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At Medical Express: First direct evidence that babies react to taste and smell in the womb


A study led by Durham University’s Fetal and Neonatal Research Lab, UK, took 4D ultrasound scans of 100 pregnant women to see how their unborn babies responded after being exposed to flavors from foods eaten by their mothers.

Researchers looked at how the fetuses reacted to either carrot or kale flavors just a short time after the flavors had been ingested by the mothers.

Fetuses exposed to carrot showed more “laughter-face” responses while those exposed to kale showed more “cry-face” responses.

First direct evidence that babies react to taste and smell in the womb
A 4D scan image of the same fetus (as in the laughter-face baseline image) showing a laughter-face reaction after being exposed to the carrot flavour. Credit: FETAP (Fetal Taste Preferences) Study, Fetal and Neonatal Research Lab, Durham University.

Their findings could further our understanding of the development of human taste and smell receptors.

The researchers also believe that what pregnant women eat might influence babies’ taste preferences after birth and potentially have implications for establishing healthy eating habits.

The study is published in the journal Psychological Science.

Humans experience flavor through a combination of taste and smell. In fetuses it is thought that this might happen through inhaling and swallowing the amniotic fluid in the womb.

Mothers were given a single capsule containing approximately 400mg of carrot or 400mg kale powder around 20 minutes before each scan. They were asked not to consume any food or flavored drinks one hour before their scans.

Facial reactions seen in both flavor groups, compared with fetuses in a control group who were not exposed to either flavor, showed that exposure to just a small amount of carrot or kale flavor was enough to stimulate a reaction.

“Previous research conducted in my lab has suggested that 4D ultrasound scans are a way of monitoring fetal reactions to understand how they respond to maternal health behaviors such as smoking, and their mental health including stress, depression, and anxiety.

“This latest study could have important implications for understanding the earliest evidence for fetal abilities to sense and discriminate different flavors and smells from the foods ingested by their mothers.”

The researchers say their findings might also help with information given to mothers about the importance of taste and healthy diets during pregnancy.

They have now begun a follow-up study with the same babies post-birth to see if the influence of flavors they experienced in the womb affects their acceptance of different foods.

Medical Express

These findings seem to support the conclusion that the unborn are alive and human. But does the flavor of carrots make you smile?

