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Logic and First Principles, 2: How could Induction ever work? (Identity and universality in action . . . )


In a day when first principles of reason are at a steep discount, it is unsurprising to see that inductive reasoning is doubted or dismissed in some quarters.

And yet, there is still a huge cultural investment in science, which is generally understood to pivot on inductive reasoning.

Where, as the Stanford Enc of Phil notes, in the modern sense, Induction ” includes all inferential processes that “expand knowledge in the face of uncertainty” (Holland et al. 1986: 1), including abductive inference.” That is, inductive reasoning is argument by more or less credible but not certain support, especially empirical support.

How could it ever work?

A: Surprise — NOT: by being an application of the principle of (stable) distinct identity. (Which is where all of logic seems to begin!)

Let’s refresh our thinking, partitioning World W into A and ~A, W = {A|~A}, so that (physically or conceptually) A is A i/l/o its core defining characteristics, and no x in W is A AND also ~A in the same sense and circumstances, likewise any x in W will be A or else ~A, not neither nor both. That is, once a dichotomy of distinct identity occurs, it has consequences:

Laws of logic in action as glorified common-sense first principles of right reason

Where also, we see how scientific models and theories tie to the body of observations that are explained or predicted, with reliable explanations joining the body of credible but not utterly certain knowledge:

Abductive, inductive reasoning and the inherent provisionality of scientific theorising

As I argued last time:

>>analogical reasoning [–> which is closely connected to inductive reasoning] “is fundamental to human thought” and analogical arguments reason from certain material and acknowledged similarities (say, g1, g2 . . . gn) between objects of interest, say P and Q to further similarities gp, gp+1 . . . gp+k. Also, observe that analogical argument is here a form of inductive reasoning in the modern sense; by which evidence supports and at critical mass warrants a conclusion as knowledge, but does not entail it with logical necessity.

How can this ever work reliably?

By being an application of the principle of identity.

Where, a given thing, P, is itself in light of core defining characteristics. Where that distinctiveness also embraces commonalities. That is, we see that if P and Q come from a common genus or archetype G, they will share certain common characteristics that belong to entities of type G. Indeed, in computing we here speak of inheritance. Men, mice and whales are all mammals and nurture their young with milk, also being warm-blooded etc. Some mammals lay eggs and some are marsupials, but all are vertebrates, as are fish. Fish and guava trees are based on cells and cells use a common genetic code that has about two dozen dialects. All of these are contingent embodied beings, and are part of a common physical cosmos.

This at once points to how an analogy can be strong (or weak).

For, if G has in it common characteristics {g1, g2 . . . gn, | gp, gp+1 . . . gp+k} then if P and Q instantiate G, despite unique differences they must have to be distinct objects, we can reasonably infer that they will both have the onward characteristics gp, gp+1 . . . gp+k. Of course, this is not a deductive demonstration, at first level it is an invitation to explore and test until we are reasonably, responsibly confident that the inference is reliable. That is the sense in which Darwin reasoned from artificial selection by breeding to natural selection. It works, the onward debate is the limits of selection.>>

Consider the world, in situation S0, where we observe a pattern P. Say, a bright, red painted pendulum swinging in a short arc and having a steady period, even as the swings gradually fade away. (And yes, according to the story, this is where Galileo began.) Would anything be materially different in situation S1, where an otherwise identical bob were bright blue instead? (As in, strip the bob and repaint it.)

“Obviously,” no.

Why “obviously”?

We are intuitively recognising that the colour of paint is not core to the aspect of behaviour we are interested in. A bit more surprising, within reason, the mass of the bob makes little difference to the slight swing case we have in view. Length of suspension does make a difference as would the prevailing gravity field — a pendulum on Mars would have a different period.

Where this points, is that the world has a distinct identity and so we understand that certain things (here comes that archetype G again) will be in common between circumstances Si and Sj. So, we can legitimately reason from P to Q once that obtains. And of course, reliability of behaviour patterns or expectations so far is a part of our observational base.

Avi Sion has an interesting principle of [provisional] uniformity:

>>We might . . . ask – can there be a world without any ‘uniformities’? A world of universal difference, with no two things the same in any respect whatever is unthinkable. Why? Because to so characterize the world would itself be an appeal to uniformity. A uniformly non-uniform world is a contradiction in terms.

Therefore, we must admit some uniformity to exist in the world.

The world need not be uniform throughout, for the principle of uniformity to apply. It suffices that some uniformity occurs. Given this degree of uniformity, however small, we logically can and must talk about generalization and particularization. There happens to be some ‘uniformities’; therefore, we have to take them into consideration in our construction of knowledge. The principle of uniformity is thus not a wacky notion, as Hume seems to imply . . . .

The uniformity principle is not a generalization of generalization; it is not a statement guilty of circularity, as some critics contend. So what is it? Simply this: when we come upon some uniformity in our experience or thought, we may readily assume that uniformity to continue onward until and unless we find some evidence or reason that sets a limit to it. Why? Because in such case the assumption of uniformity already has a basis, whereas the contrary assumption of difference has not or not yet been found to have any. The generalization has some justification; whereas the particularization has none at all, it is an arbitrary assertion.

