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Antibody affinity maturation as an engineering process (and other things)


In Kairosfocus’ very good thread about functional complexity, I posted about antibody affinity maturation as an example of a very complex engineering process embedded in biological beings. Both Kairosfocus and Dionisio suggested that I could open a new thread to discuss the issue. When such good friends ask, I can only comply.  🙂

For lack of time, I will try to be very simple.

First of all, I paste here my original post (#6 in the original thread):


Thank you for the very good summary. Among many other certainly interesting discussions, we may tend to forget sometimes that functionally specified complex information is the central point in ID theory. You are very good at reminding that to all here.

I would like to suggest a very good example of multilevel functional complexity in biology, which is often overlooked. It is an old favourite of mine, the maturation of antibody affinity after the initial immunological response.

Dionisio has recently linked an article about a very recent paper. The paper is not free, but I invite all those interested to look at the figures and legends, which can be viewed here:


The interesting point is that the whole process has been defined as “darwinian”, while it is the best known example of functional protein engineering embedded in a complex biological system.

In brief, the specific B cells which respond to the epitope (antigen) at the beginning of the process undergo a sequence of targeted mutations and specific selection, so that new cells with more efficient antibody DNA sequences can be selected and become memory cells or plasma cells.

The whole process takes place in the Germinative Center of lymph nodes, and involves (at least):

1) Specific B cells with a BCR (B cell receptor) which reacts to the external epitope.

2) Specific T helper cells

3) Antigen presenting cells (Follicular dendritic cell) which retain the original epitope (the external information) during the whole process, for specific intelligent selection of the results

4) Specific, controlled somatic hypermutation of the Variable region of the Ig genes, implemented by the following molecules (at least):

a) Activation-Induced (Cytidine) Deaminase (AID): a cytosine:guanine pair is directly mutated to a uracil:guanine mismatch.

b) DNA mismatch repair proteins: the uracil bases are removed by the repair enzyme, uracil-DNA glycosylase.

c) Error-prone DNA polymerases: they fill in the gap and create mutations.

5) The mutated clones are then “measured” by interaction with the epitope presented by the Follicular DC. The process is probably repeated in multiple steps, although it could also happen in one step.

6) New clones with reduced or lost affinity are directed to apoptosis.

7) New clones with higher affinity are selected and sustained by specific T helper cells.

In a few weeks, the process yields high affinity antibody producing B cells, in the form of plasma cells and memory cells.

You have it all here: molecular complexity, high control, multiple cellular interactions, irreducible complexity in tons, spacial and temporal organization, extremely efficient engineering. The process is so delicate that errors in it are probably the cause of many human lymphomas.

Now, that’s absolute evidence for Intelligent Design, if ever I saw it. :)

The most interesting answers came from Aurelio Smith and sparc. I have already answered AS’s comment in the original thread. Spark’s comments were more specific, so I paste them here  (#58 and 59):

You haven’t looked up evolution of AID, did you?


BTW, you let out the part of the B-cell development that occurs without any antigen. Lots of mutations, rearragements and selection. Where and how does ID interfere in these processes. Especially, in cases of man made synthetic artificial antigens that were not present 50 years ago?

OK, I will make just a couple of comments on these two points here, and let the rest to the discussion:

a) My point was not specifically about the evolution of the individual proteins in the system, but about the amazing complexity of the whole system. So, I have not done any detailed analysis of the individual proteins I quote. However, I will look at that aspect. As sparc seems aware of specific information about the evolution of AID, I invite him ot provide some references, and we can certainly go on from there.

b) I did not “let out” the part of the B-cell development. I simply focused on affinity maturation. However, the part sparc alludes to is extremely interesting too, so I will mention here in very general lines how it works, and why it is another wonderful example of intelligent engineering. And we can obviously discuss this second aspect too.

In brief, the adaptive immune system must solve the problem of reacting t a great number of potential antigens/epitope, which are not known in advance (I will use “epitope” from now on, because that is the immulogically active part of an antigen).

So, the two branches of the adaptive immune system (B system and T system) must be “prepared” to recognized possible epitopes coming from the outer world. They do that by a “sensor” which is the B cel receptor (BCR) in the B system, and the T cell receptor (TCR) in the T system.

