel
I've always admired Dr. Marks' courage for standing up to the 'Christians' at Baylor University, (which is a Baptist University by the way), who are, as far as I can tell, Christians in name only,,, As a side-note, I wonder how many Christians in the church today, including myself, would have the courage to face up to what the Iraqi Christians are facing today.
Leader: ISIS is ‘Systematically Beheading Children' in 'Christian Genocide' Excerpt: Mann asked about the ISIS letter sent to Christians in Mosul, demanding that they either convert to Islam, pay a fine or be put to "death by the sword." "It's very clear they are killing people, but are Christians managing to escape by paying a fine?" he asked. Arabo reports that after Christians pay the fine, the fighters take the Christian wives and children "and make them their wives - so it's really convert, or die." http://www.cnsnews.com/mrctv-blog/barbara-boland/leader-isis-systematically-beheading-children-christian-genocide
Of Note,
PLINY THE YOUNGER (63 - 113 A.D) Pliny the Younger admits to torturing and executing Christians who refused to deny Christ. Those who denied the charges were spared and ordered to exalt the Roman gods and curse the name of Christ. Pliny addresses his concerns to Emperor Trajan that too many citizens were being killed for their refusal to deny their faith. "I asked them directly if they were Christians...those who persisted, I ordered away... Those who denied they were or ever had been Christians...worshiped both your image and the images of the gods and cursed Christ. They used to gather on a stated day before dawn and sing to Christ as if he were a god... All the more I believed it necessary to find out what was the truth from two servant maids, which were called deaconesses, by means of torture. Nothing more did I find than a disgusting, fanatical superstition. Therefore I stopped the examination, and hastened to consult you...on account of the number of people endangered. For many of all ages, all classes, and both sexes already are brought into danger..." Pliny's letter to Emperor Trajan Though Pliny states some of the accused denied the charges, a recurring theme in the correspondence between Pliny and Trajan is the willingness of the true believer to die for Christ. This would hardly be reasonable if they knew He never existed! http://thedevineevidence.com/jesus_history.html
See also Stalin and Mao's brutal atrocities against Christians: (In fact Christianity has a long history of being persecuted in the world, with the relative peace we enjoy in the Western world being somewhat of a anomaly)
John 15:18-19 "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Home Free - Ring of Fire (featuring Avi Kaplan of Pentatonix) [Johnny Cash Cover] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0l3dsHCScxU

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