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Missing the Point at The “Skeptical” Zone


Over at The “Skeptical” Zone they continue to be skeptical about literally everything; everything that is except the unquestioned verities of the scientific and cultural establishment. As I periodically do, I made a run though their last few months’ of postings. The denizens of the Zone are if nothing else impressive in their consistency. As usual, I was unable to find a single word in a single post that would make the occupants of the average faculty lounge mildly uncomfortable. Far less did I find anything even remotely “skeptical” of or a challenge to conventional wisdom or established ideas.

Could it be that the folks over at the Zone don’t know what the word “skeptical” actually means? A perusal of their writings certainly leads to that conclusion. Maybe they have an esoteric definition of “skeptical.” If so, I hope they will share it with the rest of us. That would help us by eliminating the confusion that comes when we observe them saying they are doing one thing (i.e., being “skeptical” as that word is ordinarily understood) and what they actually do (i.e., accept established ideas without question and fight like hell against anyone who would challenge those established ideas).

All of that as prelude to my response to “kieths” Barry Arrington digs up the ‘tautology’ argument, which kieths wrote in response to my Engineering Tradeoffs and the Vacuity of “Fitness”.

Before I get into the specifics of kieths’ post, I would like to offer some free and unsolicited advice to all of our dear friends over at the Zone: Scoffing is a very poor substitute for argument.

Now, to keith’s post. It ain’t much. Here it is in its entirety.

Barry Arrington should stick to what he’s good at — banning blasphemers. [link to where I banned someone for blasphemy]

Instead, he has disinterred the corpse of the “natural selection is a tautology” argument, propped it up in a chair, and is now attempting to engage it in conversation. [link to my Engineering Trade Offs post]

Trust me, Barry – that corpse is dead, dead, dead. Among the coroner’s findings:

1. Even the dimmest of IDers and creationists accepts that “microevolution” occurs. Insects become pesticide-resistant. Finch beaks change in response to drought conditions. Microbes acquire antibiotic resistance. How does this happen? Through natural selection. It ain’t a tautology.

2. The tautology mongers miss a basic point about fitness. Fitness is not defined in terms of the reproductive success of an individual. An unfit individual who gets lucky and reproduces successfully does not get reclassified as fit. A fit individual who gets hit by a meteorite isn’t reclassified as unfit. To claim that “the fittest” are “those who survive”, as the tautology mongers claim, is ridiculous.

Back to hunting down blasphemers, Barry. Leave the science to those who understand

Let’s fisk this post:

[I.] Barry Arrington should stick to what he’s good at — banning blasphemers. [link to where I banned someone for blasphemy]

Not an auspicious start. Irrelevancy coated with ad hominem. Yes, the secular echo chamber at the Zone probably goes into paroxysms of giggles at the very concept of “blasphemy,” or that anyone would be banned for blaspheming. Here’s a clue keiths since you obviously need one. Graham2 was a guest on our site. Guests have duties to their hosts. One of those duties is to refrain from outrageous, intentionally inflammatory and offensive behavior. Graham2 violated that duty. He was banned. That he and his friends at the Zone scoff at the very idea of blasphemy does not justify his behavior. His comment was beyond the bounds of civil discourse and decency.

[II.]Trust me, Barry – that corpse is dead, dead, dead.

Red faced insistence does not strengthen an argument. Also, an idea is not dead merely because those who oppose it insist upon it. Sorry.

[III.]1. Even the dimmest of IDers and creationists accepts that “microevolution” occurs. Insects become pesticide-resistant. Finch beaks change in response to drought conditions. Microbes acquire antibiotic resistance. How does this happen? Through natural selection. It ain’t a tautology.

We finally get to an argument of sorts. Indeed, I do accept the examples of microevolution you mention. But the issue is not whether in some instances we are in fact able objectively to identify engineering criteria that resulted in differential survival rates, such as those you mention. The issue is very different. Please read the following Talbott quotation carefully:

However, the appeal to engineering criteria in the abstract does not by itself get us very far. As philosopher Ronald Brady reminded us when discussing this dispute in an essay entitled “Dogma and Doubt,” what matters for judging a proposed scientific explanation is not only the specification of non-tautological criteria for testing it, but also our ability to apply the test meaningfully. If we have no practical way to sum up and assess the fitness or adaptive value of the traits of an organism apart from measurements of survival rates (evolutionary success), then on what basis can we use the idea of survival of the fittest (natural selection) to explain evolutionary success — as opposed to using it merely as a blank check for freely inventing explanations of the sort commonly derided as “just-so stories.”

