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Our enterprising ancestors’ version of canned soup, 400 kya


From ScienceDaily:

Tel Aviv University researchers, in collaboration with scholars from Spain, have uncovered evidence of the storage and delayed consumption of animal bone marrow at Qesem Cave near Tel Aviv, the site of many major discoveries from the late Lower Paleolithic period some 400,000 years ago.

The research provides direct evidence that early Paleolithic people saved animal bones for up to nine weeks before feasting on them inside Qesem Cave…

“Bone marrow constitutes a significant source of nutrition and as such was long featured in the prehistoric diet,” explains Prof. Barkai. “Until now, evidence has pointed to immediate consumption of marrow following the procurement and removal of soft tissues. In our paper, we present evidence of storage and delayed consumption of bone marrow at Qesem Cave.”

“This is the earliest evidence of such behavior and offers insight into the socioeconomics of the humans who lived at Qesem,” adds Dr. Blasco. “It also marks a threshold for new modes of Paleolithic human adaptation.”

“Prehistoric humans brought to the cave selected body parts of the hunted animal carcasses,” explains Prof. Rosell. “The most common prey was fallow deer, and limbs and skulls were brought to the cave while the rest of the carcass was stripped of meat and fat at the hunting scene and left there. We found that the deer leg bones, specifically the metapodials, exhibited unique chopping marks on the shafts, which are not characteristic of the marks left from stripping fresh skin to fracture the bone and extract the marrow.”

The researchers contend that the deer metapodials were kept at the cave covered in skin to facilitate the preservation of marrow for consumption in time of need.

What’s really interesting about this study is that the researchers tried it themselves:

“We discovered that preserving the bone along with the skin, for a period that could last for many weeks, enabled early humans to break the bone when necessary and eat the still nutritious bone marrow,” adds Dr. Blasco.

“The bones were used as ‘cans’ that preserved the bone marrow for a long period until it was time to take off the dry skin, shatter the bone and eat the marrow,” Prof. Barkai emphasizes.

They don’t explicitly say that they actually ate the stuff themselves but then maybe this is just a really good time to be a vegan. They do say, however,

Until recently, it was believed that the Paleolithic people were hunter gatherers who lived hand-to-mouth (the Stone Age version of farm-to-table), consuming whatever they caught that day and enduring long periods of hunger when food sources were scarce.

“We show for the first time in our study that 420,000 to 200,000 years ago, prehistoric humans at Qesem Cave were sophisticated enough, intelligent enough and talented enough to know that it was possible to preserve particular bones of animals under specific conditions, and, when necessary, remove the skin, crack the bone and eat the bone marrow,” Prof. Gopher explains. Paper. (open access) – R. Blasco, J. Rosell, M. Arilla, A. Margalida, D. Villalba, A. Gopher, R. Barkai. Bone marrow storage and delayed consumption at Middle Pleistocene Qesem Cave, Israel (420 to 200 ka). Science Advances, 2019; 5 (10): eaav9822 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav9822 More.

It puts one in mind of the researchers who went to the trouble of flint knapping Neanderthal tools themselves. They discovered that the tools were not clumsier; they were just designed for bigger hands. And where is that subhuman when we need him?

See also: Do racial assumptions prevent recognizing Homo erectus as fully human?

In any Darwinian scheme, someone must be the subhuman. Otherwise, there is no beginning to human history.

So can you point out the purpose gene? I'd like to know just where exactly we're like bees & squirrels, acting on innate instincts rather than reasoning out how best to procure & store bones.anthropic
October 14, 2019
10:21 PM
Preserving in various ways is common, from bees to squirrels. Thus there must be a purpose gene for food storage, with a variety of implementations depending on available senses and limbs and intelligence. Not surprising that humans felt the purpose and implemented it in our way.polistra
October 14, 2019
03:17 PM

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