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But they never mention the racism. Why not?


From a book excerpt at Salon, a mag you’d read if you believe you are smart despite evidence:

Over the next two decades Darwin revised the “Origin of Species” five times. Even in his final revision, he did not take the theory to its logical end; but he had already privately concluded that his principles of natural selection applied to the human race as well. “As soon as I had become . . . convinced that species were mutable productions,” he wrote in his later “Autobiography,” “I could not avoid the belief that man must come under the same law.” In 1871 he finally published “The Descent of Man,” an extension of his evolutionary principles to the human race.

The “Descent” brought the full implications of the “Origin of Species” into plain sight.

Charles Darwin had put biology on a collision course with the human race’s most cherished idea about itself: its uniqueness. “The question raised by Mr. Darwin as to the origin of the species,” one reviewer wrote, “marks the precise point at which the theological and scientific modes of thought come into contact. . . . We are brought face to face in this book with the difficult problems which previously had only revealed themselves more or less indistinctly on the dim horizon.”

Those difficult problems were now in plain sight—and would remain there.

Of course, they are too polite to mention that racism is then an inevitable component of Darwin’s theory.

Their formula must work.  The very people one would expect to be most exercised about racism want to declare a national Darwin Day in the United States.

Oh wait. Facts change when we rewrite them. Spin hard at work. Hmmm. Can’t help wondering how much of it is fuelled by tax dollars.

That is the part of Darwinism that bugs me most. The general lack of discussion of serious issues like that (though sometimes, indulged as amused piffle, of course).

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NEWS, and many other posters here. You are wrong. Darwin was not a racist. He went out of his way to inist selection had no impact on the races in smarts. Yes for ,ale/female but not race. Racism is a myth anyways. Its just a attempt to discredit opinions of one identity towards another. right or wrong, good or evil. its only opinions. In fact , living in toronto, more people, a majority I think, agree today the races/sex are intellectually not equal because of evolution. Just different scores now. You guys are wrong about this stuff. YES evolutionists, AFTER DARWIN, all statrted the race eqials species equals smarts thing. Yet not Darwin or in his ideas. One can believe selection did NOT affect the races after separation from a original breeding single population. Race never had a effect in mankind. Identity did but not from deep ideas about race. Today race matters but very little in the old days in the English world. I'm sure Irisch Catholics were seen as not much different then Asians/Indians/Africans in rural Ireland. Diserali brought that up. Its just opinions on people groups moral and intellectual quotients. IQ today is used to judge race and sex and more then yesterday. Just read Pinkers stuff! and others. You guys are wrong about these matters. Get the evoltiondom and not Darwin. Its a false target. YES creationism can make excellent persuasive points againsts evolutionism on these matters. Don't aim wrong and ruin the first shots.Robert Byers
June 7, 2015
07:20 PM
‘Spectacle: The Astonishing Life of Ota Benga,’ by Pamela Newkirk - By HARRIET A. WASHINGTON - JUNE 5, 2015 Excerpt: The internment of “exotic” peoples in expositions and world fairs was no rare event in the 19th century, when Europeans swarmed Africa and other colonial lands in search of “subhumans” to display. Bodies, typically brown and black, were exhibited by scientists as well as impresarios like P.?T. Barnum. In fact, Barnum’s first success was an 1830s attraction featuring Joice Heth, fictitiously billed as the 161-year-old “mammy” of George Washington. The journalist Pamela Newkirk has ferreted out the truth concerning a singular figure named Ota Benga, a young man from the Congo who was presented to American audiences as an “African Pygmy.” Two years after an appearance at the 1904 St. Louis World Fair, he was brought to the New York Zoological Park (better known as the Bronx Zoo), where he was locked in a cage with an orangutan before a jeering throng. The display was more than mere entertainment; it was propaganda. The low evolutionary status of a monkey-man was supposed to persuade the masses who were resistant to Darwin and evolutionary theory. The real story of Benga’s captivity had been carefully shrouded by those who profited from his plight, notably Samuel Phillips Verner, a failed missionary and self-proclaimed scientist who delivered him to William Temple Hornaday, the zoo’s director. Verner cast himself in the role of Benga’s savior, friend and benefactor in an assortment of contradictory tales that were further obscured by a complicit news media, which documented Benga’s suffering in confinement for weeks only to subsequently deny he had ever been displayed. Even after Benga was rescued and embraced by African-American communities in Brooklyn and Lynchburg, Va., he was haunted by a longing for his Congo home. In March 1916, he committed suicide by shooting a bullet through his heart. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/books/review/spectacle-the-astonishing-life-of-ota-benga-by-pamela-newkirk.html?_r=0bornagain77
June 7, 2015
06:58 PM
Anyone: Was self-admitted Darwinist Lynn Margulis a racist?daveS
June 7, 2015
04:59 PM
Because. goodusername, their desire for an excuse, a rationale, a cover for their atheism is desperate, Darwinists would simple-mindedly infer from the relatively- belated, technological development of the sub-Saharan Africans, while Europeans had developed industrial societies, that they should be the natural prey of the gloriously 'intelligent' Europeans. Savvy? This misconceived sense of intellectual superiority growing, despite the fact the precocious development of Mayan culture, in comparison with contemporaneous European culture. http://www.history.com/topics/maya And despite the manifest aptitude for worldly intelligence of a high calibre evidenced by the Indians, Chinese, Japanese, etc al, and their relative tardiness in expressing it in terms of technological progress - other than very occasionally in the quite distant past.Axel
June 7, 2015
04:44 PM
You inadvertently underscore the point at 9:
I'm not sure how; unless you're badly misreading me, or I'm badly misreading you. No one denies that there are racists who used Darwinism (although, again, anyone who thinks that Darwinism made things worse hasn't read the leading texts prior to Darwinism or Darwin's opponents). It's interesting that Darwin, Galton, et al, were all in England, and it's the country where Darwinism was most popular, and, yet, how popular was eugenics there? Not a single piece of legislation was passed there in support of eugenics. And we barely heard a peep out of eugenicists for four decades after Darwinism had became mainstream. Not until the early 20th century - and in America, where Darwinism was least popular - did eugenics start to make waves, for reasons Davenport explains:
Formerly, when we believed that factors blend, a characteristic in the germ plasm of a single individual among thousands seemed not worth considering: it would soon be lost in the melting pot. But now we know that unit characters do not blend; that after a score of generations the given characteristic may still appear, unaffected by repeated unions with foreign germ plasm. So the individual, as the bearer of a potentially immortal germ plasm with innumerable traits, becomes of the greatest interest.
