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Lemonade Out of Lemon? Probably Not.


I commend to our readers Casey Luskin’s excellent If Evolution Has Implications for Religion, Can We Justify Teaching It in Public Schools? Mr. Luskin answers his question as follows:

one can legally justify teaching evolution while being sensitive to the fact that it has larger implications that touch upon the religious beliefs of many Americans. This reasoning offers the best of both worlds. It allows science to be taught in the science classroom while respecting the beliefs of people who have religious objections to evolution. Many evolutionists, however, would probably dislike this way of thinking. Why? Because the very same approach would justify teaching about intelligent design in public schools.

Casey is obviously correct as a matter of simple logic and fairness. Sadly, however, simple logic and fairness are secondary considerations when it comes to the Supreme Court’s Establishment Clause jurisprudence. Over 25 years of practice in constitutional law has led me to the conclusion that the so-called “Lemon test” Casey discusses in his post is not “law” in the sense of a pre-established rule to guide conduct. Rather, it is a platform from which judges impose their preferred outcomes in particular cases. In almost every case a judge can reason from Lemon to diametrically opposed outcomes with equal alacrity. And because most federal judges are members of the secular chattering class, as a practical matter Lemon’s almost limitless interpretive flexibility means that cases are decided in a way consonant with secular sensibilities.

Darwinian evolution, contrary to what many people believe, is not based primarily on a rigid mathematical basis as other overarching theories of science are, but was originally based, and continues to be based, primarily on (bad) theological presuppositions.
Charles Darwin, Theologian: Major New Article on Darwin's Use of Theology in the Origin of Species - May 2011 Excerpt: The Origin supplies abundant evidence of theology in action; as Dilley observes: I have argued that, in the first edition of the Origin, Darwin drew upon at least the following positiva theological claims in his case for descent with modification (and against special creation): 1. Human beings are not justified in believing that God creates in ways analogous to the intellectual powers of the human mind. 2. A God who is free to create as He wishes would create new biological limbs de novo rather than from a common pattern. 3. A respectable deity would create biological structures in accord with a human conception of the 'simplest mode' to accomplish the functions of these structures. 4. God would only create the minimum structure required for a given part's function. 5. God does not provide false empirical information about the origins of organisms. 6. God impressed the laws of nature on matter. 7. God directly created the first 'primordial' life. 8. God did not perform miracles within organic history subsequent to the creation of the first life. 9. A 'distant' God is not morally culpable for natural pain and suffering. 10. The God of special creation, who allegedly performed miracles in organic history, is not plausible given the presence of natural pain and suffering. per Evolution News and Views Charles Darwin's use of theology in the Origin of Species - STEPHEN DILLEY Abstract This essay examines Darwin's positiva (or positive) use of theology in the first edition of the Origin of Species in three steps. First, the essay analyses the Origin's theological language about God's accessibility, honesty, methods of creating, relationship to natural laws and lack of responsibility for natural suffering; the essay contends that Darwin utilized positiva theology in order to help justify (and inform) descent with modification and to attack special creation. Second, the essay offers critical analysis of this theology, drawing in part on Darwin's mature ruminations to suggest that, from an epistemic point of view, the Origin's positiva theology manifests several internal tensions. Finally, the essay reflects on the relative epistemic importance of positiva theology in the Origin's overall case for evolution. The essay concludes that this theology served as a handmaiden and accomplice to Darwin's science. http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract;jsessionid=376799F09F9D3CC8C2E7500BACBFC75F.journals?aid=8499239&fileId=S000708741100032X Methodological Naturalism: A Rule That No One Needs or Obeys - Paul Nelson - September 22, 2014 Excerpt: It is a little-remarked but nonetheless deeply significant irony that evolutionary biology is the most theologically entangled science going. Open a book like Jerry Coyne's Why Evolution is True (2009) or John Avise's Inside the Human Genome (2010), and the theology leaps off the page. A wise creator, say Coyne, Avise, and many other evolutionary biologists, would not have made this or that structure; therefore, the structure evolved by undirected processes. Coyne and Avise, like many other evolutionary theorists going back to Darwin himself, make numerous "God-wouldn't-have-done-it-that-way" arguments, thus predicating their arguments for the creative power of natural selection and random mutation on implicit theological assumptions about the