It cannot be argued that we may equally assume the contrary assumption (i.e. the proposed particularization) on the basis that in past events of induction other contrary assumptions have turned out to be true (i.e. for which experiences or reasons have indeed been adduced) – for the simple reason that such a generalization from diverse past inductions is formally excluded by the fact that we know of many cases [of inferred generalisations; try: “we can make mistakes in inductive generalisation . . . “] that have not been found worthy of particularization to date . . . .

If we follow such sober inductive logic, devoid of irrational acts, we can be confident to have the best available conclusions in the present context of knowledge. We generalize when the facts allow it, and particularize when the facts necessitate it. We do not particularize out of context, or generalize against the evidence or when this would give rise to contradictions . . . [Logical and Spiritual Reflections, BK I Hume’s Problems with Induction, Ch 2 The principle of induction.]>>

So, by strict logic, SOME uniformity must exist in the world, the issue is to confidently identify reliable cases, however provisionally. So, even if it is only that “we can make mistakes in generalisations,” we must rely on inductively identified regularities of the world.Where, this is surprisingly strong, as it is in fact an inductive generalisation. It is also a self-referential claim which brings to bear a whole panoply of logic; as, if it is assumed false, it would in fact have exemplified itself as true. It is an undeniably true claim AND it is arrived at by induction so it shows that induction can lead us to discover conclusions that are undeniably true!

Therefore, at minimum, there must be at least one inductive generalisation which is universally true.

But in fact, the world of Science is a world of so-far successful models, the best of which are reliable enough to put to work in Engineering, on potential risk of being found guilty of tort in court.


How is such the case? Because, observing the reliability of a principle is itself an observation, which lends confidence in the context of a world that shows a stable identity and a coherent, orderly pattern of behaviour. Or, we may quantify. Suppose an individual observation O1 is 99.9% reliable. Now, multiply observations, each as reliable, the odds that all of these are somehow collectively in a consistent error falls as (1 – p)^n. Convergent, multiplied credibly independent observations are mutually, cumulatively reinforcing, much as how the comparatively short, relatively weak fibres in a rope can be twisted and counter-twisted together to form a long, strong, trustworthy rope.

And yes, this is an analogy.

(If you doubt it, show us why it is not cogent.)

So, we have reason to believe there are uniformities in the world that we may observe in action and credibly albeit provisionally infer to. This is the heart of the sciences.

What about the case of things that are not directly observable, such as the micro-world, historical/forensic events [whodunit?], the remote past of origins?

That is where we are well-advised to rely on the uniformity principle and so also the principle of identity. We would be well-advised to control arbitrary speculation and ideological imposition by insisting that if an event or phenomenon V is to be explained on some cause or process E, the causal mechanism at work C should be something we observe as reliably able to produce the like effect. And yes, this is one of Newton’s Rules.

For relevant example, complex, functionally specific alphanumerical text (language used as messages or as statements of algorithms) has but one known cause, intelligently directed configuration. Where, it can be seen that blind chance and/or mechanical necessity cannot plausibly generate such strings beyond 500 – 1,000 bits of complexity. There just are not enough atoms and time in the observed cosmos to make such a blind needle in haystack search a plausible explanation. The ratio of possible search to possible configurations trends to zero.

So, yes, on its face, DNA in life forms is a sign of intelligently directed configuration as most plausible cause. To overturn this, simply provide a few reliable cases of text of the relevant complexity coming about by blind chance and/or mechanical necessity. Unsurprisingly, random text generation exercises [infinite monkeys theorem] fall far short, giving so far 19 – 24 ASCII characters, far short of the 72 – 143 for the threshold. DNA in the genome is far, far beyond that threshold, by any reasonable measure of functional information content.

Similarly, let us consider the fine tuning challenge.

The laws, parameters and initial circumstances of the cosmos turn out to form a complex mathematical structure, with many factors that seem to be quite specific. Where, mathematics is an exploration of logic model worlds, their structures and quantities. So, we can use the power of computers to “run” alternative cosmologies, with similar laws but varying parameters. Surprise, we seem to be at a deeply isolated operating point for a viable cosmos capable of supporting C-Chemistry, cell-based, aqueous medium, terrestrial planet based life. Equally surprising, our home planet seems to be quire privileged too. And, if we instead posit that there are as yet undiscovered super-laws that force the parameters to a life supporting structure, that then raises the issue, where did such super-laws come from; level-two fine tuning, aka front loading.

From Barnes:

Barnes: “What if we tweaked just two of the fundamental constants? This figure shows what the universe would look like if the strength of the strong nuclear force (which holds atoms together) and the value of the fine-structure constant (which represents the strength of the electromagnetic force between elementary particles) were higher or lower than they are in this universe. The small, white sliver represents where life can use all the complexity of chemistry and the energy of stars. Within that region, the small “x” marks the spot where those constants are set in our own universe.” (HT: New Atlantis)

That is, the fine tuning observation is robust.

There is a lot of information caught up in the relevant configurations, and so we are looking again at functionally specific complex organisation and associated information.

(Yes, I commonly abbreviate: FSCO/I. Pick any reasonable index of configuration-sensitive function and of information tied to such specific functionality, that is a secondary debate, where it is not plausible that say the amount of information in DNA and proteins or in the cluster of cosmological factors is extremely low. FSCO/I is also a robust phenomenon, and we have an Internet full of cases in point multiplied by a world of technology amounting to trillions of cases that show that it has just one commonly observed cause, intelligently directed configuration. AKA, design.)