Yet, no one blames Mendelism. Eugenics had support from all quarters, as well as opposition from all quarters. Facing an issue and attempting to learn from it is not done by using it to score political points. But, again, this is all beside the point. My only question was how is racism "an inevitable component of Darwin’s theory"? It seems everyone wants to avoid that. Including the person who was complaining that everyone wants to avoid that.goodusername
June 7, 2015
02:18 PM
bornagain 77 @19, Thanks for posting that link! UD readers will find Maafa 21 very enlightening.harry
June 7, 2015
02:02 PM
Dionisio @22,
Darwinism is not the cause of racism, or euthanasia, or any other evil ideas in this world.
Darwinism is one of the evil ideas in this world, all of which, ultimately, originated in the mind of the Prince of this World, who, we have on good authority, is the Father of lies and was a murderer from the start. Darwinism makes it possible for those whose minds have been darkened by the Father of lies to say "Although atheism might have been logically tenable before Darwin, Darwin made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist." All Darwin really did put a different spin on what we already knew from centuries of dog breeding: Within a given kind nature allows for much variation. Variations in the beaks of Darwin's finches proved no more than did the variations in dogs we already knew were possible. What the dog breeders had the common sense to realize that Darwin didn't, was that there were limits to what one could do with selection. There were boundaries beyond which the products of selection, whether that selection be natural or artificial, would be rendered infertile or would not live to reproduce themselves. Darwinism, ignoring that obvious fact, spun Darwin's idea to mean there was no need for God in the explanation of life as we know it. Who do you suppose was behind putting that spin on it? The Father of lies. We can't find Darwin's transitional forms in the fossil record. We now know life is digital-information-based nanotechnology the functional complexity of which is light years beyond our own. Anybody who has worked with the development of digital-information based technology knows that the idea that it can be improved by mindless, accidental modifications is just stupid. Yet many who know better remain quiet while Emperor Atheism runs around stark naked filling students with hogwash and blind-faith-based atheism -- an atheism that requires a huge, irrational faith -- and insisting other belief systems requiring only a very small, very reasonable faith be banned from schools. Darwinism is one of the evil ideas in this world.harry
June 7, 2015
01:33 PM
Nicely stated, Dionisio. Incidentally, God's attitude toward racism is illustrated in Numbers 12. The gist was * Miriam and Aaron doubted the authority of Moses based on his marrying a black woman. (gasp) * God turned Miriam "white as snow" with leprosy. (seems fitting, doesn't it?) * Moses begged God to forgive Miriam. * God healed Miriam, but she was banned from the camp for a week, as "if her father had spit in her face." (what God thinks of racists) Wow! Now wouldn't that make a good sermon! -QQuerius
June 7, 2015
12:50 PM
kairosfocus @ 9
Seversky, no one has said that all racism is due and only due to Darwin et al. At the same time, it is indubitable that Darwinism was a major contributor to scientific racism and eugenics, including specifically Darwin’s family and Darwin’s book, Descent of Man. All of this is horrifically evident in the Hunter Civic Biology at the heart of the Scopes trial, something that does not come out in the Inherit the Wind stereotypes of fundamentalists that have circulated for coming on ninety years. Eugenics and related movements did much harm in the past 100 years. And much more. That needs to be faced as an origins science and society issue, not swept under the carpet as usually happens, and the sort of objections to bringing up the relevant history give me serious concern on the issue of refusing to learn from painful but important history. In that context, pointing fingers everywhere else as though nothing serious enough to be faced is on the table, trips a red warning flag. KF
I’m not denying that the theory of evolution was enlisted to support racist policies and practices or that some eugenics practices were gross abuses of human rights. Just as you cannot deny that there were religious leaders who enlisted to Bible to support the practice of slavery, that eugenics programs were endorsed by some religious leaders or that Christian organizations were heavily involved in the boarding schools that attempted to forcibly assimilate Native American children into white society. As I said before, the lesson to be learnt is that there is no one group or race or scientific theory or religion that is predominantly responsible for racism. We all are. Anything less is, in one of your favored phrases, a “red herring”.Seversky
June 7, 2015
12:19 PM
Darwinism is not the cause of racism, or euthanasia, or any other evil ideas in this world. Adam and Eve did not read Darwin's papers before they ate the forbidden fruit. The real cause was enunciated long before Darwin was born:
Jeremiah 17:9 (ESV) The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
Let's refrain from using Darwinism or any other philosophical/theological/scientific theory as a scapegoat for our rotten spiritual condition. The only cure for our malady is found in the One who first turned around the ancient "golden rule" from its passive ("don't") version and made it proactive, in accordance with His perfect definition of genuinely committed agape love for everyone. Let's go to the One and Only, Who died on the cross and poured His blood for the forgiveness of our sinful condition, Who rose from the grave so that we could live too, Who exclusively claimed being The Way, The Truth and The Life; let Him provide the only possible cure to our sick hearts and let's surrender our whole souls to His will. Let Him fill our hearts with pure desires to love God with all our minds and strengths and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Let's be bearers of His grace onto others.Dionisio
June 7, 2015
11:53 AM
GUN, You inadvertently underscore the point at 9:
no one has said that all racism is due and only due to Darwin et al. At the same time, it is indubitable that Darwinism was a major contributor to scientific racism and eugenics, including specifically Darwin’s family and Darwin’s book, Descent of Man. All of this is horrifically evident in the Hunter Civic Biology at the heart of the Scopes trial, something that does not come out in the Inherit the Wind stereotypes of fundamentalists that have circulated for coming on ninety years. Eugenics and related movements did much harm in the past 100 years. And much more. That needs to be faced as an origins science and society issue, not swept under the carpet as usually happens, and the sort of objections to bringing up the relevant history give me serious concern on the issue of refusing to learn from painful but important history. In that context, pointing fingers everywhere else as though nothing serious enough to be faced is on the table, trips a red warning flag.