"why would she have been invited to assist in an ultrasound abortion procedure?" Sev, In this case, it could just mean holding the mother's hand, or otherwise lending support while in the room. Andrewasauber
September 24, 2022
05:53 AM
Seversky at 18, "Are you saying you have no objection to chemically-induced abortion?" No, I am not saying that. I'm saying that it is blatantly obvious that it is objectively morally wrong to rip apart, limb from limb, another "innocent" human person. Especially another person who can “Taste And Smell”, as well as display love and care towards other people. To murder another person in such a barbaric fashion is downright psychopathic. Yet this ripping apart, limb from limb, is exactly what is done in the abortion industry on a routine basis as if it is just 'business as usual'.
Dismemberment Abortion – Patrina Mosley, M.A. Dismemberment abortions are a common and brutal type of abortion that involve dismembering a living unborn child piece by piece. According to the National Abortion Federation’s abortion training textbook, dismemberment abortions are a preferred method of abortion, in part because they are cheaper than other available methods.1 (2018) https://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF18F25.pdf
Seversky, you brought a few rare examples where pre-term delivery was necessary in order to save a mother's life. You did this in order to try to justify the many millions or dismemberment abortions that are completely unnecessary.
Will Laws Protecting the Unborn Endanger Mothers? Michael Egnor - August 2, 2022 Excerpt: Medically Necessary? The vast majority of abortions committed in the U.S. are elective and are done without even the pretense to protect the health of the mother. Situations in which a mother’s life is genuinely in danger and for which removal of the child is the necessary medical treatment are quite rare. Neonatologist Dr. Kendra Kolb has an excellent discussion of whether abortion can be medically necessary: "It is often said that abortion is sometimes medically necessary to protect the life or health of the mother. This is simply not true. As a neonatologist, I am regularly consulted to advise mothers with high-risk pregnancies, and I routinely care for their babies. I have also personally gone through two very difficult pregnancies each requiring hospitalization. So I have great empathy and respect for all women who are pregnant, especially those with difficult or high-risk pregnancies. What women deserve to know, however, is that even in the most high-risk pregnancies, there is no medical reason why the life of the child must be directly and intentionally ended with an abortion procedure. In situations where the mother’s life is truly in jeopardy, her pregnancy must end, and the baby must be delivered. These situations occur in cases of mothers who develop dangerously high blood pressure, have decompensating heart disease, life threatening diabetes, cancer, or a number of other very serious medical conditions. Some babies do need to be delivered before they are able to survive outside of the womb, which occurs around 22 to 24 weeks of life. Those situations are considered a preterm delivery, not an abortion. These babies deserve to be treated with respect and compassion, and parents should be given the opportunity to honor their child’s life… A mother’s life is always of paramount importance, but abortion is never medically necessary to protect her life or health." https://evolutionnews.org/2022/08/will-laws-protecting-the-unborn-endanger-mothers/
Your supposed 'compassion' for the mother's life in the rare instances you cited, and your complete lack of compassion for the unborn baby who is being ripped apart limb from limb in the mother's womb, is literally breathtaking for the sheer hypocrisy displayed. As I said before, you are a complete psychopath for supporting such a barbaric practice as dismemberment abortion. Moreover, if you really had real compassion for the mother's life, (instead of just using the mother's life as a rhetorical ploy to try to justify dismemberment abortions), you would be against abortion since "Women (are) More Likely to Die After Abortion, Not Childbirth"
Study: Women More Likely to Die After Abortion, Not Childbirth - September 2012 Excerpt: A new study of the medical records for nearly half a million women in Denmark reveals significantly higher maternal death rates following abortion compared to delivery. This finding has confirmed similar large-scale population studies conducted in Finland and the United States, but contradicts the widely held belief that abortion is safer than childbirth. http://www.lifenews.com/2012/09/05/study-shows-women-more-likely-to-die-after-abortion-n ot-childbirth/
Sev: "Is your morality based on how squeamish you feel about something?" No it is not. For instance, although I might feel a bit "squeamish" about ripping apart someone who had murdered my children via ripping them apart limb from limb, (or about ripping Hitler apart limb from limb), I would have no doubt whatsoever that I was perfectly morally justified in ripping that murderer apart limb from limb who had murdered my children in such a fashion, (or in ripping apart Hitler apart limb from limb who had killed millions of Jews). In fact, I would be perfectly morally justified in making that murderer's death, (or Hitler's death), as prolonged and painful (i.e. as hellish) as possible. Sev: "Perhaps, but I’m not the one condemning those who displease me to eternal hell and damnation or completely annihilating them." So you want people to be free to kill as many unborn babies as they want, via ripping them apart limb from limb, and yet you are 'upset' that God would hold you and others morally accountable for such 'un-repented' barbaric behavior? If 'justice' can be even said to exist in your worldview, you have a very warped sense of 'justice" Seversky. Even toddlers display a far better sense of ‘moral justice’ than you do Seversky.
