Here’s a scenario for your consideration:
Suppose there were a group of people who insisted there is absolutely no objective standard for morality and that all moral norms are based on subjective preferences that are foisted on us by material evolutionary forces.
And suppose there were a group of people who are so serenely confident of their own moral rectitude and the indisputable goodness of their policy prescriptions (which policy prescriptions are driven by their moral viewpoint) that they are determined to force the entire nation to conform to those prescriptions.
Now suppose that these groups are one and the same. It would be mind blowing if such a group actually existed would it not?
Here’s another scenario to consider:
Suppose there were a group of people who insisted that all political structures are, without exception, based on power dynamics in which the strong impose their preferences on the weak, and all supposed logical justifications for any particular political structure are merely smokescreens employed to further one’s agenda in the power game.
And suppose there were a group of people who advanced logical justifications for a political structure based on arguments grounded in words like “justice” and “equality.”
Now suppose, once again, that these groups are one and the same. Again, it would be mind blowing if such a group actually existed would it not?
One need not suppose at all. Neither scenario is hypothetical. The group in question in both scenarios exists and it has a name: materialist progressives.
The logical contradictions progressives are able to juxtapose in their minds never cease to amaze. Their entire worldview is irrational. Is it any wonder that they attack rationality itself (“It’s an arbitrary ethnocentric, patriarchal social construct!!”) as part of their program?