A friend writes*, breathlessly, that
Facebook has disabled Jerry Coyne’s page, and he’s mad about it and has some conspiracy theories of who’s responsible/behind such “immoral” and “unenthical” acts against him!
Wow. Here’s Coyne:
Oy gewalt!. For reasons that completely elude me, Facebook has disabled my account. And by “disabled,” I don’t mean a temporary suspension like the one-day one … When I look at the items that are considered banning offenses, I don’t see that I’ve committed any.
Bet you didn’t, Jerry. Have you been downgraded to a prole?
I have not published any “hate speech”, nor have I received a “warning” from Facebook. I haven’t impersonated anyone else or posted content that violates Facebook Terms. More.
So? Jerry, for heaven’s sakes, wake up in the real world. You don’t need to have DONE anything.
[Note: The following tweet was reported at Twitter too. Do NOT rely on Twitter for news. Darwin’s man Jerry Coyne’s Facebook page disabled http://is.gd/9RXBxs]
We all live to make Silicon Valley progressive billionaires rich and famous, right? They like their consumers stupid.
*Doubtless, UD’s friend was motivated to tell us this because O’Leary for News was grousing about Twitter disabling her posts of news from the UD site—on account of false claims about “spam.”
Spam? One must sign up for the UD News account, @itsdesign No one from here is hosting spam.
Re Facebook, in our experience, a long series of pointed complaints helped. Try it, Jerry, but be patient.
Also, relax and adopt another rescue kitty. The Kitty Angel smiles on those of us who do that. You will be happier and enjoy better health. [Truth in advertising: Tom, Dick, and Harry, feline rescues, sponsored this paragraph.]
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