The Moral Life of Babies – May 2010 Excerpt: From Sigmund Freud to Jean Piaget to Lawrence Kohlberg, psychologists have long argued that we begin life as amoral animals.,,, A growing body of evidence, though, suggests that humans do have a rudimentary moral sense from the very start of life. With the help of well-designed experiments, you can see glimmers of moral thought, moral judgment and moral feeling even in the first year of life. Some sense of good and evil seems to be bred in the bone.,,, Despite their overall preference for good actors over bad, then, babies are drawn to bad actors when those actors are punishing bad behavior. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/09/magazine/09babies-t.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
Sev: "Yes, some women regret the decision but others are pleased to have been relieved of an unwanted burden. Who is right? So your 'moral justification' for dismemberment abortions is that some women feel "relieved"? You are kidding right? As I said before, you are a complete psychopath. Sev: "What did Jesus say about abortion? What does the Bible say about abortion? Where is the commandment against abortion?" So Sev, do your really believe that Jesus would be championing dismemberment abortions? Besides being a complete psychopath, you are apparently also completely insane. But alas, I guess the two go hand in hand. As to the 'commandment' not to rip apart your children limb from limb, you do remember the golden rule do you not Seversky? Or has your irrational hatred towards unborn children, life, and/or God in general, erased even that most basic sense of objective morality from your mind?
Matthew 22: 34-40 Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: “Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”
September 24, 2022
03:16 AM
I’ll take Abby Johnson for example… she managed an abortion clinic for how many years before she understood what was happening there. I always want to ask, how did she not understand what was going on? Well, she let the pro-abort movement do her thinking for her about the issue for a long time, before she even decided to look at the procedure she was pushing. And by accident, she found out with her own eyes one day. The fog of stupidity. We all have had it to one degree or another.
Abby Johnson was the clinic director of the Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas. She was an administrator not a medical professional. She had a BS in psychology from Texas A&M University and a Master of Arts in counseling from Sam Houston State University. Since she had no appropriate medical skills, why would she have been invited to assist in an ultrasound abortion procedure? She had worked at the clinic in various capacities for eight years. Are you seriously suggesting that, after all that time, she still had no idea what actually happened there? When the records for the day in question were examined, there was none for a patient matching the description given by Johnson. That she is anti-abortion now is not in question but the account she gave of her "conversion" does not stand up to close scrutiny.Seversky
September 23, 2022
08:18 PM
One of the biggest problems in the West is too many people believing others without finding out for themselves what is really going on.
Especially true in the case of religious belief.Seversky
September 23, 2022
08:00 PM
Abortion is not ‘health care.’ You see a doctor because of a disease or broken limb, not because you don’t want the baby and are otherwise healthy. That is called lying.
It's absurd to deny that pregnancy can have a major impact on the health of a woman. Of course it's healthcare.Seversky
September 23, 2022
07:45 PM
A bit of history. 1960 The FDA approves the birth control pill. Most women do not want or need it. For so-called Baby Boomers born in the 1950s, the average number of kids was 2 not 10. I was there, I saw this
Were women being compelled to take the birth control pill whether or not they wanted it? Or was it seen as offering women an option in such matters that they didn't have before? And why on Earth should that be objectionable?
1967 Time magazine runs a cover story about The Pill. They turn babies into something to be feared. From the top of the page: “Contraception: Freedom from Fear.”
It was offering freedom from the fear of unwanted or unintended pregnancy. In what way is that a problem?
1970s A small group of women – Radical Feminists – try to convince other women that they speak for them. Job one: Divide true relationships between men and women and create two separate groups. Feminist icon, Gloria Steinem: “A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle.”
Feminism could be interpreted as a reaction to the masculine misogyny prevalent before then - and which is still around. It was and is offensive to many women although there were - and still are - some with a "Handmaid" mentality who apparently accept it as part of the natural order.
1980s No-Fault – so-called – Divorce. I open the newspaper to the Classifieds and see the following: “No kids? $75 and you’re out. Call 800-DIVORCE.”
So what? It's an advertisement for a service. Nothing more. No one is being compelled to take it up.
After decades of this, some women think a man is not required to raise their children. Liars. A man was required to have those children.