character of God and what such an agent (if He existed) would or would not be likely to do.,,, ,,,with respect to one of the most famous texts in 20th-century biology, Theodosius Dobzhansky's essay "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution" (1973). Although its title is widely cited as an aphorism, the text of Dobzhansky's essay is rarely read. It is, in fact, a theological treatise. As Dilley (2013, p. 774) observes: "Strikingly, all seven of Dobzhansky's arguments hinge upon claims about God's nature, actions, purposes, or duties. In fact, without God-talk, the geneticist's arguments for evolution are logically invalid. In short, theology is essential to Dobzhansky's arguments.",, Per Evolution News and Views Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of theology? - Dilley S. - 2013 Abstract This essay analyzes Theodosius Dobzhansky's famous article, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution," in which he presents some of his best arguments for evolution. I contend that all of Dobzhansky's arguments hinge upon sectarian claims about God's nature, actions, purposes, or duties. Moreover, Dobzhansky's theology manifests several tensions, both in the epistemic justification of his theological claims and in their collective coherence. I note that other prominent biologists--such as Mayr, Dawkins, Eldredge, Ayala, de Beer, Futuyma, and Gould--also use theology-laden arguments. I recommend increased analysis of the justification, complexity, and coherence of this theology. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23890740
In fact Charles Darwin's degree as in theology and Darwin even said that he found mathematics 'repugnant'
"During the three years which I spent at Cambridge my time was wasted, as far as the academical studies were concerned, as completely as at Edinburgh & at school. I attempted mathematics, & even went during the summer of 1828 with a private tutor (a very dull man) to Barmouth, but I got on very slowly. The work was repugnant to me, chiefly from my not being able to see any meaning in the early steps in algebra." Charles Darwin, 1887 - Recollections of the Development of my Mind & Character, the work which Darwin himself referred to as his autobiography
In was not until the modern synthesis of neo-Darwinism came along, around 1940, that neo-Darwinism had some semblance of rigid a mathematical basis so as to be considered a proper science instead of a pseudo-science. Ironically, the modern synthesis itself is now, empirically, called into question
Modern Synthesis Of Neo-Darwinism Is False – Denis Noble – video https://vimeo.com/115822429
,, In the preceding video, Dr Nobel states that around 1900 there was the integration of Mendelian (discrete) inheritance with evolutionary theory, and about the same time Weismann established what was called the Weismann barrier, which is the idea that germ cells and their genetic materials are not in anyway influenced by the organism itself or by the environment. And then about 40 years later, circa 1940, a variety of people, Julian Huxley, R.A. Fisher, J.B.S. Haldane, and Sewell Wright, put things together to call it ‘The Modern Synthesis’. So what exactly is the ‘The Modern Synthesis’? It is sometimes called neo-Darwinism, and it was popularized in the book by Richard Dawkins, ‘The Selfish Gene’ in 1976. It’s main assumptions are, first of all, is that it is a gene centered view of natural selection. The process of evolution can therefore be characterized entirely by what is happening to the genome. It would be a process in which there would be accumulation of random mutations, followed by selection. (Now an important point to make here is that if that process is genuinely random, then there is nothing that physiology, or physiologists, can say about that process. That is a very important point.) The second aspect of neo-Darwinism was the impossibility of acquired characteristics (mis-called “Larmarckism”). And there is a very important distinction in Dawkins’ book ‘The Selfish Gene’ between the replicator, that is the genes, and the vehicle that carries the replicator, that is the organism or phenotype. And of course that idea was not only buttressed and supported by the Weissman barrier idea, but later on by the ‘Central Dogma’ of molecular biology. Then Dr. Nobel pauses to emphasize his point and states “All these rules have been broken!”. of note: Professor Denis Noble is President of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. Moreover, whenever the mathematics of the modern synthesis, i.e. population genetics, are applied in a rigorous manner to neo-Darwinian claims, ironically, the mathematics of population genetics actually falsifies neo-Darwinism as to being true instead of confirming it:
Using Numerical Simulation to Test the Validity of Neo-Darwinian Theory - 2008 Abstract: Evolutionary genetic theory has a series of apparent “fatal flaws” which are well known to population geneticists, but which have not been effectively communicated to other scientists or the public. These fatal flaws have been recognized by leaders in the field for many decades—based upon logic and mathematical formulations. However population geneticists have generally been very reluctant to openly acknowledge these theoretical problems, and a cloud of confusion has come to surround each issue. Numerical simulation provides a definitive tool for empirically testing the reality of these fatal flaws and can resolve the confusion. The program Mendel’s Accountant (Mendel) was developed for this purpose, and it is the first biologically-realistic forward-time population genetics numerical simulation program. This new program is a powerful research and teaching tool. When any reasonable set of biological parameters are used, Mendel provides overwhelming empirical evidence that all of the “fatal flaws” inherent in evolutionary genetic theory are real. This leaves evolutionary genetic theory effectively falsified—with a degree of certainty which should satisfy any reasonable and open-minded person. http://www.icr.org/i/pdf/technical/Using-Numerical-Simulation-to-Test-the-Validity-of-Neo-Darwinian-Theory.pdf Biological Information – Purifying Selection (Mendel’s Accountant) 12-20-2014 by Paul Giem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGJZDsQG4kQ Biological Information - Mutation Count & Synergistic Epistasis (mutation accumulation) 1-17-2015 by Paul Giem - video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gdoZk_NbmU
Thus, in so far as Darwinian evolution is based primarily on theological presuppositions, however faulty those presuppositions may be, and is not on any rigid mathematical basis, (in fact mathematics falsifies neo-Darwinism), then neo-Darwinian evolution is not a science in any meaningful sense of the word and fully deserves to be called a religion to the full extent of the meaning of the word religion.
"Evolution is promoted by its practitioners as more than mere science. Evolution is promulgated as an ideology, a secular religion a full-fledged alternative to Christianity, with meaning and morality. I am an ardent evolutionist and an ex-Christian, but I must admit that in this one complaint, and Mr. Gish is but one of many to make it, the literalists are absolutely right. Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today." Ruse, M., How evolution became a religion: creationists correct? Darwinians wrongly mix science with morality, politics, National Post, pp. B1, B3, B7 (May 13, 2000) A Neurosurgeon, Not A Darwinist - Michael Egnor Excerpt: The fight against the design inference in biology is motivated by fundamentalist atheism. Darwinists detest intelligent design theory because it is compatible with belief in God. But the evidence is unassailable. The most reasonable scientific explanation for functional biological complexity–the genetic code and the intricate nanotechnology inside living cells–is that they were designed by intelligent agency. There is no scientific evidence that unintelligent processes can create substantial new biological structures and function. There is no unintelligent process known to science that can generate codes and machines. I still consider religious explanations for biology to be unscientific at best, dogma at worst. But I understand now that Darwinism itself is a religious creed that masquerades as science. Darwin’s theory of biological origins is atheism’s creation myth, and atheists defend their dogma with religious fervor. - Michael Egnor is a professor and vice chairman of the department of neurosurgery at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. http://www.forbes.com/2009/02/06/neurosurgeon-intelligent-design-opinions-darwin09_0205_michael_egnor.html
Of related interest: The Supreme court has ruled that, for first amendment purposes, atheism is, in fact, a religion:
Atheism and the Law - Matt Dillahunty Excerpt: "... whether atheism is a 'religion' for First Amendment purposes is a somewhat different question than whether its adherents believe in a supreme being, or attend regular devotional services, or have a sacred Scripture." "Without venturing too far into the realm of the philosophical, we have suggested in the past that when a person sincerely holds beliefs dealing with issues of 'ultimate concern' that for her occupy a 'place parallel to that filled by . . . God in traditionally religious persons,' those beliefs represent her religion." "We have already indicated that atheism may be considered, in this specialized sense, a religion. See Reed v. Great Lakes Cos., 330 F.3d 931, 934 (7th Cir. 2003) ('If we think of religion as taking a position on divinity, then atheism is indeed a form of religion.')" "The Supreme Court has recognized atheism as equivalent to a 'religion' for purposes of the First Amendment on numerous occasions" http://www.atheist-community.org/library/articles/read.php?id=742
here are several examples of atheists themselves violating the establishment clause of the first amendment by openly proselytizing their own atheistic religion in the classroom:
"Proselytizing for Darwin's God in the Classroom" John G. West – video http://www.discovery.org/v/40/2
June 3, 2015
01:00 PM
sean samis:
Congress and the State legislatures and their agents (like school teachers) cannot be permitted to violate the religious rights of any students. Teaching religion is an act “respecting an establishment of religion”
Which is why the Dirt worshipping religion (aka Darwinian evolution and materialism) and their preachers should be thrown out of our public schools. And as unceremoniously as possible.Mapou
June 3, 2015
12:50 PM
Careful there sean samis, your ignorance is showing.