You have appealed to concrete examples of engineering criteria to counter a criticism of appealing to engineering criteria in the abstract. Do you see how that just doesn’t work? If not, I will explain it for you.

No one disputes that in certain situations mutations have been observed that have resulted in differential survival rates. But what about the situations where we have had no opportunity to observe the animal in the wild (which category includes all extinct species)? That is what Talbott is getting at. For those animals it is all but impossible to isolate with any confidence a specific engineering trait that caused them to be more “fit.” Consequently, we are forced to fall back on: “they survived so long as they were fit and they ceased to survive when they were no longer fit, and by ‘fit” we mean ‘they survived.’”

Here is the key concept: With respect to an animal that existed in the deep and unobservable past, it is all but impossible to isolate a specific trait as “the” trait that lead to survival (i.e., fitness). A necessary corollary to that observation is that the only way to measure fitness of for that animal is the rate of survival itself. And to that extent we are stuck with “survival of the fittest” means “fit animals – by which we mean animals that survive – survive.” A second corollary to the initial observation is that any attempt to do the un-doable – i.e., isolate a specific trait as “the” trait that lead to survival for animals in the deep and unobservable past – is an exercise in the must-derided “just so” story making so beloved among Darwinists.

[IV.]2. The tautology mongers miss a basic point about fitness. Fitness is not defined in terms of the reproductive success of an individual. An unfit individual who gets lucky and reproduces successfully does not get reclassified as fit. A fit individual who gets hit by a meteorite isn’t reclassified as unfit. To claim that “the fittest” are “those who survive”, as the tautology mongers claim, is ridiculous.

kieths, perhaps you did not notice, but there is a large gaping hole in your argument. Let me explain. Consider the following two sentences:

An unfit individual who gets lucky and reproduces successfully does not get reclassified as fit.

A fit individual who gets hit by a meteorite isn’t reclassified as unfit.

In both of these sentences there is an unspoken assumption. That unspoken assumption is that the term “fit” has a meaning that is independent of survival rate. But that is the very issue we are debating. Simply saying that “fit” means something other than “survival rate” is a mere assertion. A mere assertion is not an argument. For your argument to work you need to show us why the term “fit” has a meaning that is independent of survival rate for animals in the deep and unobservable past.

Here’s a hint: Falling back on paragraph 1 to support paragraph 2 does not work. Yes, Darwinists always want to extrapolate and say that the same process that causes finch beaks to get larger in times of drought is sufficient to account for the existence of finches in the first place. That argument is, to say the least, unimpressive.

[V.]Back to hunting down blasphemers, Barry. Leave the science to those who understand

If you think that ad hominem adds to the strength of your argument, keep doing it. I have a pretty thick hide. But can you imagine an Einstein or a Godel writing a similar sentence at the end of one of their papers? I can’t. And from that I conclude that someone who is really confident in their position sees little need to launch personal attacks on their opponent.


[I had to do some actual work and was unable to finish.] Allow me to summarize keiths’ argument:

I. Irrelevancy and ad hominem. Fail
II. Bluster and mere assertion. Fail.
III. Misses the point of (and therefore fails to address) the argument he is criticizing. Fail.
IV. Relies on unspoken implied assertion that has not been established. Fail.
V. More ad hominem. Fail.

In summary, keiths’ is a terrible argument. I admit that there might be some good arguments that the Darwinists could bring to bear on this issue, but keiths’ post most certainly contains none of them. It fails at every turn.

Now I invite our readers to click on the link to keiths’ argument and examine the so-called “skeptics” responses. A lot of clucking and head nodding. No one takes keiths to task for his shoddy work.