So, induction is reasonable, it is foundational to a world of science and technology.

It also points to certain features of our world of life and the wider world of the physical cosmos being best explained on design, not blind chance and mechanical necessity.

Those are inductively arrived at inferences, but induction is not to be discarded at whim, and there is a relevant body of evidence.

Going forward, can we start from this? END

PS: Per aspect (one after the other) Explanatory Filter, adapting Dembski et al:

If science is about explaining and predicting data with models, is it true or false to claim a model explains/predicts data effectively?EricMH
November 29, 2018
10:11 AM
Ed George:
He also believed that high doses of vitamin C could cure the cold and cancer.
He also won a Nobel Prize in a scientific field, chemistry. I don't know anyone who takes high doses of vitamin C who has caught a cold or has cancer. So perhaps it is more of a preventative measure. :cool:
But Bob O’H is correct.
No, he isn't. Pauling's words by far outweigh yours and Bob's put together. And don't forget Einstein.
Science is not about “Truth”.
Science is all about explaining the reality, ie the truth, behind what we observe.ET
November 29, 2018
09:26 AM
Linus Pauling disagrees
He also believed that high doses of vitamin C could cure the cold and cancer. But Bob O'H is correct. Science is not about "Truth". It is about postulating and modifying models to explain our observations.Ed George
November 29, 2018
08:40 AM
Bob O'H:
You’ve hit an important realisation: science isn’t (and can’t be) about truths.
Linus Pauling disagrees:
Science is the search for the truth--it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent, to do harm to others. We need to have the spirit of science in international affairs, to make the conduct of international affairs the effort to find the right solution, the just solution of international problems, and not an effort by each nation to get the better of other nations, to do harm to them when it is possible. I believe in morality, in justice, in humanitarianism.”
Albert Einstein concurs:
“But science can only be created by those who are thoroughly imbued with the aspiration toward truth and understanding.”
November 29, 2018
07:15 AM
EMH, not math facts such as the structure of the number system or the expression 2 + 3 = 5 but axiomatic systems are known to be incomplete and are not guaranteed to be coherent either. KF PS: Though this is post axiomatisation it is a case of a set of facts: {} --> 0 {0} --> 1 {0,1} --> 2 {0,1,2} --> 3 . . .kairosfocus
November 29, 2018
07:09 AM
Didn't you say in 44 that math facts are no longer certain post Godel?EricMH
November 29, 2018
05:48 AM
EMH, excellent question, exposing a self-referential absurdity. This is part of why I have long stressed the significance of self-evident first truths as start points and yardsticks for reasoning. For math (parent of statistics) I highlight that many math facts and even systems were on the table long before the grand axiomatisation projects of the past 200 years, and these controlled how axiomatisations work. Without logic, you cannot have the study of the logic of structure and quantity, probably the best summary definition of math. Science then depends critically on both math and logic. Part of logic is the logic of support rather than valid demonstration; that is, inductive logic -- which is especially important in science. Inextricably intertwined is the epistemological issue of warranting truths then the metaphysical (ontological) one of understanding the logic of being thus the well-springs of reality. Where, we must not overlook that rationality is morally governed by virtue of known duties to truth, right reason, fairness etc. It all hangs together. KFkairosfocus
November 29, 2018
05:08 AM
If we cannot be certain about anything, why are we certain of that fact?EricMH
November 29, 2018
04:48 AM
BO'H: induction generally cannot deliver utter absolute certainty beyond correction. But then, post Godel, neither can Math. We are left in Locke's world of reasonable faith, warranted but not utterly infallible knowledge and responsible albeit fallible praxis. However, given self evidence, there are certain things which are certain, necessarily true and serve as yardsticks. First principles of right reason are where these start. Where, those are in fact certain and knowable laws of how the world works (BTW, with the core of mathematics as an integral part extended from distinct identity A vs ~A thus two-ness). In that context science seeks empirical reliability AND truth, the accurate description of reality. The notion that science is about utility of effective models unconstrained by truth-seeking leads to utterly undermining its ethos and credibility, thence ruin. Actually, it is broader, without truth as norm, value, ideal and goal responsible rationality collapses. KFkairosfocus
November 29, 2018
04:24 AM
Is there such a thing as settled science? Can we use induction in science to establish any kind of universal truth claim? Aren’t the so-called laws of nature universal truth claims? How were natural laws discovered? Are not they derived inductively?
You've hit an important realisation: science isn't (and can't be) about truths. Even if there are Laws of Nature (i.e. rules by which the universe works) we can't be sure we know them.Bob O'H
November 29, 2018
03:52 AM