A man who fathered a child is not necessarily the best person to raise it just because he contributed some sperm.Seversky
September 23, 2022
07:38 PM
You are a ghoul. Your distraction post is just that, a distraction, Nothing more. There were a number of people involved in both cases and bad or wrong decisions were made. Death was the result. So, do you know that death is the goal in abortion, every time? Can you admit to that? Or can you admit that many abortions are not done to save the life of the mother?
Yes, abortion is the killing of an unborn human being at various stages of development prior to birth and it is not always carried out to preserve the life of the mother. Does preventing abortion justify the deaths of those women - and they are far from being the only ones to die as a result of an uncompromising opposition to abortion - or the immense amount of suffering women in Ireland experienced in the likes of the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam. Can you admit that this is the ugly side of a rigid and intolerant Catholicism?Seversky
September 23, 2022
07:20 PM
Oh no Sev pulled up two one off situations and accuses proliferation of not caring about them…….. here is something 1.) you do not care one bit about the two examples you mentioned other then their convenient use to make prolife hypocrites (which it doesn’t)
Whether I care or not, these examples are evidence for the tragic consequences of an uncompromising, fundamentalist approach to abortion. You can brush those deaths aside in the interests of imposing your totalitarian morality on everyone else.
2.) rare situations to occur do not justify global legalization of murder due to inconvenience. It’s like a nazi justifying killing all Jews because he gave an example of two bad Jews
No, they do not justify unrestricted access to elective abortion. Neither did Roe. What they are evidence for is that a complete ban on abortion under any circumstances is also wrong if it leads to deaths such as these. They are evidence for the view that abortion should be permissible under certain circumstances.
3.) abortion is population control dressed up as a woman’s right. All of this is generally preventable using contraceptives and responsibility
Abortion as population control is a conspiracy theory and I remind you that there are faiths that are utterly opposed to contraception. Irish Catholicism has been responsible for a lot of women's suffering because of their extremist view on that issue.
4.) I’ll raise your two examples with these 30 million plus examples of your barbaric right taking innocent lives that pro choicers always ignore
So you know the circumstances of each of those 30 million plus abortions? You know that in all of those cases the woman was so callous and indifferent that she chose to dispose of the fetus because a baby would be "inconvenient" at that time? How is stigmatizing women in that way any different from stigmatizing Jews as being responsible for all the ills of a society?Seversky
September 23, 2022
07:02 PM
So Seversky, since you made no caveat, and if I get you right, you are saying that you actually are for ripping apart, limb from limb, unborn babies in the womb with ‘dismemberment’ abortions??
Are you saying you have no objection to chemically-induced abortion? Is your morality based on how squeamish you feel about something?
If this is what you really trying to defend, (and you gave me no reason to think otherwise), you are a complete psychopath.
Perhaps, but I'm not the one condemning those who displease me to eternal hell and damnation or completely annihilating them.
As well, In the interest of telling the “other side of the story”, there are dramatic negative consequences for women who have abortions, dramatic negative consequences which abortionists will never tell you about
Yes, some women regret the decision but others are pleased to have been relieved of an unwanted burden. Who is right? What did Jesus say about abortion? What does the Bible say about abortion? Where is the commandment against abortion?Seversky
September 23, 2022
06:41 PM
Andrew at 15, I worked in a hospital for 9 years. On a few occasions, I sat down with doctors who were kind enough to answer my questions. The problem is trust. Of allowing yourself to trust others. But when people want to hide something, certain words are never said and certain things are never shown. In Michigan, some pro-life women were looking through a dumpster behind an abortion clinic. They found remains that were clearly human. The remains were collected, put into a coffin and a funeral Mass was held. They reported finding these parts to the local authorities. The abortion clinic was fined for the "Improper disposal of medical waste." Even here, a human being is reduced to 'medical waste.'relatd
September 23, 2022
11:23 AM
Relatd, I agree with your follow-up comment. Was thinking the exact same thing Andrewasauber
September 23, 2022
11:09 AM
I'll take Abby Johnson for example... she managed an abortion clinic for how many years before she understood what was happening there. I always want to ask, how did she not understand what was going on? Well, she let the pro-abort movement do her thinking for her about the issue for a long time, before she even decided to look at the procedure she was pushing. And by accident, she found out with her own eyes one day. The fog of stupidity. We all have had it to one degree or another. Andrewasauber
September 23, 2022
11:07 AM