Kantian Naturalist is especially reprehensible, because he is smart enough to know that keiths’ work is shoddy and gives him a pass. Also, his “Arrington steals this thought from Talbott” is beyond outrageous. I gave full attribution to Talbott; linked to his article; and included lengthy quotes from the original. In what sense is this “stealing”? KN should be ashamed. I doubt that he is.

keiths is so confused:
Exactly, which is why fitness isn’t defined in terms of an individual’s survival and reproduction.
Yes, it is and I have provided a reference that supports that fitness = reproductive success. And it always refers to individuals. Even Mayr said that natural selection is about the phenotype- keiths sez is pertains to the genotype. The genotype gets reproduced but its the phenotype that allowed for that to happen. Phenotype is often determined by epigenetic factors.Joe
October 12, 2014
05:27 AM
Hi Barry Arrington, Thanks for a thought-provoking post. The quote you cite from Steve Talbott gets right to the heart of the matter:
If we have no practical way to sum up and assess the fitness or adaptive value of the traits of an organism apart from measurements of survival rates (evolutionary success), then on what basis can we use the idea of survival of the fittest (natural selection) to explain evolutionary success...
In your previous post, you concluded: "The only way to measure 'fitness' is by reproductive success, which is obviously tautological if 'fitness' is defined as 'reproductively successful.'" In response, KeithS has recently made an interesting suggestion in a comment on his latest post at http://theskepticalzone.com/wp/?p=5058&cpage=3#comment-54786 (October 12, 6:19 a.m.). He suggests that we can "define fitness in terms of the average success of a genotype in a given environment," adding that "You don't need to exclude any cases." I think KeithS's proposal merits serious consideration, as it is non-tautological. First, he is saying that fitness is primarily a property of genotypes rather then individuals. Second, he specifically defines fitness in terms of the average success of a genotype "in a given environment," meaning that one and the same genotype may be advantageous in one environment but disadvantageous in another. Those are non-trivial points, To be sure, Talbott has a ready response: he argues that "we cannot isolate traits — or the mutations producing them — as if they were independent causal elements," since "[o]rganism-environment relations present us with so much complexity, so many possible parameters to track..." But it seems Talbott is simply making an epistemological point here. The fact that we cannot identify which genotypes are fit does not entail that fit genotypes don't exist. (For that matter, we cannot currently identify most of the genes responsible for variations in intelligence, but scientific research shows that about half of the variation currently existing in IQ scores in the human population is genetic in origin.) So, what do readers think of KeithS's suggestion?vjtorley
October 12, 2014
12:40 AM
Excellent post Eric. You summarized the problem perfectly. Humans can use their subjective judgement to look at a living being and see what they believe are more fit or less fit individuals. We think of "fit" as being, strong, fast, athletic, attractive, agile. But Darwinism can not use these descriptions for a fitter allele, because then every time you have an allele which is not the stronger, or the faster or the most attractive, but still reproduces just fine, the description of fitness no longer makes sense. What do you do with every case when the slower one is better, or the unattractive one; the unathletic jellyfish, or the awkward koalas. What does a description of strong mean to an oyster?phoodoo
October 11, 2014
07:52 PM
Joe @8:
However he does bring up a couple of very good points- random effects can prevent the physically fit from producing offspring and they can also help the physically weak to be able produce. Mayr goes over this in “What Evolution Is” as the caveat in the statistical non-randomness of natural selection. Spetner discusses it also.
Exactly. And this should be the first clue to any objective observer that, unlike all other forces of nature, in natural selection we aren't dealing with an actual force that provides any known directionality. Sometimes we have an organism that we think is more "fit" but doesn't survive due the vagaries and hazards of nature. Sometimes we have an organism that we think is less "fit" but that survives due to happenstance avoidance of the vagaries and hazards of nature. So we are left with two logical possibilities: 1. Natural selection is not particularly capable of ensuring that the fit will in fact survive; sometimes they do; sometimes they don't. Natural selection works in nature. Except when it doesn't. Stuff Happens. or 2. We can limit the definition of the term "natural selection" to those cases in which the fit actually do survive. In other cases -- like the vagaries and hazards of nature several prominent evolutionists have discussed -- we say it isn't really natural selection that