JAD, on black swans. (Feather, not Taleb's surprises.) The issue seems to be one of where the borders of swan-nish-ness lie, i.e. is feather colouration essential to being a swan? Well, consider cygnets, baby swans, which a quick image search will show tend to be grey-ish; which makes sense for camouflage. (Of course one wonders about the yellow colour of many baby ducks! Or is that mostly domesticated varieties?) Is a cygnet a swan? It certainly is what an adult was on hatching. So, arguably colour of feathers is not a core characteristic of being a swan. From which, we see that the archetype for being a swan should reckon with the normal observable range of variation in known and accepted cases and likewise family resemblance to members of the higher class of water birds etc. Likewise, let's go back to the Australian surprise: black adult swans. If whiteness of feathers was a core characteristic, black swanlike birds would likely have been viewed as near-swans but not swans. Instead, they were recognised as swans but with an unexpected colour. In short, other characteristics were seen as more central to identity. The classic example is flawed, but flawed in interesting ways. We here see that pattern recognition can be intuitive, rooted in experience. Indeed, ability to correctly abstract concepts embedding common characteristics is a key cognitive capability that we routinely exploit in education. (It is also obviously tied to reasoning on analogies.) Similarly, it is a longstanding observation that experienced field biologists can spot and correctly assign novel members of taxons at a glance. This points to the archetypes and clusters of core characteristics, also to how we modify these concepts. In light of all of this, the reaction to black swans (but not to cygnets) seems to be instructive on how we form concepts and draw out inductive inferences. It seems there was an implicit adult-ness expectation when we pondered "swans," so that cygnets don't count against "swans are white." But then, black swans are seen and we adjust the border of our concepts and are forced to ponder similar cases. This also points to Lakatos' core vs sacrificial auxiliary belt of hypotheses. Colour of adult swans was not core, or australian black swans would have been viewed differently. I suspect, the duck-billed platypus also forced a serious revision of what it means to be a mammal. Hairy, egg-laying, warm blooded vertebrates -- no wonder it was at first thought a practical joke or the like. So, we revise to think of placentals vs marsupials vs monotremes. (In addition to the platypus there are four species of spiny anteaters in New Guinea, as well there are fossils from as far as S America.) The provisionality and crucial dependence on empirical support, need for tested reliability and for predictive power all come out. More food for thought. On an iconic case that seems to be a tad more complex than we thought. (Did we ponder the story of the ugly duckling?) KFkairosfocus
November 29, 2018
02:45 AM
PS: Why am I highlighting induction? Because, inductive reasoning is central to science and to general life, thus unsurprisingly to the ID debate. Tied, over the years I have seen objectors to ID raise questions over induction, sometimes IIRC imagining that an objection to induction in general is an objection to ID but not to science etc on the whole. In other cases, there is a conscious dismissal of inductive reasoning esp. i/l/o Popper's Critical Rationalism or some derivative thereof. Others seem to think that broader induction is a loose extension (or anticipation) of Bayesian statistics. So, it seems important to our immediate purposes and to the wider issue of being responsible rational thinkers that we ponder the matter.kairosfocus
November 29, 2018
02:08 AM
F/N: On digging around I have found some similar thinking to the OP. Mark Andrews: https://philpapers.org/rec/ANDISA-10 >>ABSTRACT: Inductive conclusions rest upon the Uniformity Principle, that similar events lead to similar results. The principle derives from three fundamental axioms: Existence, that the observed object has an existence independent of the observer; Identity, that the objects observed, and the relationships between them, are what they are; and Continuity, that the objects observed, and the relationships between them, will continue unchanged absent a sufficient reason. Together, these axioms create a statement sufficiently precise to be falsified. Simple enumeration of successful observations is ineffective to support an inductive conclusion. First, as its analytical device, induction uses the contrapositive form of the hypothesis; a successful observation merely represents the denial of the antecedent, from which nothing follows. Second, simple enumeration uses an invalid syllogism that fails to distribute its middle term. Instead, the inductive syllogism identifies its subject by excluding nonuniform results, using the contrapositive form of the hypotheses. The excluded data allows an estimate of the outer boundaries of the subject under examination. But an estimate of outer boundaries is as far as the inductive process may proceed; an affirmative identification of the content of the subject never becomes possible.>> Here, we see recognition that the identity and stability of the world order is a crucial aspect of the case. Yes, considered as contrasted to simple deductive arguments, induction looks like the proverbial threadbare poor cousin. Unsurprising, you are trying to judge the attempt to provide adequate but never certain support by an argument pattern that turns on entailment so given premises P, conclusions Q must strictly follow. But then, whence P? That brings in the debate over premises. In effect we believe P because of some warrant A. Which invites why A thence B, C . . . posing infinite regress, or question-begging circularity or finitely remote first plausibles F. Among which may be self-evident propositions S. But we are now looking at worldview roots and in so doing we are dealing with comparative difficulties of various possible faith points. Absolute, cross the board certainty has vanished and in its place we must ponder reasonable faith in worldview first plausibles standing on comparative difficulties. Boiling down, worldview level inference to best current explanation. Which is -- lo and behold -- an inductive pattern of argument as was noted previously. In short, once we press hard deduction and induction are inextricably intertwined in the worldview roots of our reasoning. That brings up an old trick, following Hume, Ayer et al. How do we justify induction, deductively or inductively, D vs I. If I this is deemed circular. If D, how can we claim sufficient grounds to expect future cases to match past observations leading to a pattern? (The uniformity principle debate.) Things look a little threadbare and skepticism seems to be ruling the roost! But, as Dale Jacquette points out in How (Not) to Justify Induction,
Against Deduction (1) Deduction cannot be inductively justified. Induction offers only probably true conclusions that are not strong enough to uphold the necessity of deductively valid inferences. (2) Nor can deduction be deductively justified -- that would be vi-ciously circular. ___________________ (3) If deduction could only be justified deductively or inductively, then deduction cannot be justified.
