The one who got drowned in diversicrat social media politics. The story provides good illustration of the way in which traditional media today are not up to the job of newsgathering in a non-gatekeeper digital age and should not be trusted.
From Bre Davis at the Federalist:
Here Are All The Media Outlets Blatantly Lying About The Google Memo
3.Time Magazine: The magazine that’s been slowly dying for nearly a decade published a writeup of the ordeal, calling the memo a “tirade” in their headline: “Google Has Fired the Employee Who Wrote an Anti-Diversity Tirade, Report Says”.
To anyone who’s actually read the memo, it’s clear a “tirade” is the least accurate way to describe it. It’s calm, it’s rational, and not at all angry or rant-like. Just because someone says something that doesn’t fit a certain political agenda doesn’t mean it’s a “tirade.”
10. Gizmodo: The tech news outlet, which was one of the first to break the story of the memo’s existence and print it in full, has since updated the post containing the text of the memo to remove all of the hyperlinks and charts.
“The text of the post is reproduced in full below, with some minor formatting modifications,” the post states. “Two charts and several hyperlinks are also omitted.”
A quick look at Gizmodo’s modified version of the memo versus the actual memo shows that the media outlet removed nearly all of Damore’s supporting evidence. Was this an effort to make the memo seem less credible?
The headline certainly doesn’t help Gizmodo’s case: “Exclusive: Here’s The Full 10-Page Anti-Diversity Screed Circulating Internally at Google.”
This is why only 4 percent of Americans have a “very positive” opinion of the news media: they subvert the full truth in order to serve a political agenda. More.
Here’s a capture of the actual memo, not the one Gizmodo published with the stats and charts missing. Memo with charts also here.
More background from Sean Davis at the Federalist, where we learn that Damore was a Harvard biology major.
At UD News, we think evo psych is fashionable bunk, like Freudianism, and that Damore ought not to rely on it.
But let’s not lose track of the main point: Fact and evidence no longer matter in the powerful post-modern social media world. A war on the intellect is sure to follow their current war on freedom of thought and expression. Many volleys at once of pop science pieces around the notion that consciousness is an illusion may give early warning.
The progressives waging the war imagine that they are cementing their own position but they are mistaken. They are only cementing tyranny as such. Once an absolutist system is set up, anyone can turf them and take it over, and someone will. The same way that an absolute monarch can be replaced by a dictator for life. The dictator does not need to teach people who have never been free how to bow, scrape, cringe, lie, and snitch. Only free people object to that kind of thing.
See also: Investigation demanded against Evergreen biology prof Reality check: It’s hard for science types to fully convert to post-modernism because putting their brains in a blender and turning it on high seems scary at first. Weinstein wasn’t quite able to manage it.
Fired Google engineer got his ideas from… evolutionary psychology Yes, it is classic Orwell indeed: The Google execs probably all believe in evolutionary psychology, as they believe in Darwin. But they must ruthlessly sacrifice a colleague who acts on the belief system.