June 7, 2015
11:43 AM
News/Denyse, Darwin witnessed genocide and slavery first-hand just about everywhere he went on his trip around the world, and deplored it all. I agree with mahuna at #4 - the only issue is his last sentence, "With Darwinism, this was all Science." Read any of the leading science texts or journals in the decades prior to 1859 that discuss human races - it was all science prior to Darwinism. The leading science of his day wasn't that non-whites were inferior races - polygenism held sway - and so they were usually seen as inferior species. (Notice in the Descent of Man how much time Darwin spends arguing against polygenism.) Yes, Darwin was racist, but he was about as close to a racial egalitarian as you'll find from his era. Anyone shocked by anything Darwin wrote has never read the stuff by his opponents. You can find stuff from Lincoln that's more racist than anything from Darwin. I guess we could condemn Lincoln and stop celebrating his bday because of that, but then, I sorta think that in judging people we should factor in their time and place and by their actions. Or else we kinda end up condemning anyone born before us. But maybe that's just me. But this is all beside the point. My question was how is racism an "inevitable component" of his theory? You express puzzlement and annoyance that people are reluctant to talk about this. I share that feeling - especially at your reluctance to do so.goodusername
June 7, 2015
10:33 AM
Harry, here is MAAFA 21: MAAFA 21 [A documentary on eugenics and genocide] https://youtu.be/0eWxCRReTV4?t=342bornagain77
June 7, 2015
10:15 AM
It seemed obvious to me for a long time now that, if any race could be called a Master Race - apart from the Jews, who are a divinely-favoured race in a unique way - it would be the sub-Saharan Africans. Take a bow Jesse Owens, Jack Johnson, Mohammed Ali, most of the word heavy-weight boxing champions and athletes of all shapes and sizes. Indeed, I strongly suspect that the fear engendered by their general, physical superiority aggravates the racism of white Americans. Three sports they have not excelled in are darts, indoor bowling, and synchronized swimming....Axel
June 7, 2015
10:00 AM
Zachriel @16
In this way, the biological sciences of the ninetheeth century simply recorded traditional prejudices. --Zachriel citing Friedlander
The "biological sciences" of the nineteenth century, to the extent that that amounted to diabolical social engineering falsely arrogating to itself the credibility of genuine science, was not science at all. Darwinism is no more genuine science today than it was then. Today's godless social engineers are still, as they were then, egomaniacal sociopaths wreaking havoc upon humanity, but they are very careful not to openly describe themselves as "eugenicsists." They only pretend to be the enemies of racism. Take a look at the documentary Maafa 21. It documents every statement it makes (which is rare for modern documentaries, since most are merely propaganda pieces making unfounded, undocumented assertions). It makes clear the direct, unbroken link between eugenics, racism, the Nazis and modern "family planning" organizations. And makes clear they are more racist than ever.
Friedlander also talks about how Mendelianism contributed to the idea of the immutability of hereditary tendencies.
Mendel confined himself to experiments with plants. Unlike Darwin, his findings were truly scientific. Mendel cannot be blamed at all for the evil brought about by Darwinism.harry
June 7, 2015
09:42 AM
harry: from Dr. Henry Friedlander’s The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution "In this way, the biological sciences of the ninetheeth century simply recorded traditional prejudices." Friedlander also talks about how Mendelianism contributed to the idea of the immutability of hereditary tendencies.Zachriel
June 7, 2015
08:36 AM
Some excerpts from Dr. Henry Friedlander's The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution showing the connection between Darwinism, racism and eugenics:
Nazi genocide did not take place in a vacuum. Genocide was only the most radical method of excluding groups of human beings from the German national community. The policy of exclusion followed and drew upon more than fifty years of scientific opposition to the equality of man. Since the turn of the century, the German elite – that is, the members of the educated professional classes – had increasingly accepted an ideology of human inequality. Geneticists, anthropologists, and psychiatrists advanced a theory of human heredity that merged with the racist doctrine of ultra-nationalists to form a political ideology based on race. The Nazi movement both absorbed and advanced this ideology. … The growing importance of the biological sciences in the nineteenth century, following the discoveries of Charles Darwin, led most scientists to advance theories of human inequality as matters of scientific fact. … Darwinian evolution provided a biological basis for judging the human condition … The term “eugenics” was coined in 1881 by the British naturalist and mathematician Francis Galton and described by the leading American eugenicist, Charles B. Davenport, as “the science of the improvement of the human race by better breeding.” Eugenics developed within the larger movement of Social Darwinism, which applied Darwin's “struggle for survival” to human affairs. … … During the Weimar period, both designations – Rassenhygiene and Eugenik – were used in the name of the eugenics society. After the Nazi assumption of power, when the society embraced racial antisemitism and expelled Jewish members, race hygiene was the only term used, and thereafter it became the appropriate term to designate eugenics in Germany. (emphasis mine)
The full title of Darwin's work, which launched diabolical evil throughout the world: On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.harry
June 7, 2015
08:25 AM
Of related interest, there is also far more 'genetic individuality' to us than would be presupposed within Darwinian thinking:
Marching to our own sequence: Study finds DNA replication timing varies among people - Nov 13, 2014 Excerpt: The idea that we don't all have the same plan is surprising and interesting," said Steven McCarroll, assistant professor of genetics at HMS, director of genetics for the Stanley Center for Psychiatric Research at the Broad and senior author of the paper. "It's a new form of (genetic) variation in people no one had expected," said first author Amnon Koren, postdoctoral fellow at HMS and the Broad. "That's very exciting." http://phys.org/news/2014-11-sequence-dna-replication-varies-people.html Duality in the human genome - November 28, 2014 Excerpt: The results show that most genes can occur in many different forms within a population: On average, about 250 different forms of each gene exist. The researchers found around four million different gene forms just in the 400 or so genomes they analysed. This figure is certain to increase as more human genomes are examined. More than 85 percent of all genes have no predominant form which occurs in more than half of all individuals. This enormous diversity means that over half of all genes in an individual, around 9,000 of 17,500, occur uniquely in that one person - and (we) are therefore individual in the truest sense of the word. The gene, as we imagined it, exists only in exceptional cases. "We need to fundamentally rethink the view of genes that every schoolchild has learned since Gregor Mendel's time.,,, According to the researchers, mutations of genes are not randomly distributed between the parental chromosomes. They found that 60 percent of mutations affect the same chromosome set and 40 percent both sets. Scientists refer to these as cis and trans mutations, respectively. Evidently, an organism must have more cis mutations, where the second gene form remains intact. "It's amazing how precisely the 60:40 ratio is maintained. It occurs in the genome of every individual – almost like a magic formula," says Hoehe. http://medicalxpress.com/news/2014-11-duality-human-genome.html Genetic breakthrough that reveals the differences between humans - 2006 Excerpt: The findings mean that instead of humanity being 99.9 per cent identical, as previously believed, we are at least 10 times more different between one another than once thought (99%) - which could explain why some people are prone to serious diseases. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/genetic-breakthrough-that-reveals-the-differences-between-humans-425432.html
In fact, genetic sequences are now known to be far from the dominate player in determining who we are as they were once, (and still are) thought to be by Darwinists:
Ask an Embryologist: Genomic Mosaicism - Jonathan Wells - February 23, 2015 Excerpt: humans have a "few thousand" different cell types. Here is my simple question: Does the DNA sequence in one cell type differ from the sequence in another cell type in the same person?,,, The simple answer is: We now know that there is considerable variation in DNA sequences among tissues, and even among cells in the same tissue. It's called genomic mosaicism. In the early days of developmental genetics, some people thought that parts of the embryo became different from each other because they acquired different pieces of the DNA from the fertilized egg. That theory was abandoned,,, ,,,(then) "genomic equivalence" -- the idea that all the cells of an organism (with a few exceptions, such as cells of the immune system) contain the same DNA -- became the accepted view. I taught genomic equivalence for many years. A few years ago, however, everything changed. With the development of more sophisticated techniques and the sampling of more tissues and cells, it became clear that genetic mosaicism is common. I now know as an embryologist,,,Tissues and cells, as they differentiate, modify their DNA to suit their needs. It's the organism controlling the DNA, not the DNA controlling the organism. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2015/02/ask_an_embryolo093851.html Body Plans Are Not Mapped-Out by the DNA - Jonathan Wells - video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meR8Hk5q_EM
Of supplemental note: Although atheists, particularly Richard Dawkins, are notorious for claiming that we live in a universe of 'pitiless indifference' that could care less about us, the fact of the matter is that when the details of chemistry (and physics) are scrutinized, it is found that chemistry appears to be 'set up' specifically for life like human life to exist in the universe:
Privileged Species - Michael Denton - video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoI2ms5UHWg Dr. Michael Denton Interview Excerpt Question 14: 14. Q: ,,,you also detail that nature isn’t fine-tuned for just any kind of life, but life specifically like human life. Would you expound on this for our readers? A: there are certain elements of the fine-tuning which are clearly for advanced being like ourselves. ,,,(for instance) its clear that the special fitness of nature for oxygen utilization is for us. http://successfulstudent.org/dr-michael-denton-interview/
Verse and Music:
Numbers 12:1 & 9-10 And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.,,, The anger of the Lord burned against them, and he left them. When the cloud lifted from above the tent, Miriam’s skin was leprous —it became as white as snow. Aaron turned toward her and saw that she had a defiling skin disease, Mandisa - Esther - Born For This - music video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZxFCber4TDo
Of supplemental note: The abject failure of unguided material processes to be able to generate functional genetic information, indeed the propensity of unguided material processes to degrade preexistent genetic information, i.e. Genetic Entropy, and the obvious Theological implications that result from realizing there must be an original source for that genetic information, is gone over in the following short interview with geneticist Dr. John Sanford:
Genetic Entropy - Dr. John Sanford - Evolution vs. Reality https://vimeo.com/35088933
June 7, 2015
08:10 AM
In fact, a few studies hold that we are now dumber than cavemen were
Study suggests humans are slowly but surely losing intellectual and emotional abilities - November 12, 2012 Excerpt: "Human intelligence and behavior require optimal functioning of a large number of genes, which requires enormous evolutionary pressures to maintain. A provocative hypothesis published in a recent set of Science and Society pieces published in the Cell Press journal Trends in Genetics suggests that we are losing our intellectual and emotional capabilities because the intricate web of genes endowing us with our brain power is particularly susceptible to mutations and that these mutations are not being selected against in our modern society." http://medicalxpress.com/news/2012-11-humans-slowly-surely-intellectual-emotional.html#jCp Is Human Intellect Degenerating? - February 19, 2013 Excerpt: A recent study of the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) database, although incomplete, indicates that about half of all human genetic diseases have a neurologic component, [6], frequently including some aspect of [intellectual deficiency], consistent with the notion that many genes are required for intellectual and emotional function. The reported mutations have been severe alleles, often de novo mutations that reduce fecundity. However, each of these genes will also be subject to dozens if not hundreds of weaker mutations that lead to reduced function, but would not significantly impair fecundity, and hence could accumulate with time... https://uncommondescent.com/intelligent-design/is-human-intellect-degenerating/
Also of related interest to racism: The I.Q. tests, that have shown supposed large differences in the intelligence between races of humans, are all shown to be biased by overlooked environmental factors:
Myth: The black/white IQ gap is largely genetically caused. Fact: Almost all studies show the black/white IQ gap is environmental. (i.e. children from an enriched learning environment always perform equally well on I.Q. tests, no matter what their race may be.) http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/L-IQgapgenetic.htm
In fact, the innate mathematical ability of supposedly primitive Amazonian people is shown to be just as advanced as adults and school-age children in the United States and France:
Geometric Principles Appear Universal in Our Minds - May 2011 Excerpt: Villagers belonging to an Amazonian group called the Mundurucú intuitively grasp abstract geometric principles despite having no formal math education,,, Mundurucú adults and 7- to 13-year-olds demonstrate as firm an understanding of the properties of points, lines and surfaces as adults and school-age children in the United States and France,,, http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2011/05/universal-geometry/
Dr. Ben Carson is a prime example of overcoming strong peer pressure trying to tell him to neglect his education:
Gifted Hands – The Benjamin Carson Story – movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDfS3chUOi8
Not only did Darwin think that other races were inferior to white races, but women were also biologically and intellectually inferior to men, according to Darwin:
Women were biologically and intellectually inferior to men, according to Darwin. The intelligence gap that Darwinists believed existed between males and females was not minor, but of a level that caused some evolutionists to classify the sexes as two distinct psychological species, males as Homo frontalis and females as Homo parietalis. In The Descent of Man, Darwin argued - “The chief distinction in the intellectual powers of the two sexes is shown by man’s attaining to a higher eminence in whatever he takes up, than can a woman—whether requiring deep thought, reason, or imagination, or merely the use of the senses and hands.” In The Origin of Species, natural selection was developed along-side of sexual selection. Males were like animal breeders, shaping women to their liking by sexual selection on the one hand along with the recognition men were exposed to far greater selective pressures than women, especially in war and competition for mates, food, and clothing on the other hand. From Darwin’s perspective, males have evolved further than females from a Darwinian perspective. As Jerry Bergman explains, “Natural selection would consequently operate far more actively on males, producing male superiority in virtually all skill areas.” http://www.darwinthenandnow.com/2013/08/darwin-zealots-reign-of-terror/
Of related interest: Sexual equality goes back far longer than many feminists may realize
Early men and women were equal, say scientists - 2015 Excerpt: Our prehistoric forebears are often portrayed as spear-wielding savages, but the earliest human societies are likely to have been founded on enlightened egalitarian principles, according to scientists. A study has shown that in contemporary hunter-gatherer tribes, men and women tend to have equal influence on where their group lives and who they live with. The findings challenge the idea that sexual equality is a recent invention, suggesting that it has been the norm for humans for most of our,, history. http://www.theguardian.com/science/2015/may/14/early-men-women-equal-scientists
Moreover, contrary to what Darwinism would presuppose, it is found that the differences between individuals in a population are far greater than differences between races of populations:
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations – 2007 Excerpt: The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population. Yet sufficient genetic data can permit accurate classification of individuals into populations. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1893020/ Race in a Genetic World – May-June 2008 Excerpt: ,,85 percent occurs within geographically distinct groups, while 15 percent or less occurs between them. (Agassiz 1972) http://harvardmagazine.com/2008/05/race-in-a-genetic-world-html
June 7, 2015
08:08 AM
The Genetics of Blond Hair June 1, 2014 Excerpt: ,,,When he and his colleagues studied this regulatory DNA in human cells grown in a laboratory dish, they discovered that the blond-generating SNP reduced KITLG activity by only about 20%. Yet that was enough to change the hair color. “This isn’t a ‘turn the switch off,’ ” Kingsley says. “It’s a ‘turn the switch down.’ ” “This study provides solid evidence” that this switch regulates the expression of KITLG in developing hair follicles, http://news.sciencemag.org/biology/2014/06/genetics-blond-hair Melanin Excerpt: The melanin in the skin is produced by melanocytes, which are found in the basal layer of the epidermis. Although, in general, human beings possess a similar concentration of melanocytes in their skin, the melanocytes in some individuals and ethnic groups more frequently or less frequently express the melanin-producing genes, thereby conferring a greater or lesser concentration of skin melanin. Some individual animals and humans have very little or no melanin synthesis in their bodies, a condition known as albinism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melanin#Humans
In fact, directly contrary to Darwinian thought, over the past several thousands of years, (where the fossil record is best), it is found that humanity as a whole has been devolving, not evolving:
Scientists Discover Proof That Humanity Is Getting Dumber, Smaller And Weaker By Michael Snyder, on April 29th, 2014 Excerpt: An earlier study by Cambridge University found that mankind is shrinking in size significantly. Experts say humans are past their peak and that modern-day people are 10 percent smaller and shorter than their hunter-gatherer ancestors. And if that’s not depressing enough, our brains are also smaller. The findings reverse perceived wisdom that humans have grown taller and larger, a belief which has grown from data on more recent physical development. The decline, said scientists, has happened over the past 10,000 years. http://thetruthwins.com/archives/scientists-discover-proof-that-humanity-is-getting-dumber-smaller-and-weaker Are brains shrinking to make us smarter? - February 2011 Excerpt: Human brains have shrunk over the past 30,000 years, http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-02-brains-smarter.html Cro Magnon skull shows that our brains have shrunk - Mar 15, 2010 by Lisa Zyga Excerpt: Using new technology, researchers have produced a replica of the 28,000-year-old brain and found that it is about 15-20% larger than our brains. http://phys.org/news187877156.html Human face has shrunk over the past 10,000 years - November 2005 Excerpt: Human faces are shrinking by 1%-2% every 1,000 years. What’s more, we are growing less teeth. Ten thousand years ago everyone grew wisdom teeth but now only half of us get them, and other teeth like the lateral incisors have become much smaller. This