From Shannon Hall at New Scientist:
So where are these unseen universes in relation to ours? How many are there? What goes on inside them? And can we ever hope to visit one? Such questions might sound daft, particularly given the lack of observational evidence that the multiverse exists. And yet thanks to new ideas on where distant universes might be hiding or how to count them, physicists are beginning to get their bearings. Rather fittingly, though, there is not just one answer – depending on which version of the multiverse you’re navigating, there are many. (paywall) More. [colour emphasis added]
Question: “New pics from Pluto, including strange, icy haloes” sounds like science, a matter of public interest. “How far away is your parallel self?” sounds like the kind of thing people think about when they have given up on science as an evidence-derived way of thinking. Why might they have given up?
See also: That Old Time Multiverse Religion (Barry Arrington)
We have infinite selves in a multiverse? No, sorry, goodbye all youse, says math prof
Theoretical physicist: Multiverse is about how we define science
As if the multiverse wasn’t bizarre enough …meet Many Worlds
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