Every time we run a series of articles on the genetic code, our combox gets stuffed with comments from materialists claiming the idea that the genetic code is an actual code is fallacious, an error committed only by those ID rubes with an agenda. But, of course, not only is this untrue, it is easily shown to be untrue. There are numerous examples of materialists insisting that the “code” part of “genetic code” refers to a real code; it is not an analogy nor the sloppy use of language. To his credit Larry Moran is one such:
The Real Genetic Code

This is the genetic code. It shows the relationship between a sequence of nucleotides in messenger RNA (mRNA), or DNA, and the amino acids that are inserted into a growing polypeptide chain.
Moran then puts up the Morse Code chart and states:
We do not say that the string of dots and dashes is the Morse Code. We say that it’s a message encrypted using the Morse Code. Similarly, we do not say that a string of nucleotides is the genetic code. It’s the message that’s translated using the Genetic Code.
That the genetic code is an actual semiotic code is not disputed by any serious person. Just Google “genetic code semiotic” and dozens of scholarly articles will pop up discussing how the genetic code is semiotic all the way down and not, as Ortho insists, merely chemical.
It turns out that the real question is not whether the genetic code is a semiotic code. That is glaringly obvious and taken for granted by scientists who have studied the matter. No, the real question is what motivates the materialists who stuff our combox to deny the science.