Let’s focus the discussion on the B system.

To recognize the greatest number of possible epitopes (IOWs, of possible small biochemical configurations, mainly of proteins but also of other molecules), the B immune system builds what is usually known as the “basic repertoire”.Very simply, B cells underso a process of somatic genetic differentiation, essentially based on the recombination of VDJ genes, which generates a basic repertoire of different B clones with specific variable genes for the heavy and light chain, IOWs a specific BCR. In that sense, immune cells are different from other somatic cells, because they have a specific genetic recombination of the variable chains of the BCR (and therefore of the antibody that they will produce.

No one knows exactly how big that repertoire is in each individual, but new techniques are helping much in studying it quantitatively. From what I have read, I would say that the size is probably somewhere between 10^6 and 10^9 (more or less the total number of B cells in an organism).

Now, what is the purpose of this basic BCR (antibody) repertoire? We can consider it as a “network” of lower affinity antibodies covering in a loose way the space of possible epitope configurations. That repertoire is generated blindly (IOWs, without any information about specific antigens) by a process of sophisticated genetic engineering (VDJ recombination and other factors), which again uses random variation in a controlled way to generate diversity.

So, to sum up. two different complex algorithms act to ensure efficient immune responses.

1) The first one generates a “blind” repertoire of lower affinity antibodies covering as well as possible the whole space of configurations of possible epitopes.

2) The second one (affinity maturation) refines the affinity of the B cells selected in the primary response (from the basic repertoire) so that they become high affinity, specialized memory cells. This is the process I described in the beginning, in my post.

Both processes are wonderful examples of sophisticated engineering and irreducibly complex systems, and they are completely different one from the other. Both processes work together in sequence in a sophisticated and irreducibly complex meta-system.

Both use controlled random variation to generate diversity. The second process also uses intelligent selection based on existing information from the environment (the epitope conserved in the Follicular GC cell).

All that is very brief, and in no way covers the whole complexity of what is known. So, let’s open the discussion.