Andrew at 13, One of the biggest problems in the West is too many people believing others without finding out for themselves what is really going on. Too many people trusting the wrong people. Too many people who trust people who are lying to them. That is the problem. And people who are worried about finding out what's really going on - what is actually true. Sometimes, it is painful to hear the truth. With abortion, what separates people who know it's a baby and those who do not? Finding out for themselves what abortion really is.relatd
September 23, 2022
11:01 AM
"Why do you think it’s stupidity?" Relatd, For many, their minds have been degraded to the point of not understanding what's being asserted. So, they can state it's not a baby, because the voices that influence them say it's not a baby, not because they really understand what's going on, but the opposite. They don't really understand, therefore they let other people define reality for them. You see what I mean? Andrewasauber
September 23, 2022
10:53 AM
Andrew, Why do you think it's stupidity? It's called making a false claim: "It's not a baby." And it's not "health care" either. https://www.usccb.org/resources/abortion-not-healthcarerelatd
September 23, 2022
08:59 AM
Pro-Abortion position: It's not a baby and it doesn't react, despite the fact that it's a baby and it does react. That's the stupidity Pro-Lifers are up against. Andrewasauber
September 23, 2022
06:51 AM
Salvo has an interview with the pro-life woman, Lila Rose, who recently went on the Dr. Phil show,
An Interview with Lila Rose As the founder and president of Live Action (www.liveaction.org), Lila Rose has been battling Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry for years.,,, https://salvomag.com/article/salvo35/acting-for-life
September 22, 2022
04:05 PM
Ooooh I hate auto correct not “proliferation” but “pro-life” @relatd That’s another thing that angers me is the use of world play validated their viewpoint Calling the fetus anything but human to avoid the idea that they are killing a human is gross to me “Blob of tissue” “clump of cells” are deliberate gross distortions of want is being talked about, with the simply purpose of stripping the value of human from the fetus. And let’s not forget the frequent use of the term fetus too. “It’s just a fetus” ignores the actual definition of the word which is “unborn baby mammal” in this case a human Almost all of their arguments ride on redefining the unborn baby human as not a human. Which means they are perfectly aware of they are killing a human and if it’s human they know it’s wrong.AaronS1978
September 22, 2022
01:49 PM
AS1978, It's called divide and conquer. Nothing more. Get a few people here to yell a few things about baby killing. That's all that's going on. On the pro-choice side, the choice is death for the baby. A woman does not go to a doctor because she's going to have a "blob of tissue." Saving the life of the mother is important if the baby puts her at risk of dying. Abortion is not 'health care.' You see a doctor because of a disease or broken limb, not because you don't want the baby and are otherwise healthy. That is called lying.relatd
September 22, 2022
10:40 AM
@5 It’s not always the end goal, it’s used for removing stillborn and dead fetuses. The honest and righteous pRo-ChOiCe movement tried to publicly accuse the pro-life movement and the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade that it would force women to keep the dead fetus in them because they couldn’t get an abortion. Did I mention I love the pro-choice movement and their semantic garbage they like to use to get their way.AaronS1978
September 22, 2022
10:14 AM
A bit of history. 1960 The FDA approves the birth control pill. Most women do not want or need it. For so-called Baby Boomers born in the 1950s, the average number of kids was 2 not 10. I was there, I saw this. 1967 Time magazine runs a cover story about The Pill. They turn babies into something to be feared. From the top of the page: "Contraception: Freedom from Fear." 1970s A small group of women - Radical Feminists - try to convince other women that they speak for them. Job one: Divide true relationships between men and women and create two separate groups. Feminist icon, Gloria Steinem: "A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle." They create an atmosphere of fear - again. Men, all men, are the enemy. They will divorce you and kick you and the kids to the curb. This creates fertile ground for: 1980s No-Fault - so-called - Divorce. I open the newspaper to the Classifieds and see the following: "No kids? $75 and you're out. Call 800-DIVORCE." After decades of this, some women think a man is not required to raise their children. Liars. A man was required to have those children.relatd
September 22, 2022
08:31 AM
Seversky at 2, You are a ghoul. Your distraction post is just that, a distraction, Nothing more. There were a number of people involved in both cases and bad or wrong decisions were made. Death was the result. So, do you know that death is the goal in abortion, every time? Can you admit to that? Or can you admit that many abortions are not done to save the life of the mother?relatd
September 22, 2022
08:20 AM
Oh no Sev pulled up two one off situations and accuses proliferation of not caring about them…….. here is something 1.) you do not care one bit about the two examples you mentioned other then their convenient use to make prolife hypocrites (which it doesn’t) 2.) rare situations to occur do not justify global legalization of murder due to inconvenience. It’s like a nazi justifying killing all Jews because he gave an example of two bad Jews 3.) abortion is population control dressed up as a woman’s right. All of this is generally preventable using contraceptives and responsibility 4.) I’ll raise your two examples with these 30 million plus examples of your barbaric right taking innocent lives that pro choicers always ignore https://www.worldometers.info/abortions/AaronS1978