...so it must be designed.
Wrong. You are creating a caricature of ID. It theorizes, through inductive reasoning, that the only observable source of specified and complex information is an intelligent agent. If this is untrue, please provide an example. It should be quite easy if ID is simply wrong.
If ID is OK with aliens arising from “some materialist abiogenesis” then there’s no problem with the idea that we did it too.
Only if we accept the assumption that every form of life in the entire universe arose exactly as it did on Earth with exactly the same circumstances and conditions. Otherwise your objection is simply absurd.
We can figure that out for ourselves; that’s what science is in the process of doing. Science does not include ID.
Science doesn't do anything. Science is a process. A type of inquiry. Not a thing.
And this assertion of irreducible complexity is not based on evidence; it’s based on an argument from ignorance.
Yeah. No. That's not the case either. I have already answered this above.TSErik
June 3, 2015
12:44 PM
Barry, I respect your intention, but it’s not that simple. First, there’s the Incorporation Doctrine which applies the First Amendment to States too (under the 14th Amendment). Second, the First Amendment says nothing about a “national” religion; it forbids laws respecting an establishment of religion without qualification. Third, it is well established in many areas of law that public employees, officers, agents, and institutions at the State level derive all authority and permission to act from State Legislatures. That means that State Legislatures are required to forbid those acting in its name or under its authority to violate individual rights. Likewise for Congress and federal employees. Fourth, there’s that word most people overlook: no laws respecting an establishment of religion. That is understood to mean that States and the Congress cannot take even the first step toward established religion. The first law, the first act toward establishment violates religious freedom. SCOTUS created the Lemon Test largely to identify when a law steps over this line. There’s no need or desire to wait for States or Congress to finish the act, they break the law when they start the process illegitimately. Congress and the State legislatures and their agents (like school teachers) cannot be permitted to violate the religious rights of any students. Teaching religion is an act “respecting an establishment of religion” I think my Con Law professor would accept my explanation as workable. sean s.sean samis
June 3, 2015
12:41 PM
sean samis:
And to return to the original point; ID is not properly taught in public schools except to be discussed as a form of religious belief. In science classes, ID is improper.
That is, according to the dirt worshippers who have hijacked science.Mapou
June 3, 2015
12:37 PM
TSErik; ID does more than just “attempt to explain the life we can observe”, it asserts that life as we know it is too complex to have originated naturally, so it must be designed. If ID is OK with aliens arising from “some materialist abiogenesis” then there’s no problem with the idea that we did it too. And there’s no reason for us to wait for aliens to show up and give us a dope-slap, telling us “YOU EVOLVED!” We can figure that out for ourselves; that’s what science is in the process of doing. Science does not include ID. If all we want to do is “attempt to explain the life we can observe” then we use evolution. If we assume there’s a designer, then we’re doing more than merely “explaining the life we can observe”. ID does more than just attempt to explain the life we can observe, it asserts that life as we know it is irreducibly complex and cannot have originated naturally, so it must be designed. And this assertion of irreducible complexity is not based on evidence; it’s based on an argument from ignorance. And to return to the original point; ID is not properly taught in public schools except to be discussed as a form of religious belief. In science classes, ID is improper. sean s.sean samis
June 3, 2015
12:22 PM
To borrow a line from Churchill, the Lemon Test is the worst possible rule except for all the others.
