Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings! May you and all your friends be cheerful.
Posting at Uncommon Descent is a pleasure for all of us authors, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank our generous donors.
Recent posts explain why we put so many hours into the site: Evidence and honest discussion of evidence.
But now, suppose I told you that a theory about how life forms change over time has been known since the 1960s to be mathematically impossible (assuming evidence-based circumstances). Yet courts order it to be taught to all children uncritically in tax-supported schools. Anyone who raises doubts, public or private, is not only demonized or silenced in the academy but trashed by a swampful of overpaid trolls.
I am talking Darwinism, of course.
Good news: You needn’t think that life’s pattern is best accounted for by design in order to give yourself permission to doubt Darwin’s tale and despise its current function.
Darwinism is the only “science” most lifestyle editors and their writers will ever know (except, perhaps, dubious environment apocalypses, one-a-month). So an endless stream of stories filters through to the public, about how Darwin the liberator has freed us evolved apes to follow our selfish genes. The fact that there is little evidence for the selfish gene’s existence doesn’t matter.
Naturally, few who benefit from the Darwin industry can tolerate a rational assessment of its fact base. But some of us think evidence matters. You do, and that is why you come to this site. You come for what you won’t read in the Journal of Confirmation Studies or hear on Airhead TV.
We need a few things to keep the site up: authors with guts and something worthwhile to say, caffeine, and a bit of money. In fact, we’d like to offer more services, like pod and video. If you remember us now, we will use the money to expand services.
No, our ship is not sinking, and no orphans will starve if you use our service free. We are giving you an opportunity to invest in what you do use and value. And the best of the New Year to all our kind readers!