did it. Gould also made this point in trying to save natural selection from seeming arbitrary. This is actually quite well-worn ground by evolutionary thinkers and is, I believe, certainly the dominant thinking. This second approach makes some sense. After all, we see lots of processes happening in the real world, and perhaps it doesn't make sense to lump them all into the concept of "natural selection." However, and this is a critical "however", by limiting natural selection to those instances in which the fit actually survive, we end up tying the definition of natural selection intimately back to the concept of survival, defining the result in terms of the antecedent. This of course was how Darwin and other early thinkers thought of it. But we know that this approach has been soundly thrashed by students of logic (evolutionary thinkers and critics alike) precisely due to the tautological problem we have been discussing on other threads. ----- The upshot of all this is that the evolutionary proponent is in an unenviable position: A. Tie the concept of natural selection to survival and put the whole concept on a slippery slope of tautological meaninglessness. or B. Open up the concept to situations in which the fittest don't survive and the less fit do survive, in which case natural selection loses its sense of inevitability and directionality and the picture of life's history looks more random, something evolutionists are loathe to acknowledge. or C. Refuse to address the issue by either: (i) denying the importance of natural selection to evolutionary theory generally ("Oh, that was Darwin 150 years ago; evolutionary biology has moved on now."); or (ii) arguing that the criticisms have been dealt with, because the criticisms are very old and have already been discussed a lot (Yes, the criticisms have been discussed ad nauseum since day one. No, the criticisms have never been adequately dealt with.). or (and this seems to be quite common) D. Obfuscate and try to have the cake and eat it too. This typically involves a combination of all of the above. Acknowledge that natural selection only applies sometimes, but say it is still a useful concept. Flatly deny any tautological problem, without really addressing the criticism. State that biology has moved on. And finally, "We don't want to talk about this natural selection thing anymore because this is something evolutionists have already talked about a lot".Eric Anderson
October 11, 2014
07:07 PM
It’s not easy being a Darwinist! Sometimes, the briefer the comment, the more hilarious!Axel
October 11, 2014
12:44 PM
Joe @12:
Natural selection doesn’t do anything so it doesn’t matter if it is a tautology or not- it’s useless regardless. Larry Moran has pointed out that drift accounts for 99% of the variation in populations. That doesn’t leave much for natural selection.
Yes and the same can be said about random mutations. All the sacred and wonderful mechanisms of evolution essentially do nothing. Amazing. Truth is, genomes change simply because they were programmed to change in response to environmental pressure. There is no escaping it. It's intelligent design all around. It's not easy being a Darwinist.Mapou
October 11, 2014
11:17 AM
Sorry. Wrong copied post. Here it is: Dont try to mix up genuine science using intelligent design with a ridiculous theory which has no evidence - you cannot give me one example as I predicted. Richard Dawkins can give no evidence at all on the theory - he just bashes the bible. "I fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book. If I knew of any, fossil or living, I would certainly have included them. . .I will lay it on the line, There is not one such fossil for which one might make a watertight argument." Dr. Colin Patterson, senior paleontologist at the British Museum of Natural History. The quote is from a personal letter dated 10th April 1979 from Dr. Patterson to creationist Luther D. Sunderland and is referring to Dr. Patterson's book "Evolution" (1978, Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd.). "We are told dogmatically that Evolution is an established fact; but we are never told who has established it, and by what means. We are told, often enough, that the doctrine is founded upon evidence, and that indeed this evidence 'is henceforward above all verification, as well as being immune from any subsequent contradiction by experience;' but we are left entirely in the dark on the crucial question wherein, precisely, this evidence consists." Smith, Wolfgang (1988) Teilhardism and the New Religion: A Thorough Analysis of The Teachings of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books & Publishers Inc., p.2 "I think we need to go further than this and admit that the only acceptable explanation is creation. I know this is an anathema to physicists, as indeed it is to me, but we must not reject a theory that we do not like if the experimental evidence supports it." H. S. Lipson; Prof of Physics, University of Manchester, A paper published by The Institute of Physics, IOP Publishing Ltd., 1980 STEPHEN GOULD, Harvard, "...one outstanding fact of the fossil record that many of you