I can think of a much better test. Any child can. The establishment clause says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion
It is really very simple. If Congress attempts to enact a law respecting the establishment of a national religion, the clause is breached. If not, the clause is not breached. The problem with Supreme Court Establishment Clause jurisprudence since 1948 (the year the court held for the first time that the clause operates against state and local actors) is that it hijacks the clause to do work it was never intended to do.Barry Arrington
June 3, 2015
12:18 PM
Evolution is the religion of Dirt worshippers. Here is their main credo:
The Almighty Dirt created it all.
By law, this superstitious crap should be forbidden in our public schools.Mapou
June 3, 2015
11:48 AM
Nah. Evolution is science, ID is religion (as much as IDers want to deny that). If the ID ain’t a deity, then it’s an oxymoron.
This is simply not true, and a caricature of ID to try and dismiss it as a whole without arguing the actual ideas. As I just said in another thread:
This objection is simply false. ID only attempts to explain the life we can observe, and not theoretical life. If, say, it turns out that aliens are revealed to have designed life on this planet, yet through their super-advanced discoveries and technology, that we cannot yet comprehend, they can show that they arose from some materialist abiogenesis, ID would be OK with that.
June 3, 2015
11:45 AM
Regarding the Lemon Test
Three ... tests may be gleaned from our cases. First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion; finally, the statute must not foster an excessive government entanglement with religion.
To borrow a line from Churchill, the Lemon Test is the worst possible rule except for all the others. Regarding “... the very same approach would justify teaching about intelligent design in public schools.” Nah. Evolution is science, ID is religion (as much as IDers want to deny that). If the ID ain’t a deity, then it’s an oxymoron. And evolution is certainly not the only thing schools teach that someone thinks touches on their religion. sean s.sean samis
June 3, 2015
10:56 AM
As secularists sound the alarm about the horrors of a "theocracy" and insist their policies are saving us from that would-be catastrophe, they impose what is much worse upon us -- an "Atheocracy." No Christian I ever met wanted a theocracy or even came remotely close to thinking that would be a good idea. All they wanted was their constitutional rights. The phrase "separation of church and state" does not appear anywhere is the Constitution (It was a phrase used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to a pastor who feared the establishment of a state religion. Jefferson assured him there was a "wall of separation between church and state" that prevented that from happening. ) I challenge anyone and everyone to find in the writings of the Founders and present here anything that comes close to the modern, atheistic interpretation of the phrase, or a justification from those writings that the contemporary, atheistic interpretation was the intent of the Founders, or writings that make it evident that the atheistic interpretation was meant to be expressed in the Constitution the Founders agreed upon. Atheism has become the de facto state religion (which is definitely unconstitutional) and is hostile to any other faith-based belief system. And yes, atheism is faith-based. Contemporary atheism requires a huge, irrational, blind faith in the creative power of mindless matter. The discoveries of modern science have made such a notion so absurd that it is only the atheistic ruling class leveraging its position of power and its ability to intimidate dissenters that keeps such a ridiculous notion alive. Of course the "Atheocracy" will not allow their faith-based beliefs to be undermined in the public school system!harry
June 3, 2015
10:44 AM
I dont have a problem with teaching about reality in the classroom, even if it contradicts ancient myths. That doesnt justify teaching about bad arguments against evolution, which is all ID is pretty much.Starbuck
June 3, 2015
10:11 AM
What is the situation in the States regarding Catholic schools? A friend from the Pacific North West once told me they are hugely popular and they have an ethos and academic reputation that many parents - even non-Catholics - obviously prefer to the secular system. Is this still the case? Are they free to take a more balanced approach to evolution? (and if so, do they?)steveO
June 3, 2015
10:05 AM
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