Are we at Mexican standoff of mutually assured destruction? The argument continues:
The collective force of arguments (A) and (B) might be paraphrased more simply as the conclusion that reasoning of any kind cannot con-sistently hope to justify itself. Put this way, the objections in (A) and (B) do not sound quite as startling or revolutionary as when only (A) is presented and the omission of (B) encourages the misleading impres-sion that induction is at a particular justificatory disadvantage vis-à-vis deduction. We have now seen on the contrary that induction and de-duction epistemically and justificationally are pretty much in the same leaky boat.
Are we all doomed to sink together, leaving hyperskepticism triumphant? No. The onward argument points to Aristotle, who "seems to recognize that trying to justify collectively the principles of logic by means of or appeal to logical principles is hopeless. Where we cannot derive we may need to presuppose. But what propositions are we right to presuppose?" That is, we are again back at worldview roots and first plausibles defining faith points. What is a -- or the most -- reasonable faith? To which, the answer comes:
Aristotle and Immanuel Kant millennia later in the Critique of Pure Reason with respect to the justification of synthetic a priori propositions of a scientific metaphysics offer a promising solution. 6 The method is to identify those principles whose truth we cannot even question without presupposing that they are true. The justification for such first principles of logic is then not merely that they are indispensable according to Ockham’s razor, often uncertain in application when we are not exactly sure about what kinds of explanations we need to give and what entities or principles we absolutely need in order to make our explanations work, what reductions remain possible, and the like. Rather, the fundamental concepts and rules of logic and possibly other kinds of propositions are justified on the present proposal instead by virtue of their indispensability even in raising doubts about their truth or indispensability. 7
In short (though Kant would not like my terms) we are looking at self-evidence and coherence as part of our worldview roots thus first principles of right reason. As the OP discusses, the principle of identity and closely tied corollaries. Here, we may add that it is manifest that we inhabit a cosmos, not a chaos, i.e. an ordered system of reality. So, we credibly have a stable identity of our world i/l/o its core characteristics. Absent this recognition and its corollary of at least partly intelligible uniformity, we cannot start reasoning. Which is self-referential and existential. To deny such is suicidal, intellectually and practically, so would be irresponsible and irrational. And indeed, lo and behold, skeptical objectors implicitly expect us to abide by such even as they try to cast doubt and undermine. We may freely proceed on a reasonable, responsible faith basis tied to the principle of distinct identity. Faith and reason, being clearly inextricably intertwined and entangled. Locke is instructive:
[Essay on Human Understanding, Intro, Sec 5:] Men have reason to be well satisfied with what God hath thought fit for them, since he hath given them (as St. Peter says [NB: i.e. 2 Pet 1:2 - 4]) pana pros zoen kaieusebeian, whatsoever is necessary for the conveniences of life and information of virtue; and has put within the reach of their discovery, the comfortable provision for this life, and the way that leads to a better. How short soever their knowledge may come of an universal or perfect comprehension of whatsoever is, it yet secures their great concernments [Prov 1: 1 - 7], that they have light enough to lead them to the knowledge of their Maker, and the sight of their own duties [cf Rom 1 - 2, Ac 17, etc, etc]. Men may find matter sufficient to busy their heads, and employ their hands with variety, delight, and satisfaction, if they will not boldly quarrel with their own constitution, and throw away the blessings their hands are filled with, because they are not big enough to grasp everything . . . It will be no excuse to an idle and untoward servant [Matt 24:42 - 51], who would not attend his business by candle light, to plead that he had not broad sunshine. The Candle that is set up in us [Prov 20:27] shines bright enough for all our purposes . . . If we will disbelieve everything, because we cannot certainly know all things, we shall do muchwhat as wisely as he who would not use his legs, but sit still and perish, because he had no wings to fly.
A word to the wise KFkairosfocus
November 28, 2018
11:32 PM
JAD, yes, the provisionality of inductive generalisation has long been on the table, as I noted above by citing Newton in Opticks Query 31. This is part of why we have to be careful of imagining that likelihood ratio based decisions between hyp 1 and hyp 2 with required probabilities are not undermined by unknown unknowns that may pop up in the future. Your list is a good example, as is the discovery of dinosaur soft tissues. KFkairosfocus
November 28, 2018
10:37 PM
Karl Popper used the discovery of black swans in Australia, soon after Europeans arrived there, to illustrate the problems and shortcomings of inductive logic. However, there have been some other discoveries in science which are like the discovery of black swans. Here are a couple of examples:
Scientists had always believed that noble gases, also known as inert or rare gases, were chemically unable to react. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon (all gases at room temperature) were viewed as the "loners" of the Periodic Table. Their inertness became a basic tenet of chemistry, published in textbooks and taught in classrooms throughout the world.
In other words, noble gases could not form chemical compounds. Indeed that is what I was taught as fact in my H.S. chemistry course in the 1960’s. And there was good reason to believe that this was irrefutable or “settled science.”
Conventional scientific wisdom held that the noble gas elements could not form compounds because their electronic structure was extremely stable. For all except helium, the maximum capacity of the outer electron shell of the noble gas atom is eight electrons. For helium, that limit is just two electrons. These electron arrangements are especially stable, leaving the noble gases without a tendency to gain or lose electrons. This led chemists to think of them as totally unreactive.