may not be aware of; that since the so called Cambrian explosion...during which essentially all the anatomical designs of modern multicellular life made their first appearance in the fossil record, no new Phyla of animals have entered the fossil record.", Speech at SMU, Oct.2, 1990 "TREES" NOT FROM FOSSILS, S. J. GOULD, Harvard, "The evolutionary trees that adorn our textbooks have dta only at the tips and nodes of their branches; the rest is inference, however reasonable, not the evidence of the fossils.", Nat. His., V.86, p.13 STORY TIME, COLIN PATTERSON, Senior Paleontologist, British Museum of Nat. History, "You say I should at least 'show a photo of the fossil from which each type or organism was derived.' I will lay it on the line-there is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight argument." "It is easy enough to make up stories of how one form gave rise to another. ... But such stories are not part of science, for there is no way of putting them to the test. ... I don't think we shall ever have any access to any form of tree which we can call factual." HARPER'S, Feb. 1984, p.56 You will need to throw away your school textbooks and Dawkins fantasy series and do proper science rather than a faith based religion like the "theory" of evolution. Still waiting for ONE example out of the trillions - no one else has found one - have you informed the scientific community of your " evidence" that bears became whale ....lolAxel
October 11, 2014
10:23 AM
Just found this little conspectus of evolution's vacuity, posted by someone with the username, nword, to a Messianic Christian site called: Israel Today. I hope you find something here to add to your much larger conspectus of scientific verifications of theism (and Christianity, truth to tell): The Mental Universe – Richard Conn Henry – Professor of Physics John Hopkins University Excerpt: The only reality is mind and observations, but observations are not of things. To see the Universe as it really is, we must abandon our tendency to conceptualize observations as things.,,, Physicists shy away from the truth because the truth is so alien to everyday physics. A common way to evade the mental universe is to invoke “decoherence” – the notion that “the physical environment” is sufficient to create reality, independent of the human mind. Yet the idea that any irreversible act of amplification is necessary to collapse the wave function is known to be wrong: in “Renninger-type” experiments, the wave function is collapsed simply by your human mind seeing nothing. The universe is entirely mental,,,, The Universe is immaterial — mental and spiritual. Live, and enjoy.Axel
October 11, 2014
10:15 AM
Natural selection doesn't do anything so it doesn't matter if it is a tautology or not- it's useless regardless. Larry Moran has pointed out that drift accounts for 99% of the variation in populations. That doesn't leave much for natural selection. There is a thread over on TSZ in which natural selection is discussed and there isn't any evidence in it for NS actually doing something. Go figure...Joe
October 11, 2014
05:58 AM
Mung "Ah, a little well-poisoning over at TSZ. From such humble beginnings. Elizabeth would be proud. Or not." She started out creating Frankenstein by proclaiming And she ended up getting Wonder how proud that self-promoting intellect is now with her accomplishments ? She's attracted every cream of the crop scholastic dropoutsDavidD
October 10, 2014
11:49 PM
Missing the Point of The “Skeptical” Zone There, fixed it fer ya!Mung
October 10, 2014
05:39 PM
Ah, a little well-poisoning over at TSZ. From such humble beginnings. Elizabeth would be proud. Or not.Mung
October 10, 2014
04:49 PM
Natural selection is differential reproduction due to heritable random (as in happenstance) variation. That is the first clue that fitness is directly related to reproductive success. That is a miss for keiths. However he does bring up a couple of very good points- random effects can prevent the physically fit from producing offspring and they can also help the physically weak to be able produce. Mayr goes over this in "What Evolution Is" as the caveat in the statistical non-randomness of natural selection. Spetner discusses it also. It just goes to show that it isn't as defining a process as it is made out to beJoe
October 10, 2014
03:53 PM
I have deleted all of the troll stenosemella's comments, as they were nothing more than trollish distractions. If anyone has something to say about the actual topic of the OP, please feel free. I have also deleted all responses to the troll's distractions (including my own).Barry Arrington
October 10, 2014
03:00 PM
1. Even the dimmest of IDers and creationists accepts that “microevolution” occurs. Insects become pesticide-resistant. Finch beaks change in response to drought conditions. Microbes acquire antibiotic resistance. How does this happen? Through natural selection. It ain’t a tautology.
Not only is it a tautology, natural selection had nothing to do with it. I won't even mention the silliness of random mutations. Living organisms become fitter (adaptation) simply because they are genetically programmed to do so. Epigenetics comes to mind. Skeptic: Science teaches us that it is impossible to be 100% sure of anything. Yoda: Ahem. So certain of this you are.Mapou