September 22, 2022
07:29 AM
So Seversky, since you made no caveat, and if I get you right, you are saying that you actually are for ripping apart, limb from limb, unborn babies in the womb with 'dismemberment' abortions?? If this is what you really trying to defend, (and you gave me no reason to think otherwise), you are a complete psychopath. As well, In the interest of telling the "other side of the story", there are dramatic negative consequences for women who have abortions, dramatic negative consequences which abortionists will never tell you about
Pro-life activist Lila Rose recounts clash with Dr. Phil audience https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dULL2usF3BU
September 22, 2022
07:13 AM
Maybe we ought not rip apart, limb from limb, unborn babies in the womb? Especially unborn babies who can “Taste And Smell”, as well as display care towards other people?
The other side of the story which you and other pro-lifers, predictably, ignore.
Death of Savita Halappanavar […] Summary of events On 21 October 2012, Halappanavar, then 17 weeks pregnant, was examined at University Hospital Galway after complaining of back pain, but was soon discharged without a diagnosis. She returned to the hospital later that day, this time complaining of lower pressure, a sensation she described as feeling "something coming down", and a subsequent examination found that the gestational sac was protruding from her body. She was admitted to hospital, as it was determined that miscarriage was unavoidable, and several hours later, just after midnight on 22 October, her water broke but did not expel the fetus.[8]:?22–26?[8]:?29?[9] The following day, on 23 October, Halappanavar discussed abortion with her consulting physician but her request was promptly refused, as Irish law at that time forbade abortion if a fetal heartbeat was still present.[8]:?33?[10] Afterwards, Halappanavar developed sepsis and, despite doctors' efforts to treat her, had a cardiac arrest at 1:09 AM on 28 October, at the age of 31, and died.[8]:?53?[8]:?44–46? Aftermath After her death, a coroner's inquest was held, finding that she died of medical misadventure.[11] The Health Service Executive (HSE) and Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) conducted an investigation. Both criticized the team for not diagnosing the sepsis soon enough and for not using already-standard screening tools for detecting and managing maternal sepsis, and for poor keeping of medical records, poor communication at shift changes, and failure to notify staff with needed expertise, and criticized the administration of the hospital for the poor system in which the team failed. They made recommendations about training and policies for the hospital locally along with a number of national recommendations, including the creation of a laboratory system to coordinate a national response to emerging microbial threats.[12][13] The HSE also recommended changes to the legal situation and training of doctors about the law.[8] The law in force at the time stated that the act of abortion, where there was no immediate physiological threat to the woman's life to continue the pregnancy, was a criminal offence punishable by life imprisonment. Following a ruling of the Supreme Court of Ireland in 1992 – now known in Ireland as the X case – terminations are allowed under certain circumstances, where "a pregnant woman's life is at risk because of pregnancy, including the risk of suicide".[14] However at the time of Halappanavar's death, there was legal uncertainty regarding the precise circumstances in which this exception to preserve the life of the mother would apply in practice, as the matter had not yet been enacted in legislation.
Then there was also the case of
Sheila Hodgers Sheila Hodgers (1956/57[fn 1] – 19 March 1983) was an Irish woman from Dundalk, County Louth, who died of multiple cancers two days after giving birth to her third child.[2] She was denied treatments for her cancer while pregnant because the Catholic ethos of the hospital did not wish to harm the foetus. Her case was publicised in an article in The Irish Times the week before a September 1983 referendum which enshrined the right to life of the foetus in the Constitution of Ireland.[3][4] The case has been recounted in subsequent pro-choice commentary on abortion in the Republic of Ireland.[2][5][6][7] In August 1981, Hodgers detected a breast lump and was referred to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, then run by the Medical Missionaries of Mary, a Catholic order of nuns.[3] Some time after a lumpectomy there, her husband Brendan was told by the surgeon that a second tumour had been found which would be fatal if a mastectomy wasn't performed.[3] Even with the operation, there was a strong chance of secondary tumours appearing.[3] The operation was carried out and considered a success.[3] Hodgers was prescribed a course of anti-cancer drugs and advised not to use the contraceptive pill as this could cause her cancer to return.[2] According to journalist Padraig Yeates, Brendan Hodgers claimed a consultant told him that "as Sheila had a clean bill of health, (pregnancy) shouldn't be a problem".[3] The consultant himself denied this.[3] According to Yeates, every medical expert he spoke to said that following a mastectomy, it was standard advice to tell a woman to wait at least two years before becoming pregnant.