is evolution in action." http://www.stonepages.com/news/archives/001604.html Are Wisdom Teeth (Third Molars) Vestiges of Human Evolution? by Jerry Bergman - December 1, 1998 Excerpt: Curtis found that both predynastic Egyptians and Nubians rarely had wisdom teeth problems, but they often existed in persons living in later periods of history. He concluded that the maxillary sinus of the populations he compared were similar and attributed the impactions he found to diet and also disuse causing atrophy of the jaws which resulted in a low level of teeth attrition. Dahlberg in a study of American Indians found that mongoloid peoples have a higher percentage of agenesis of third molars then do other groups and few persons in primitive societies had wisdom teeth problems. As Dahlberg notes, third molars were ‘very useful in primitive societies’ to chew their coarse diet. http://www.answersingenesis.org/articles/tj/v12/n3/wisdom-teeth If Modern Humans Are So Smart, Why Are Our Brains Shrinking? - January 20, 2011 Excerpt: John Hawks is in the middle of explaining his research on human evolution when he drops a bombshell. Running down a list of changes that have occurred in our skeleton and skull since the Stone Age, the University of Wisconsin anthropologist nonchalantly adds, “And it’s also clear the brain has been shrinking.” “Shrinking?” I ask. “I thought it was getting larger.” The whole ascent-of-man thing.,,, He rattles off some dismaying numbers: Over the past 20,000 years, the average volume of the human male brain has decreased from 1,500 cubic centimeters to 1,350 cc, losing a chunk the size of a tennis ball. The female brain has shrunk by about the same proportion. “I’d call that major downsizing in an evolutionary eyeblink,” he says. “This happened in China, Europe, Africa—everywhere we look.” http://discovermagazine.com/2010/sep/25-modern-humans-smart-why-brain-shrinking
also of related note:
“Neanderthals are known for their large cranial capacity, which at 1600cc is larger on average than modern humans.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neanderthal#Anatomy
June 7, 2015
08:02 AM
In the first part of this following video, German Christian Missionaries, in their letters home, are quoted as being shocked in the radical change in racial attitude of ‘ordinary’ German people towards the African natives after Darwin’s theory had gained influence over them:
The holocaust before the holocaust – video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa2_1Xb5A7M The Nazi Holocaust is seen by many as a gruesome but aberrant event in history. But 60 years earlier the Darwinian idea that some humans are not fully human resulted in horrifying brutality perpetrated upon the Herero people in South-West Africa.
Ota Benga is a particularly tragic example of the consequences wrought by the pseudo-scientific racism inherent in Darwinian thinking:
Darwinism ‘Spectacle: The Astonishing Life of Ota Benga,’ by Pamela Newkirk - By HARRIET A. WASHINGTON - JUNE 5, 2015 Excerpt: The internment of “exotic” peoples in expositions and world fairs was no rare event in the 19th century, when Europeans swarmed Africa and other colonial lands in search of “subhumans” to display. Bodies, typically brown and black, were exhibited by scientists as well as impresarios like P.?T. Barnum. In fact, Barnum’s first success was an 1830s attraction featuring Joice Heth, fictitiously billed as the 161-year-old “mammy” of George Washington. The journalist Pamela Newkirk has ferreted out the truth concerning a singular figure named Ota Benga, a young man from the Congo who was presented to American audiences as an “African Pygmy.” Two years after an appearance at the 1904 St. Louis World Fair, he was brought to the New York Zoological Park (better known as the Bronx Zoo), where he was locked in a cage with an orangutan before a jeering throng. The display was more than mere entertainment; it was propaganda. The low evolutionary status of a monkey-man was supposed to persuade the masses who were resistant to Darwin and evolutionary theory. The real story of Benga’s captivity had been carefully shrouded by those who profited from his plight, notably Samuel Phillips Verner, a failed missionary and self-proclaimed scientist who delivered him to William Temple Hornaday, the zoo’s director. Verner cast himself in the role of Benga’s savior, friend and benefactor in an assortment of contradictory tales that were further obscured by a complicit news media, which documented Benga’s suffering in confinement for weeks only to subsequently deny he had ever been displayed. Even after Benga was rescued and embraced by African-American communities in Brooklyn and Lynchburg, Va., he was haunted by a longing for his Congo home. In March 1916, he committed suicide by shooting a bullet through his heart. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/books/review/spectacle-the-astonishing-life-of-ota-benga-by-pamela-newkirk.html?_r=0
As well, Aboriginals, who have a distinctive brow ridge which Darwinists perceived, (and continue to perceive), as being ‘archaic’, had also been severely abused in the past because of Darwinian racial thinking:
Aboriginal peoples Excerpt: Because Aboriginals have slightly larger eyebrow protrusions, a more downwardly slanted jaw and a smaller brain volume than Western peoples, they were thought to be living examples of transitional species. In order to produce proofs of evolution, evolutionist paleontologists together with fossil hunters who accepted the same theory dug up Aboriginal graves and took skulls back to evolutionist museums in the West. Then they offered these skulls to Western institutions and schools distributing them as the most solid proof of evolution. Later, when there were no graves left, they started shooting Aboriginals in the attempt to find proof for their theory. The skulls were taken, the bullet holes filled in and, after chemical processes were used to make the skulls look old, they were sold to museums. This inhuman treatment was legitimated in the name of the theory of evolution. For example, in 1890, James Bernard, chairman of the Royal Society of Tasmania wrote: “the process of extermination is an axiom of the law of evolution and survival of the fittest.” Therefore, he concluded, there was no reason to suppose that “there had been any culpable neglect” in the murder and dispossession of the Aboriginal Australian.5 http://harunyahya.com/en/Evolution-Dictionary/16234/aboriginal-peoples Australian Aboriginal with prominent brow ridge - picture http://mmmgroup2.altervista.org/aborig2.jpg
In what would be a profound shock to all the people who may think that Darwin's theory, regardless of its atrocities, actually does proves that white people are more racially advanced than black people, the plain 'scientific' fact of the matter is that Black people are genetically more 'robust' than white people are since they have more genetic diversity than white people and have also accumulated less genetic decay than white people have.