October 10, 2014
01:45 PM
The self styled sceptics I engage with seem to have uncritically swallowed the Richard Dawkins canon entire and whole. Their views are as peas in a pod and they are united in their condemnation of my most dastardly and heretickal criticism of ye olde Darwinian orthodoxy as agreed by 99.999999% of ye men of science and decreed to be read out in schools on pain of excommunication.
People who call themselves "skeptics" act with a rigid orthodoxy and intolerance of dissent that would have made a medieval churchman blush. Either the needle on the irony meter is pressing against the stop or the meaning of "skeptic" somehow morphed 180 degrees without anyone noticing. Some words do in fact mean the opposite of what they once did, e.g., "egregious."Barry Arrington
October 10, 2014
01:06 PM
Barb, that's the point in a nutshell, and that point seems to allude the denizens of the Zone.Barry Arrington
October 10, 2014
01:05 PM
Even if the fittest creatures survive, evolution still does not explain how they arrive.Barb
October 10, 2014
12:42 PM
Agree about the label 'Sceptic' which seems to be a badge of pride worn by some of the most predictable and orthodox people I know. The self styled sceptics I engage with seem to have uncritically swallowed the Richard Dawkins canon entire and whole. Their views are as peas in a pod and they are united in their condemnation of my most dastardly and heretickal criticism of ye olde Darwinian orthodoxy as agreed by 99.999999% of ye men of science and decreed to be read out in schools on pain of excommunication. For an example of the orthodox persecuting a heretic, look up the Michael Reiss affair. A biologically qualified scientist who was also an ordained Anglican minister was howled out of his post at the Royal Society in London after suggesting that if a child questioned evolution in school they should be engaged with rather than silenced. Reiss was fully accepting of evolution and opposed ID, but that wasn't enough to save him from the wrath of Dawkins, Kroto et al. Zero tolerance of dissent.Percival
October 10, 2014
12:26 PM
stenosemella, as to who is the most guilty of 'scoffing' it is not even a contest. ,, Although man has not the faintest hope of ever creating life, or turning one species into a new species, (save for in the fertile and undisciplined imagination of Darwinists), the Darwinists main line of argument against design is to 'scoff' at the idea that God created life since they imagine they can do better than God did.,,, Take away 'scoffing' and the entire foundation of Darwinian science, (i.e. theology), collapses,,, Darwin's Use of Theology in the Origin of Species - May 2011 Excerpt: The Origin supplies abundant evidence of theology in action; as Dilley observes: I have argued that, in the first edition of the Origin, Darwin drew upon at least the following positiva theological claims in his case for descent with modification (and against special creation): 1. Human beings are not justified in believing that God creates in ways analogous to the intellectual powers of the human mind. 2. A God who is free to create as He wishes would create new biological limbs de novo rather than from a common pattern. 3. A respectable deity would create biological structures in accord with a human conception of the 'simplest mode' to accomplish the functions of these structures. 4. God would only create the minimum structure required for a given part's function. 5. God does not provide false empirical information about the origins of organisms. 6. God impressed the laws of nature on matter. 7. God directly created the first 'primordial' life. 8. God did not perform miracles within organic history subsequent to the creation of the first life. 9. A 'distant' God is not morally culpable for natural pain and suffering. 10. The God of special creation, who allegedly performed miracles in organic history, is not plausible given the presence of natural pain and suffering. http://www.evolutionnews.org/2011/05/charles_darwin_theologian_majo046391.html Nothing in biology makes sense except in light of theology? - Dilley S. - 2013 Abstract This essay analyzes Theodosius Dobzhansky's famous article, "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution," in which he presents some of his best arguments for evolution. I contend that all of Dobzhansky's arguments hinge upon sectarian claims about God's nature, actions, purposes, or duties. Moreover, Dobzhansky's theology manifests several tensions, both in the epistemic justification of his theological claims and in their collective coherence. I note that other prominent biologists--such as Mayr, Dawkins, Eldredge, Ayala, de Beer, Futuyma, and Gould--also use theology-laden arguments. I recommend increased analysis of the justification, complexity, and coherence of this theology. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23890740bornagain77
October 10, 2014
12:04 PM
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