[3] One year after the operation, Sheila Hodgers became pregnant.[2] Since the anti-cancer drugs she was taking could harm the foetus, she was stopped from taking them.[2] Hodgers began experiencing severe back pains and could hardly stand.[2] Her husband urged the hospital to induce her pregnancy or perform a Caesarian section but they refused as it would damage the foetus.[2][3] They also refused painkillers.[2][3] The hospital had to abide by an alleged "Bishop's Contract", a code of ethics drawn up with the Catholic Church.[2] During her time at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Hodgers was attended to by at least seven doctors.[8] Her husband said the only doctor there he trusted was Michael Neary.[1] According to Brendan Hodgers: "I went to see Sheila one night and she was in absolute agony. She was literally screaming at this stage. I could hear her from the front door of the hospital and she was in a ward on the fourth floor. I saw the sister and she produced a doctor who said nothing that made any sense."[2][3] Sheila Hodgers was subsequently moved to the maternity unit and given painkillers.[2][3] According to Brendan, he at this point asked if an abortion could be performed but was given no answer.[2][3] The couple again asked if an induction or Caesarian could be performed, and were again told the baby would not survive.[2] On 17 March 1983, Hodgers gave premature birth in extreme agony to a baby girl, Gemma, who immediately died.[1] Hodgers died two days later from cancer in her neck, spine, legs, liver and ribs
September 22, 2022
06:38 AM
Maybe we ought not rip apart, limb from limb, unborn babies in the womb? Especially unborn babies who can "Taste And Smell", as well as display care towards other people?
Twin fetuses learn how to be social in the womb - October 13, 2010 Excerpt: Humans have a deep-seated urge to be social, and new research on the interactions of twins in the womb suggests this begins even before babies are born.,,, The five pairs of twins were found to be reaching for each other even at 14 weeks, and making a range of contacts including head to head, arm to head and head to arm. By the time they were at 18 weeks, they touched each other more often than they touched their own bodies, spending up to 30 percent of their time reaching out and stroking their co-twin.,,, Kinematic analyses of the recordings showed the fetuses made distinct gestures when touching each other, and movements lasted longer — their hands lingered. They also took as much care when touching their twin’s delicate eye region as they did with their own. This type of contact was not the same as the inevitable contact between two bodies sharing a confined space or accidental contacts between the bodies and the walls of the uterus,,, The findings clearly demonstrate it is deep within human nature to reach out to other people. http://phys.org/news/206164323-twin-fetuses-social-womb.html Wired to Be Social: The Ontogeny of Human Interaction - 2010 Excerpt: Kinematic analysis revealed that movement duration was longer and deceleration time was prolonged for other-directed movements compared to movements directed towards the uterine wall. Similar kinematic profiles were observed for movements directed towards the co-twin and self-directed movements aimed at the eye-region, i.e. the most delicate region of the body. http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0013199
If a psychopath did to a child what the abortion industry routinely does to unborn children, via ‘dismemberment abortions, the psychopath would be sentenced to death, and/or life in prison, and the vast majority of people would wholeheartedly agree with that punishment.
Dismemberment Abortion – Patrina Mosley, M.A. Dismemberment abortions are a common and brutal type of abortion that involve dismembering a living unborn child piece by piece. According to the National Abortion Federation’s abortion training textbook, dismemberment abortions are a preferred method of abortion, in part because they are cheaper than other available methods.1 (2018) https://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF18F25.pdf 100 million views: People respond to the viral ‘Abortion Procedures’ videos Excerpt: In these videos, Dr. Levatino, who committed over 1,200 abortions before becoming pro-life, explains in detail what occurs when the life of a preborn child is destroyed during an abortion during the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Each of the Abortion Procedures videos describes in detail how each abortion procedure is carried out and how the preborn child dies. The realization of abortion’s barbarity, cruelty, and inhumanity has impacted many viewers who were not expecting to see what they saw.,,, https://www.liveaction.org/news/live-action-abortion-procedures-impact/ Abortion Procedures: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimesters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CFZDhM5Gwhk Watch (pro-choice) minds (immediately) change on abortion (after watching the abortion procedures video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xWQHhqOAcg Abby Johnson Discusses Why She Left Planned Parenthood At The 2020 RNC | NBC News, (she witnessed a dismemberment abortion first hand) https://youtu.be/NXQjCuWFdzI?t=100 Michael Egnor – The Junk Science of the Abortion Lobby (Fetuses not only experience pain but experience it more intensely than do adults) https://mindmatters.ai/2019/01/the-junk-science-of-the-abortion-lobby/
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart;
September 22, 2022
04:22 AM
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