"We found an enormous amount of diversity within and between the African populations, and we found much less diversity in non-African populations," Tishkoff told attendees today (Jan. 22) at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Anaheim. "Only a small subset of the diversity in Africa is found in Europe and the Middle East, and an even narrower set is found in American Indians." Tishkoff; Andrew Clark, Penn State; Kenneth Kidd, Yale University; Giovanni Destro-Bisol, University "La Sapienza," Rome, and Himla Soodyall and Trefor Jenkins, WITS University, South Africa, looked at three locations on DNA samples from 13 to 18 populations in Africa and 30 to 45 populations in the remainder of the world.- New analysis provides fuller picture of human expansion from Africa - October 22, 2012 Excerpt: A new, comprehensive review of humans' anthropological and genetic records gives the most up-to-date story of the "Out of Africa" expansion that occurred about 45,000 to 60,000 years ago. This expansion, detailed by three Stanford geneticists, had a dramatic effect on human genetic diversity, which persists in present-day populations. As a small group of modern humans migrated out of Africa into Eurasia and the Americas, their genetic diversity was substantially reduced. http://phys.org/news/2012-10-analysis-fuller-picture-human-expansion.html "...but Natural Selection reduces genetic information and we know this from all the Genetic Population studies that we have..." Maciej Marian Giertych - Population Geneticist - member of the European Parliament – EXPELLED https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6z5-15wk1Zk Human Genetic Variation Recent, Varies Among Populations - (Nov. 28, 2012) Excerpt: Nearly three-quarters of mutations in genes that code for proteins -- the workhorses of the cell -- occurred within the past 5,000 to 10,000 years,,, "One of the most interesting points is that Europeans have more new deleterious (potentially disease-causing) mutations than Africans,",,, "Having so many of these new variants can be partially explained by the population explosion in the European population. However, variation that occur in genes that are involved in Mendelian traits and in those that affect genes essential to the proper functioning of the cell tend to be much older." (A Mendelian trait is controlled by a single gene. Mutations in that gene can have devastating effects.) The amount variation or mutation identified in protein-coding genes (the exome) in this study is very different from what would have been seen 5,000 years ago,,, The report shows that "recent" events have a potent effect on the human genome. Eighty-six percent of the genetic variation or mutations that are expected to be harmful arose in European-Americans in the last five thousand years, said the researchers. The researchers used established bioinformatics techniques to calculate the age of more than a million changes in single base pairs (the A-T, C-G of the genetic code) that are part of the exome or protein-coding portion of the genomes (human genetic blueprint) of 6,515 people of both European-American and African-American decent.,,, http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2012/11/121128132259.htm
This following study is interesting in that it shows the principle of Genetic Entropy being obeyed for the estimated 60,000 year old anatomically modern humans found in Australia:
Ancient DNA and the origin of modern humans: John H. Relethford Excerpt: Adcock et al. clearly demonstrate the actual extinction of an ancient mtDNA lineage belonging to an anatomically modern human, because this lineage is not found in living Australians. Although the fossil evidence provides evidence of the continuity of modern humans over the past 60,000 years,,, http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?artid=33358
In fact, blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin, are all the result of a loss of preexisting genetic information. They are not the result of a gain of new genetic information as the Nazi's had presupposed in their racial ideology:
Daily thought: blue eyes and other gene mutations, April 25, 2013 Excerpt: "Research on blue-eyes has led many scientist to further affirm that humans are truly mere variations of the same origin. About 8% of the world's total population has blue eyes so blue eyes are fairly rare. In fact, blue eyes are actually a gene mutation that scientist have researched and found to have happened when the OCA2 gene "turned off the ability to produce brown eyes." http://www.examiner.com/article/daily-thought-blue-eyes-and-other-gene-mutations
June 7, 2015
08:01 AM
The full title of Darwin's book 'Origin of Species' is "On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life."
Front Cover of: "On the origin of species by means of natural selection or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life." https://books.google.com/books?id=jTZbAAAAQAAJ&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false
It is title that is so hard to remember that apparently Richard Dawkins himself needed to call on God to help him remember the title:
Dr Ravi Zacharias - Richard Dawkins Calls On GOD?? - video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vXPkql7io4 Fraser: Richard, if I said to you what is the full title of The Origin Of Species, I’m sure you could tell me that. Dawkins: Yes I could. Fraser: Go on then. Dawkins: On the Origin of Species…Uh…With, oh, God, On the Origin of Species. There is a sub-title with respect to the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life.,,, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/religion/9082059/For-once-Richard-Dawkins-is-lost-for-words.html Richard Dawkins Struggles to Remember "Origin of the Species" Title Against Rev Giles Fraser. - audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv2U2Xp2Nu8
Dawkin's humorous plea to God to help him remember the title of his favorite book aside,,, having 'favored races' in a title of your book may be a sure sign that you just may be a racist:
Bill Engvall - Here's Your Sign (Video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5ZkdHImCuQ
In fact, Darwin’s subsequent book, The Descent Of Man, explicitly states racism as such:
"At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races throughout the world. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes, as Professor Schaaffhausen has remarked, will no doubt be exterminated. The break between man and his nearest allies will then be wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilised state, as we may hope, even than the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as now between the negro or Australian and the gorilla" ? Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 1874, p. 178
Although racism was present before Darwinism, that racism had been kept in check by the Theological belief that all men are created equal. In fact that Theological belief is enshrined in the Declaration of independence as the foundation for human rights.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, http://www.ushistory.org/Declaration/document/
Darwinism undermined that sacred right of all men and gave a pseudo-scientific justification towards racism. In other words, Darwinism made it possible to be a 'intellectually fulfilled racist'. Many people are aware that Darwinism played a significant role in Nazi racial ideology,
From Darwin to Hitler - Wiekart - video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w_5EwYpLD6A The Role Of Darwinism In Nazi Racial Thought - Richard Weikart - October 2013 Excerpt: The historical evidence is overwhelming that human evolution was an integral part of Nazi racial ideology. http://www.csustan.edu/history/faculty/weikart/darwinism-in-nazi-racial-thought.pdf The German Fuhrer, as I have consistently maintained, is an evolutionist; he has consciously sought to make the practice of Germany conform to the theory of evolution. – Arthur Keith National Socialism is nothing but applied biology. – Rudolph Hess
