There was an interesting poll of biology teachers in Pennsylvania that were given the freedom to respond to more than one choice when given the opportunity to express belief in evolution, creation or ID. If evolution is defined as “change over time”, then even creationists and ID proponents could be said to believe in evolution. That seems to be suggested by the latest poll:
Is evolution missing link in some Pennsylvania high schools?
Some 20 percent of science teachers in survey say they believe in creationism
April 28, 2013 12:25 am
Ninety percent chose evolution; 19 percent said they believe in creationism, not defined in the questionnaire; 13 percent said they believe in intelligent design; and another 5 percent answered “not sure/other.” Teachers were allowed to list more than one option, so the numbers don’t total 100 percent.
But Mr. Berkman said their most alarming finding was that teachers need not introduce creationism in class to undercut interest and belief in evolution.“You just have to throw doubt and downplay evolution,” he said. “The idea that teachers are doing a really weak job — many a really weak job — of introducing evolution, we think, is because of reactions they get and maybe because of the lack of confidence in what they are teaching. That especially is the case with evolution, where many students have been primed by parents and youth groups to raise difficult and challenging questions.”
These teachers apparently didn’t get Judge Jones’ memo. Of note is this observation, ” many students have been primed by parents and youth groups to raise difficult and challenging questions.” And is that a bad thing? Here is An Immodest Proposal on how to teach evolution
Students can explain in detail how evolutionary theory explains the Cambrian Explosion.
Students can describe the changes in genes and embryological development by which complex biological structures such as the human eye evolved.
Students can delineate the lines of evidence by which evolutionary theory has decisively refuted intelligent design. etc.
How about: “Students can explain how evolutionary theory does not address the origin of life.”
HT: NCSE website