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Does Darwinism not matter the way it used to?


Remember Brit journo Melanie Phillips, weighing in on David Gelernter dumping Darwin?

She points out that, like so many leftists, Darwinists tend to be angry:

Darwinism, said Gelernter, had passed beyond a scientific argument. Although his Yale colleagues had treated him in a courteous and collegiate manner, people took their life in their hands to question Darwinian evolution.

David Klinghoffer, “Melanie Phillips, Pro-Sanity Journalist, on David Gelernter’s Darwin Apostasy” at Evolution News & Views

David Klinghoffer goes on to ask,

Modern Darwinists, unlike some other leftists, haven’t as yet resorted to violence against opponents. Yet their talk seethes with anger. Ask Darwinian biologist P.Z. Myers about a rational person such as William Lane Craig, who has very effectively debated a range of the smartest atheists. Seething, Professor Myers will tell you that instead of debating Craig and other “creationists,” “I should be spitting in their face, throwing them out of the lecture hall, and presenting the honest truth to the audience, because creationists won’t.” (Craig is not a “creationist,” in any fair definition, but leave that aside.) It’s no doubt a fantasy on the part of Myers, said to be a mild individual in person, but it is a violent fantasy nevertheless.

Would Myers also wish he could spit in David Gelernter’s face and physically assault him by throwing him out of the lecture hall? And if not, why not?

David Klinghoffer, “Melanie Phillips, Pro-Sanity Journalist, on David Gelernter’s Darwin Apostasy” at Evolution News & Views

Actually, how many people much care now what P.Z. Myers thinks? Is ultra-Darwinism past its sell-by date?


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