But fewer people are aware that Darwinian thinking was also integral to the first world war:
The Biology of the Second Reich: Social Darwinism and the Origins of World War 1 – video 14 minutes long (with Richard Weikart) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9n900e80R30
June 7, 2015
07:59 AM
Seversky, no one has said that all racism is due and only due to Darwin et al. At the same time, it is indubitable that Darwinism was a major contributor to scientific racism and eugenics, including specifically Darwin's family and Darwin's book, Descent of Man. All of this is horrifically evident in the Hunter Civic Biology at the heart of the Scopes trial, something that does not come out in the Inherit the Wind stereotypes of fundamentalists that have circulated for coming on ninety years. Eugenics and related movements did much harm in the past 100 years. And much more. That needs to be faced as an origins science and society issue, not swept under the carpet as usually happens, and the sort of objections to bringing up the relevant history give me serious concern on the issue of refusing to learn from painful but important history. In that context, pointing fingers everywhere else as though nothing serious enough to be faced is on the table, trips a red warning flag. KFkairosfocus
June 7, 2015
07:27 AM
I wonder if anyone will address goodusername's question in #1? I don't think racism is an inevitable component of Darwin’s theory. Everyone, including "Darwinists" believe that all humans alive today share a common ancestor, perhaps as recently as 3000 years ago. In fact, it's likely that we are all approximately hundredth-cousins or closer according to some models. That's not a cure for racism, but I think if people focused more on the essential unity of the human race, we would do better. Let me extend this reasoning a bit further. Ironically, we see quite a few snarky posts here concerning the general superiority of humans over other primates. It's not that I disagree, really, humans can obviously outperform chimpanzees on the SAT test and on many other tasks. On the other hand, I believe it's likely that we are also literally cousins to these other primates. Anyone who has observed chimps or gorillas can attest that they have a great deal of intelligence. They have "lives", in short, that I think should be respected. There is a kind of chauvinism toward non-human primates that I see here that echoes 19th century statements about "lesser races" and the like. I'm sure I have indulged in this sort of chauvinism myself, so I'm not immune to this criticism.daveS
June 7, 2015
07:20 AM
Racism is, and always has been, a human problem. It can be viewed as an effect of the way we instinctively try to make sense of the world by classifying different parts of it, initially, by visual similarities and differences. That's why We are all capable of being racist at an instinctive level and it can sometimes take a conscious effort to resist it. So, yes, Victorian English gentlemen could be racist by modern standards. So could Canadian, American, European, Asian and African gentle- and not-so-gentle men and women. And they were being as racist long before Darwin published his theory as they were after. Religion is no guarantee against racism either. The men who perpetrated what we would now consider atrocities against native peoples in North and South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand would have vigorously proclaimed themselves to be good Christians and could, like the pastors who defended slavery in the South, quote chapter and verse to justify their actions. I was actually a little shocked to read this story. Not because I didn't know about these residential or boarding schools for native peoples by Christian organizations, no doubt with the best of intentions by their lights, but because I didn't realize it was happening as recently as 1966. I had assumed it was something that had happened in the late 19th and early 20th centuries but had been abandoned in later years. I wonder how many of yer hacks of that day were protesting about that treatment. Trying to pin racism on Darwin or any other individual or body or group is seriously misleading. Racism a human problem and we'll only be able to really do something about it when we actually accept that.Seversky
June 7, 2015
05:34 AM
Nor was it only the toffs who were racist by any means, Denyse. Empire gave the whole nation that master-race mentality. It's particularly evident in the oldest surviving generation, when they talk more freely. People in their nineties. The weird thing is that the other empires seemed even crueller than the Norman-British empire. I read that British colonial rule was largely content to let the indigenous peoples carry on living the way they chose to, undisturbed, as long as it didn't interfere with their own activities and priorities. Malcolm Muggeridge the British broadcaster and writer reminded Pandit Nehru that when the British came to India they were welcomed by the ordinary people as liberators. It is however, surely - as has long been evident - a reflection, not of a lower worldly intelligence, but of religious cultures, less blessed than our Christian one. This leads us again to the realisation that it has been the desire of the hearts of peoples, not their native intelligence, that has prompted their pursuit of the scientific endeavour.Axel
June 7, 2015
04:23 AM
Congrats to mahuna for pointing this out with illustrations. I have just received a tweet note from some fellow claiming that I should "know better" than to think Darwin was a racist. Of COURSE he was a racist. Virtually all English gentlemen of his day, including those who wrote for encyclopedias were racists. Better thoughts proceeded from other sources. That is why the whole Darwin Day concept is so shocking to me, especially given who is sponsoring it. The politicians must assume that their supporters are uneducated. Indeed, I can think of no other reason.News
June 7, 2015
02:57 AM
It's important to recall the international situation when Darwin wrote. The Americans were finishing up their destruction of the Plains Indians, the English were busily turning half the world into colonies, and the Belgians were killing off half the population of Central Africa. It was abundantly clear that White Men were superior to all of the Colored races, and, per Darwin's Theory, it was obvious that this superiority would only accelerate when mankind entered the 20th Century. Kipling was a racist; read "White Man's Burden". Edgar Rice Burroughs was a racist: Tarzan was superior to all native Africans because he was a "purebred" Englishman. The same is true for heroes like John Carter of Mars, who was superior because of his "breeding". With Darwinism, this was all Science.mahuna
June 6, 2015
11:42 PM
For me I can't see how anyone can be a Darwinist and not be a racist . The 2 fit together like a glove .wallstreeter43
June 6, 2015
11:20 PM
Darwin insisted race was not a facxtor in smarts. He insisted women were bio intellectually inferior but even then by careful breeding could be brought up to mens standards of smarts. His ideas did/do lead to race/identity as the origin for different intellect abilities. They all say it quietly. These days its just they decide winners and losers as they decide. Evolutionism allows/even strongly suggests that the human populations, as in looks, were selected for different levels of smarts. They don't stress this because its not welcome. They wait for a better day. In truth there is no difference between human beings because we are made in Gods image/smarts. Its impossible for any innate differences. Mind problems are also not related to human smarts but , I say, entirely from triggering problems in the memory. YES they hide the race/sex s,arts thing from the public. What can they do? So they lie!Robert Byers
June 6, 2015
08:35 PM
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