Interestingly, the people who say so are not who you think:
From ScienceDaily:
In the new research, published in the European Journal of Human Genetics, Dr Elhaik and Dr Graur used conventional biological models to date our most common male ancestor ‘Adam’ in his rightful place in evolutionary history.
The ground breaking results showed that this is 9,000 years earlier than scientists originally believed.
Their findings put ‘Adam’ within the time frame of his other half ‘Eve’, the genetic maternal ancestor of humankind. This contradicts a recent study which had claimed the human Y chromosome originated in a different species through interbreeding which dates ‘Adam’ to be twice as old.
Debunking unscientific theories is not new to Dr Elhaik. Earlier this year he debunked Hammer’s previous work on the unity of the Jewish genome and together with Dr Graur they refuted the proclamations made by the ENCODE project on junk DNA.
“We can say with some certainty that modern humans emerged in Africa a little over 200,000 years ago,” said Dr Elhaik.
Believe what you want. It’s not clear anyone knows.
Some of us think this is good news because our all time favourite palindrome (letters spell same phrase when reversed) is “Madam, I’m Adam.” 😉
As noted, Graur is a big foe of ENCODE (“no junk DNA”). In that context, see also “Another response to Darwin’s followers’ attack on the ‘not-much-junk-DNA’ ENCODE findings”
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