Or in other words, this view was the scientific consensus-- the OVERWHELMING consensus. Except it wasn’t true. In 1962 Neil Bartlett, “who was teaching chemistry at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada,” succeeded in creating a compound that used xenon as one of its chemical components.
He was certain that the orange-yellow solid was the world's first noble gas compound. But convincing others would prove somewhat difficult. The prevailing attitude was that no scientist could violate one of the basic tenets of chemistry: the inertness of noble gases. Bartlett insisted that he had, to the amusement and disbelief of some of his colleagues! The proof was in the new compound he had made. That orange-yellow solid was subsequently identified in laboratory studies as xenon hexafluoroplatinate (XePtF6), the world's first noble gas compound.”
https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/whatischemistry/landmarks/bartlettnoblegases.html Since then over 100 noble gas compounds have been discovered. Another example, of a well-established settled science being overturned, was a new discovery made by Israeli scientist Dan Shechtman, “who suffered years of ridicule and even lost a research post for claiming to have found an entirely new class of solid material… when he observed atoms in a crystal he had made form a five-sided pattern that did not repeat itself, defying received wisdom that they must create repetitious patterns, like triangles, squares or hexagons.”
"People just laughed at me," Shechtman recalled in an interview this year with Israeli newspaper Haaretz, noting how Linus Pauling, a colossus of science and double Nobel laureate, mounted a frightening "crusade" against him, saying: "There is no such thing as quasicrystals, only quasi-scientists." After telling Shechtman to go back and read the textbook, the head of his research group asked him to leave for "bringing disgrace" on the team. "I felt rejected," Shechtman remembered.
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-nobel-chemistry-idUSTRE7941EP20111006 In 2011 Daniel Shechtman was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery of quasicrystals. Ironically, Linus Pauling “who mounted… a ‘crusade’” against Shectman is one of the “few chemists [who] questioned the absolute inertness of the noble gases,” before Bartlett’s discovery in 1962. Is there such a thing as settled science? Can we use induction in science to establish any kind of universal truth claim? Aren’t the so-called laws of nature universal truth claims? How were natural laws discovered? Are not they derived inductively?john_a_designer
November 28, 2018
09:49 PM
F/N: Newton weighed in in Opticks Query 31:
As in Mathematicks, so in Natural Philosophy, the Investigation of difficult Things by the Method of Analysis, ought ever to precede the Method of Composition. This Analysis consists in making Experiments and Observations, and in drawing general Conclusions from them by Induction, and admitting of no Objections against the Conclusions, but such as are taken from Experiments, or other certain Truths. For [speculative, empirically ungrounded] Hypotheses are not to be regarded in experimental Philosophy. And although the arguing from Experiments and Observations by Induction be no Demonstration of general Conclusions; yet it is the best way of arguing which the Nature of Things admits of, and may be looked upon as so much the stronger, by how much the Induction is more general. And if no Exception occur from Phaenomena, the Conclusion may be pronounced generally. But if at any time afterwards any Exception shall occur from Experiments, it may then begin to be pronounced with such Exceptions as occur. [--> this for instance speaks to how Newtonian Dynamics works well for the large, slow moving bodies case, but is now limited by relativity and quantum findings] By this way of Analysis we may proceed from Compounds to Ingredients, and from Motions to the Forces producing them; and in general, from Effects to their Causes, and from particular Causes to more general ones, till the Argument end in the most general. This is the Method of Analysis: And the Synthesis consists in assuming the Causes discover'd, and establish'd as Principles, and by them explaining the Phaenomena proceeding from them, and proving [= testing, the older sense of "prove" . . . i.e. he anticipates Lakatos on progressive vs degenerative research programmes and the pivotal importance of predictive success of the dynamic models in our theories in establishing empirical reliability, thus trustworthiness and utility] the Explanations. [Newton in Opticks, 1704, Query 31, emphases and notes added]
November 28, 2018
11:43 AM
What kind of knowledge are the laws of nature? Are they deductively derived or inductively derived? I would say the latter. I would say they have been derived by observing and experimenting on physical phenomena which we encounter in the world around us. For some reason we are so sure of these so-called laws and constants that we assume that they are universal and unchanging, and can be used in premises which then can be used to make theoretical deductions about other questions we have concerning the physical universe, including questions that are based on phenomena which are presently invisible to us-- like dark matter and energy. But are we really warranted in believing that the laws and constants of universe are universal and unchanging? Can we prove that they are or must we take them to be true as a matter of faith?john_a_designer
November 28, 2018
11:39 AM