Simulation of B Cell Affinity Maturation Explains Enhanced Antibody Cross-Reactivity Induced by the Polyvalent Malaria Vaccine AMA1 doi: 10.4049/?jimmunol.1401054 Polyvalent vaccines use a mixture of Ags representing distinct pathogen strains to induce an immune response that is cross-reactive and protective. However, such approaches often have mixed results, and it is unclear how polyvalency alters the fine specificity of the Ab response and what those consequences might be for protection. In this article, we present a coarse-grain theoretical model of B cell affinity maturation during monovalent and polyvalent vaccinations that predicts the fine specificity and cross-reactivity of the Ab response. RnWe stochastically simulate affinity maturation using a population dynamics approach in which the host B cell repertoire is represented explicitly, and individual B cell subpopulations undergo rounds of stimulation, mutation, and differentiation. Ags contain multiple epitopes and are present in subpopulations of distinct pathogen strains, each with varying degrees of cross-reactivity at the epitope level. This epitope- and strain-specific model of affinity maturation enables us to study the composition of the polyclonal response in granular detail and identify the mechanisms driving serum specificity and cross-reactivity. We applied this approach to predict the Ab response to a polyvalent vaccine based on the highly polymorphic malaria Ag apical membrane antigen-1. Our simulations show how polyvalent apical membrane Ag-1 vaccination alters the selection pressure during affinity maturation to favor cross-reactive B cells to both conserved and strain-specific epitopes and demonstrate how a polyvalent vaccine with a small number of strains and only moderate allelic coverage may be broadly neutralizing. Our findings suggest that altered fine specificity and enhanced cross-reactivity may be a universal feature of polyvalent vaccines. http://www.jimmunol.org/content/193/5/2073
February 5, 2015
09:42 AM
Clonal selection in the germinal centre by regulated proliferation and hypermutation doi:10.1038/nature13300 During immune responses, B lymphocytes clonally expand and undergo secondary diversification of their immunoglobulin genes in germinal centres (GCs). High-affinity B cells are expanded through iterative interzonal cycles of division and hypermutation in the GC dark zone followed by migration to the GC light zone, where they are selected on the basis of affinity to return to the dark zone5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Here we combine a transgenic strategy to measure cell division and a photoactivatable fluorescent reporter to examine whether the extent of clonal expansion and hypermutation are regulated during interzonal GC cycles. We find that both cell division and hypermutation are directly proportional to the amount of antigen captured and presented by GC B cells to follicular helper T cells in the light zone. Our data explain how GC B cells with the highest affinity for antigen are selectively expanded and diversified. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v509/n7502/abs/nature13300.html
February 5, 2015
09:29 AM
how do B cells adapt to their targets?
Over the weeks following an invasion by a disease-causing microbe, the human immune system fine tunes its defenses, producing proteins called antibodies that are ever more precisely targeted at the invader. New research in Michel Nussenzweig’s Laboratory of Molecular Immunology helps explain how the immune system accomplishes this, suggesting new ways by which the body could be trained to fight disease. “We have understood this process, called affinity maturation, in broad strokes for decades; however, the mechanistic details have remained more elusive,” says Alex Gitlin, a graduate student in the lab and the first author of a study that delves into these mechanisms. “Our research helps explain how the immune system selects B cells that produce antibodies with a high affinity for a pathogen.” “These cycles of mutation, proliferation and selection happen over and over again. Over time, a few lines of high affinity B cells come to dominate the germinal centers,” Gitlin says. Their current findings shed light on how the higher affinity B cells out-compete lower affinity cells. The repeated process of hypermutation and selection creates a feed-forward loop, says Gitlin. “When a B cell is selected as being higher affinity, it is instructed by the T cell to divide a greater number of times, and through more cell divisions, they accumulate more mutations.” http://newswire.rockefeller.edu/2014/05/06/discovery-helps-dxplain-how-b-cells-adapt-to-their-targets/
February 5, 2015
09:20 AM
a few related notes on immunology: Falk’s fallacy - Feb. 2010 Excerpt: This (the immune system) is one of the most amazing processes ever described.,,, Whatever may be said about it, it is a highly regulated, specified, directed and choreographed process. It is obviously the product of overwhelmingly brilliant design,,, https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/falks-falacy/ Response to Kathryn Applegate - Caroline Crocker PhD.- cell biologist and immunologist - October 2010 Excerpt: Diversity of antibodies generated by B cells is due to deliberate, cell-engineered changes in the DNA sequence, not random mutations. In fact, I have never before heard the process whereby functional antibodies are formed (before they encounter antigen) described as mutation. And it is well-known that the appearance of functionality as a result of a mistake-mutation is extremely rare. Of course, after encountering antigen the hypervariable regions of the antibody DNA do undergo somatic hypermutation, but again this is in particular places and is controlled by enzymes.,,, https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/comments-on-kathryn-applegate%E2%80%99s-may-posts-on-biologos/#more-15176 Generation of Antibody Diversity is Unlike Darwinian Evolution - microbiologist Don Ewert - November 2010 Excerpt: The evidence from decades of research reveals a complex network of highly regulated processes of gene expression that leave very little to chance, but permit the generation of receptor diversity without damaging the function of the immunoglobulin protein or doing damage to other sites in the genome. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2010/11/response_to_edward_max_on_talk040661.html "A Masterful Feat of Courtroom Deception": Immunologist Donald Ewert on Dover Trial - audio http://intelligentdesign.podomatic.com/player/web/2010-12-20T15_01_03-08_00 In this following podcast, Casey Luskin interviews microbiologist and immunologist Donald Ewert about his previous work as associate editor for the journal Development and Comparitive Immunology, where he realized that the papers being published were comparative studies that had nothing at all to do with the evolution of such systems. What Does Evolution Have to Do With Immunology? Not Much - April 2011 http://intelligentdesign.podomatic.com/entry/2011-04-06T11_39_03-07_00 How the Burgeoning Field of Systems Biology Supports Intelligent Design - July 2014 Excerpt: "Adaptation," where organisms are pre-engineered to be able to undergo small-scale adaptations to their environments. As Snoke explains, "These systems use randomization controlled by supersystems, just as the immune system uses randomization in a very controlled way," and "Only part of the system is allowed to vary randomly, while the rest is highly conserved.",,, per Evolution News and Views Evolutionists Are Now Saying That Evolution Created an Optimized Evolutionary Process (For Immunity System) - Cornelius Hunter - July 2012 Excerpt: This type of problem, known as the calculus of variations, is important in many engineering problems. It also applies to our immune system. About ten years ago researchers used Pontryagin’s maximum principle—an important concept in engineering control theory involving the calculus of variations—to predict how our immune system works. http://darwins-god.blogspot.com/2012/07/evolutionists-are-now-saying-that.html The Cell Secret Immune System - BBC video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1MnNO4I9aU Irreducible complexity meets multifunctionality: Immune system molecule with hidden talents - January 22, 2013 Excerpt: The human immune system is made up of some half a dozen different cell types that are all working in tandem. Team work is key since each cell type has a single unique job to perform, which is central to its ability to help defend the body against invaders and ward off disease. If one of these players is taken out of commission, the entire system is thrown out of whack.,,, "We had no idea that B cells and dendritic cells use immunoglobulins to communicate with each other. It just goes to show you how complex the immune system really is and how we are a long way from truly grasping the full scope of its complexity," http://medicalxpress.com/news/2013-01-immune-molecule-hidden-talents.html Of related note: Immunity bacteria are shown to be species specific (Regardless of the surprising result, Darwinists still insist evolution did it.) Our Microbes, Ourselves: Billions of Bacteria Within, Essential for Immune Function, Are Ours Alone - ScienceDaily (June 21, 2012) Excerpt: Chung repeated the experiment, only this time populating a third group of mice with microbes common to rats. This new group showed the same immune system deficiency as the humanized mice. "I was very surprised to see that," Chung said. "Naturally, I would have expected more of a half-way response." http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/06/120621130643.htmbornagain77
February 5, 2015
09:10 AM
Both use controlled random variation to generate diversity. The second process also uses intelligent selection based on existing information from the environment (the hapten conserved in the Folliculart GC cell).
How is this selection "intelligent"?DNA_Jock
February 5, 2015
09:01 AM
This could be an interesting sneak preview of what could happen when we get an OP on the cell fate specification/determination interwoven mechanisms for multicellular development. :) That must be quite a thrilling rollercoaster ride to try here someday. :) Fasten your seatbelts... :)Dionisio
February 5, 2015
08:35 AM
Hey, the game clock is ticking... sparc are you still there? anybody else out there? :) PS. Let's hope the other players won't start complaining about the curtains in the room or the distracting presence of the accredited media reporters. :) In this case the invisible onlookers/lurkers are quietly watching what's going on from the sidelines. :)Dionisio
February 5, 2015
08:26 AM
#2 follow-up How did that amazingly complex system get setup to being with? What preceded it? How did it turn from the previous version to the current version? What was version 1.0?Dionisio
February 5, 2015
08:09 AM
As in a chess match, grandmaster GP has made the first move and now the game clock is ticking for the opponent to respond. :)Dionisio
February 5, 2015
08:00 AM
a) My point was not specifically about the evolution of the individual proteins in the system, but about the amazing complexity of the whole system.
Yes, that's a very important point to keep in mind during this discussion.Dionisio
February 5, 2015
07:47 AM
Eccellente mio caro Dottore! Mile grazie! Now let the discussion start. Apparently some interlocutors have serious arguments to present here. Let's hear them. PS. Perhaps this recent paper somehow relates to this discussed subject? http://journal.frontiersin.org/journal/10.3389/fmicb.2014.00534/full In Kairosfocus’ very good thread about functional complexity, I wrote the following comment in post #61:
Let’s keep in mind that there’s a substantial amount of detailed information to dissect further for this discussion. The enzymes involved in the processes could be reviewed, as well as their variations involved within different scenarios. But most importantly we should look carefully at the actual choreographies where the referred enzymes and their variations play any role. How did they get orchestrated? Special attention to timing, location, quantity? Other issues to consider too?
February 5, 2015
07:23 AM
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