BO'H: pardon, but that is precisely what inductive reasoning (which is explicitly about uncertain but more or less credibly reliable inference that if strong enough builds knowledge in the defeatable but reliable so far sense) is not. A counter example can discredit a generalisation but in elaborate contexts as Lakatos highlighted, a core is shielded by auxiliary and sacrificial elements where both are always tested together. It therefore takes a lot to break a core paradigm commitment. Which may be more philosophical than scientific, e.g. a priori evolutionary materialistic scientism. Which is self-refuting and necessarily false but institutionally deeply entrenched. Lakatos also pointed out that major hyps are born "refuted," live refuted and die refuted. That is, there are anomalies addressed through puzzle-solving which may grow into a crisis and revolution if a rival school gains enough support. In this sort of world, we have to address plausibility, reliability, weak form knowledge, inference to best current explanation and the power of explicitly false [simplified is frankly euphemistic] models to guide inference, analysis and design etc. Where given tort, you get it badly wrong, you can get sued. And you may have to live with your haunting ghosts even if you win. Inductive reasoning is messy, hard to categorise, often inescapably subjective and only sometimes amenable to neat statistical-probabilistic frameworks. I suggest, especially for more or less elaborate explanatory contexts, that the inference to best current explanation abductive model is a best approach. And yes, this too is an explanatory construct. KFkairosfocus
November 28, 2018
01:27 AM
F/N: I find an interesting categorisation of inductive argument types: http://www.thelogiccafe.net/logic/ref3.pdf Let me throw the ball back into play from this: 1. Causal Reasoning: The example of Chris-in-love is inference to a cause. The best -- but not the only -- interpretation of the data about Chris is that he is in love. Still, attributing causation can be very difficult . . . [However] Often times there are correlations between types of events but no causal link. --> This raises the implication that we reason against a background context providing a plausibly reliable world model which has core elements regarded as practically certain and others that are more speculative-hypothetical --> This raises issues similar to Lakatos on how an auxiliary belt provides sacrificial protection for core commitments and that core + belt are in play at all times when things are tested. 2. Argument from Authority: Very often are best reasons for believing something is expert testimony. Smoking causes cancer. I believe this but have never done the study. The experts tell us this is so: they do the causal reasoning and we reason they are right based on their expertise. Still, once was the time when the tobacco industry paid "experts" to testify that there was no causal link but just a correlation. One needs to be careful to make sure that spokespersons cited as authorities truly do know the field of knowledge in question and are in a position to wisely judge, and there are not other equally good authorities taking an opposed position. Like all inductive arguments, those from authority offer no guarantee that their conclusion is true. But, if the authority cited is a good one, and there is no other evidence to the contrary, then the conclusion is likely true. --> 99+% of practical arguments rely or build on authority so we had better lean how to manage it prudently (ponder dictionarlies, textbooks and reference works, teachers and schools, accounting system journal entries etc) 3. Generalization: One of the most common sorts of inductive argument is from particular cases to a more universal statement about all members of a group . . . When one generalizes from a "sample", one needs to be careful that the sample is a good representation of the whole group. (So, we ask for a "representative sample" when generalizing.) . . . . --> Implies an appeal to in-common relevant properties, cf OP on archetypes 4. Statistical Generalization: Sometimes the generalization is not universal. Instead of saying "everyone finds 4.5 difficult", one might conclude that most people do. A more sophisticated sampling, e.g., in election polling, will sample from a big group and conclude that x% of voters will vote for y . . . . --> attempts to sample or represent populations and identify patterns based on sampling theory etc 5. Statistical Inference: This sort of reasoning moves from evidence about a group, often a very large group, to a conclusion about an individual or another group. Often the groups are explicitly described in statistical terms: "90% of my group got an A" or "most US citizens distrust tyranny". Two important types of statistical inference are treated separately below: Arguments from Analogy and Predictions. In all cases of statistical inference, generalizations about groups are applied to make conclusions about particular individuals or particular groups of individuals. Such reasoning is the reverse of generalization . . . . 6. Prediction: From information about what has happened in times past, we make an inference to the future. So, predictions are a type of statistical inference. --> Predictive power thus demonstrated repeated reliability builds confidence in a claim or model 7. Argument by Analogy: Attempts to show a conclusion that some thing X has a quality q given that similar things Y, Z, etc. all have this same quality q . . . --> "similar" is a tell-tale on having an in common class, with archetype KFkairosfocus
November 28, 2018
01:12 AM
I thought inductive reasoning said something was either true (if there is no counter-example) or false (if there is a counter example). How is that not binary?Bob O'H
November 28, 2018
12:57 AM
PS: Typed while rocking on a ferry heading back into MNI.kairosfocus
November 27, 2018
04:42 PM
BO'H: Inductive reasoning is reasoning on typically empirical support that is generally fallible and/or uncertain but ideally should be reliable. It needs not be quantified (though we can argue that better/worse support could be seen as forming a ranking scale in some cases) and it certainly is not as a rule set on a binary, discrete scale of probabilities 0/1. KFkairosfocus
November 27, 2018
04:40 PM
Isn't inductive logic just a simplified Bayesian model where probabilities can only be 0 or 1?Bob O'H
November 27, 2018
05:58 AM
PS: I am pretty well convinced that while Bayesian approaches can work in certain contexts as a statistical investigation (where it can be pretty effective), statistics has not swallowed up inductive logic. That is the key problem, and I spoke to it in the OP.kairosfocus
November 27, 2018
03:09 AM
BO'H: I am speaking to the issue of exploring large configuration spaces by blind search which is based on chance and/or necessity. Let me cite Walker and Davies to give some context:
In physics, particularly in statistical mechanics, we base many of our calculations on the assumption of metric transitivity, which asserts that a system’s trajectory will eventually [--> given "enough time and search resources"] explore the entirety of its state space – thus everything that is phys-ically possible will eventually happen. It should then be trivially true that one could choose an arbitrary “final state” (e.g., a living organism) and “explain” it by evolving the system backwards in time choosing an appropriate state at some ’start’ time t_0 (fine-tuning the initial state). In the case of a chaotic system the initial state must be specified to arbitrarily high precision. But this account amounts to no more than saying that the world is as it is because it was as it was, and our current narrative therefore scarcely constitutes an explanation in the true scientific sense. We are left in a bit of a conundrum with respect to the problem of specifying the initial conditions necessary to explain our world. A key point is that if we require specialness in our initial state (such that we observe the current state of the world and not any other state) metric transitivity cannot hold true, as it blurs any dependency on initial conditions – that is, it makes little sense for us to single out any particular state as special by calling it the ’initial’ state. If we instead relax the assumption of metric transitivity (which seems more realistic for many real world physical systems – including life), then our phase space will consist of isolated pocket regions and it is not necessarily possible to get to any other physically possible state (see e.g. Fig. 1 for a cellular automata example).
[--> or, there may not be "enough" time and/or resources for the relevant exploration, i.e. we see the 500 - 1,000 bit complexity threshold at work vs 10^57 - 10^80 atoms with fast rxn rates at about 10^-13 to 10^-15 s leading to inability to explore more than a vanishingly small fraction on the gamut of Sol system or observed cosmos . . . the only actually, credibly observed cosmos]
Thus the initial state must be tuned to be in the region of phase space in which we find ourselves [--> notice, fine tuning], and there are regions of the configuration space our physical universe would be excluded from accessing, even if those states may be equally consistent and permissible under the microscopic laws of physics (starting from a different initial state). Thus according to the standard picture, we require special initial conditions to explain the complexity of the world, but also have a sense that we should not be on a particularly special trajectory to get here (or anywhere else) as it would be a sign of fine–tuning of the initial conditions. [ --> notice, the "loading"] Stated most simply, a potential problem with the way we currently formulate physics is that you can’t necessarily get everywhere from anywhere (see Walker [31] for discussion). ["The “Hard Problem” of Life," June 23, 2016, a discussion by Sara Imari Walker and Paul C.W. Davies at Arxiv.]
That points to a fairly wide context. KFkairosfocus
November 27, 2018
03:04 AM
kf @ 25 - one of the reason I like the Bayesian approach is that it makes everything explicit, so it's easier to see what formal assumptions you are making, and thus makes it easier to see where you have to fudge things (and at some point you have to fudge things: all models are, after all, wrong). Which makes this worrisome:
Unless T1 and T2 exhaust effective options, evaluating their probability is a lottery. In science (esp on origins) that means either broadening the T’s ridiculously to the point of vagueness or else locking in arbitrary probably ideologically loaded narrow horizons.
You realise that doing the modelling properly is going to involve a lot of fudging. TBH, I'm fine with this, because you can make it clear what bits are vague or arbitrary, so these can then be refined. If "stat thermo-D" is genuinely a useful alternative approach, then it should, I think, converge to a proper analysis (or at least the differences should be identifiable). Essentially, you would be making different fudges. I think this would be fine as long as it's clear (again) what fudges are being made.Bob O'H
November 27, 2018
02:58 AM
EMH, sorry, rushed y/day so I just pointed. Active info is interesting. Rushed again gotta go catch a ferry for a day trip, returning from ANU the coming evening. KFkairosfocus
November 26, 2018
11:55 PM
BO'H: Yes, and the outline above (and as is linked to more where I clipped from in my briefing note) lays out the algebra and consequences i/l/o earlier discussions. P(E) is eliminated in the algebra but the lock-up to P(T1) and P(T2) locks into a beauty contest where unknowns can walk on the stage and steal the show. Unless T1 and T2 exhaust effective options, evaluating their probability is a lottery. In science (esp on origins) that means either broadening the T's ridiculously to the point of vagueness or else locking in arbitrary probably ideologically loaded narrow horizons. A more useful answer in my view is to in the context of FSCO/I, go to stat thermo-D and consider search challenge on relevant config spaces i/l/o atomic-temporal resources. The import is plain, past 500 - 1000 bits worth, FSCO/I is essentially certainly by design. R/DNA in the cell easily surpasses that, showing also language in action. Life depends on language, pointing to design. But that is so often ideologically utterly strictly forbidden by the new materialist magisterium dressed up in lab coats. KF PS: If evidence of LANGUAGE as alphanumeric code in the cell is unconvincing, I suspect such a one will hardly be convinced by any empirical evidence. See Lewontin's cat out of the bag remark on a priori materialism. Where, such is self refuting for a person needing rational freedom to argue.kairosfocus
November 26, 2018
11:53 PM
KF, my apologies. My last comment came across as rude, but I did not intend it as such. I will relook over all the items you have written here and active information, and I appreciate what was a lot of writing on your part. Many thanks for all the work you do here.EricMH
November 26, 2018
06:47 PM
EMH, look up active information. KFkairosfocus
November 26, 2018
12:35 PM
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